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  1. Thanks
    JohnnyC reacted to Maxieplus in Never Give Up   
    Yes John, they do make an appearence in all my stories. This one was the first one I wrote so I decide to give them a cameo in all my others. Thank you once again, Yr mate Maxie
  2. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Wolfhighlander in The Ripple Effect   
    I'm glad you like it JohnnyC.  Yeah that would be nice, but sometimes life doesn't quite go the way you plan it.  As we all know.
  3. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to camerio in The Ripple Effect   
    Try and Leave the World a Little Better Than You Found It - Lord Robert Stevenson Smyth Baden-Powell
    This has been my moto, everywhere I go, I always try to leave it better than I found it. I just did not know the author and I must have learned it during my youth with the BoyScouts.
    Love your story, watch every week for a new chapter. Thank you for your excelent writing.
  4. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to JP Caballero in William   
    Castle Roland presents A new author Paul Jamison and his story William
  5. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Art West in William   
    I have enjoyed Paul's stories for years now and I make it a point to re-read them every year.  Welcome Paul, to the Castle, and I'll read every chapter that is posted of William, and hope that Liam will follow. Art West
  6. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Paul Jamison in William   
    Hi Art, I've been enjoying your stories recently as well as reviewing and correcting minor errors in my William and Liam Manuscripts... I hope they are enjoyed as much here as previously.
    Paul J.
  7. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Paul Jamison in William   
    Glad that you are enjoying. There are 33 chapters altogether in William and I think coming out every Monday...
    Paul J.
  8. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Mark Driver in Thank you for your wonderful story !   
    Thank you John.  Glad to hear you appreciate Kerq's adventures with his wayfarer boy.  
    I am working on a new one.  Setting will be modern times.  
    Best regards
  9. Like
    JohnnyC got a reaction from Mark Driver in Thank you for your wonderful story !   
    Hello Mark ,
      Thank you so much for this loving and adventurous story with us ! . I look forward to any new stories you might share with us.
               John Celestre 
  10. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to D'Artagnon in The Silence   
    The silence is resounding
    deep without measure, wide and wild without boundaries.
    Without sound... without thought... without whispers or winds or worrisome winding whirls
    The SILENCE....
    (heaving breaths)
  11. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to D'Artagnon in The Silence   
    yeah, well, seriously considering just not writing anymore.  can't make a living at it, can't find the time to do it, just don't seem to have any energy or feel for it anymore.
    too many people dragging on my time, too many things getting in the way, barely getting by at the job (just over broke), We're still stuck in my old bed room at my mom's place coming up on a year now.  just about no privacy, completely dependent on someone else for a roof over our heads, just barely got a car back after losing three this year, and at least two thousand in repairs before be lost two of them.  In debt so deep i'm in the lower decks of the Titanic, financially.
    Just dont see any use anymore.
  12. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Art West in Jason's Coming of Age Story   
    Thank you Johnny, I do appreciate your kind words. This story was inspired by a reader, David W. and once I began it the story pretty much wrote itself. An unusual result of this particular story was that two of my nephews submitted their DNA to a testing site and both were matched with a previously unknown first cousin. The results of my further inquiries after this were extremely gratifying for not only my entire family, but for a woman who had been searching for her birth family. More story to come, and our family reunion in October will be now increased by one very happy niece. Thanks John. Art
  13. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Wizard in Darrin J Thomas (DJ Thomas)   
    Yes I know I enjoyed both of his stories and was sad when no more chapters got posted.  Always wanted to know where Wizard Heart was going to go.
    Sadly now we will never know,  
    My sympathies to his family.
  14. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Emperor Roland in Darrin J Thomas (DJ Thomas)   
    I am heartbroken to announce this to the Castle Family.  One of our hosted authors, DJ Thomas, has passed.  
    As an author, his stories were beloved by many.  As a man he was a beloved husband and family man.  
    His stories include the two Dylian stories, and one of my personal favorites, The Wizard Heart.  
    If there is anyone who would like to tell his family how much his stories meant to you, we will make sure they are passed along.  For me, I will say that his writing was inspirational, as well as a great escape when times have been rough.  
    Thank you DJ
  15. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Eric Trager in Jason's Coming of Age Story   
    So far so good for the first chapter. There appears to be more to Jason than meets the eye.
  16. Thanks
    JohnnyC reacted to Cynus in Navigator   
    I like to think that Silas and Brady couldn't have been more perfect for each other. Both were used to the realities of living on the road, and so they both knew from the beginning that they'd have to get used to saying goodbye to each other. If there was anyone I thought capable of maintaining a long distance relationship, it would be these two.

    There is a sequel somewhat in the works, though it won't follow Silas and Brady directly. They'll be part of the main supporting cast, and the other characters will all have their impact as well, but this will be a number of years in the future. I'm thinking sometime in the realm of ten years? I've only been playing with the outline so far, but once I finish my current story, the sequel will be the very next thing I do.
    Thank you for the comments, and I'm glad you enjoyed them.
  17. Thanks
    JohnnyC reacted to Jeikor in Cheddars   
    Hey there, JohnnyC! If you haven't already done so, you should read David's story Second Chance. It has the story of the artist Joshua. If you read all David's stories and pay attention you will find characters from previous stories occasionally popping up with cameo appearances in the later stories.
  18. Like
    JohnnyC got a reaction from Jay in Cheddars   
    Hello David ,
     Thank you so much for the latest chapters in the cheddars storyline , I have begun to be entregued by this artist Joshua you have mentioned many times . I hope our Parker & Adam run into him real soon. Thank you again for your wonderful writing too,
                  John C. 
  19. Like
    JohnnyC got a reaction from Al Norris in The Ripple Effect   
    Hello Eric,
       Thanks for the latest posting ! , Very adventurous travels for the large group now split into two also. When one of your characters mentioned Jamestown Railroad Museum , I was just there a few wks ago ! So much to see there. 
         Thank you again for sharing your writings with us,
                        John C. 
  20. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Jay in Cheddars   
    Well Uncle Ralph was a nasty piece of work. His son Dan it seems may have a very unpleasant surprise for him in a few years. Adam and Parker are both moving very slowly due to the lack of experience they both share. When Parker meets his dad for the first time how will that play out? We have been to return to find out.
  21. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to D'Artagnon in Bolt from the Blue   
    In the aftermath of Glen's brush with the spirits and his growing powers leads us to a few loose strings, we find out there are threads leading to other scenes in a larger tapestry in  Canterbury.  But then again, that is another story.  And here are a few juicy clues.
    Bolt from the Blue - Codicil The Next Morning lays things to rest.  Or does it?

    Who's that peepin' in my win-dow?  Who's that creepin' 'neath the sill?
  22. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to David McLeod in Bolt from the Blue   
    I found Chapter 3 of Bolt from the Blue, yesterday, devoured it last night, and re-read it this AM. Many clues in Boltpoint to D’Artagnon’s earlier stories including Coupé,the Ripostestories, and The Lost Boys. This demands the eminent pleasure of re-reading those while waiting for the next chapter of Bolt.
    Glen’s way of dealing with the cell phone was not only rational, but perhaps the best possible solution for all those involved. The word, “closure” has taken on life, its use more than doubling since 1960 according to Google Ngram Viewer. I don’t like the word. It’s so easy to use it has become nearly meaningless. The ritual with which the boys dealt with the cell phone and their past was much more than closure. It was a symbolic way of dealing with a situation and one that would perhaps allow them to begin putting it out of their minds. A brilliant bit of psychology. Thunderbird’s concern that “Justice, trust, [and] honor…” are at stake is a satisfying recap of the ceremony.
    Injecting not only the Powers but also their avatars –  Cockatiel, Thunderbird, Unicorm, and others – immediately after the ceremony provided a welcome bit of relief. Not “comic relief,” for nothing in the story is comical, rather a relaxing of tensions.
    Looking forward to the next chapter.
  23. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Wolfhighlander in The Ripple Effect   
    Thank you.  I'm very glad you like it. Another should be out in another week or so.
  24. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Jay in Cheddars   
    Here in chapter three we see Dave get put in his place. I guess to some extent we all do. The youth and inexperience of Dave and Adam as well as Parker comes out quite clear. Yes there is a waiting time. There is a time to be more active and aggressive. Finding the happy middle ground is sometimes hard. If you act to soon you can damage a budding relationship. On the other hand you can wait to long and let it slip away. Once you start thinking about no moves bring made or interest being shown it is to to make a move. We will see what Adam and Parker will do next time I hope. We may even see Dave make a final play or try and up set the boat.
  25. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Jay in Cheddars   
    I found this story to be totally enjoyable. I do not know what to think of Parker yet. As for Dave I guess we all know or have known someone like him. When it comes to Adam you can only hope he can find his way. I just wonder what kind of an reaction we will see from is parents. What kind of social pressure will come to bear on them. We may get to see next time. I am looking forward to seeing where this takes us.
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