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Royal Ministers
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    denis_p got a reaction from Wyatt in MM's Broken Bard and Bent and Twisted   
    MultiMapper… Just finished reading Chapter 3 of ‘Pioneer’ and I must say how great it was to read. Another GREAT Chapter of Another GREAT Story… You are a true Artist with words and characters… You make them real so much so that we the readers seem to fall in love with them and hope the best for them… and Hope that you share more of their stories with us… I’m really like that you end these chapters with the Log Entries for each of the Cadets… It adds so much to the story. 
    Again THANK YOU for sharing this wonderful story with us your Fans…
  2. Like
    denis_p got a reaction from Mark C. in We Need Your Input...   
    Castle Roland's PR staff needs your [The Reader's] input... We want to know what stories here at The Castle you like and would recommend to others. This is something only you can tell us... So think of your favorite story and post telling us which story and why you like it.. All Input is appreciated.

     If you would like to make your recommendation for the the Readers Choice Story of the Month visit:
    Readers Choice on The Castle Roland Community Forum

    Denis P
    Castle Roland PR Administrator
  3. Like
    denis_p got a reaction from L'oiseau in We Need Your Input...   
    Castle Roland's PR staff needs your [The Reader's] input... We want to know what stories here at The Castle you like and would recommend to others. This is something only you can tell us... So think of your favorite story and post telling us which story and why you like it.. All Input is appreciated.

     If you would like to make your recommendation for the the Readers Choice Story of the Month visit:
    Readers Choice on The Castle Roland Community Forum

    Denis P
    Castle Roland PR Administrator
  4. Like
    denis_p got a reaction from JohnnyC in MM's Broken Bard and Bent and Twisted   

    I've just finished Chap. 12 and I must say it is another wonderful glimpse into the life of Cliff, Ben, JD, and Jody's home... Though I think the characters have talked you into adding Michael into their family... I think they are made for each other.

    I hope that shortly we will all get another glimpse into their lives... hint... hint! 

    Again Thank You for sharing such a wonderful story with us all... You are truly a GREAT ARTIST!!! 
  5. Like
    denis_p got a reaction from Jay in Spider   
    Has anyone lately told you how wonderful this story is...???
    Well let me tell you that this is one of the most heart warming stories EVER... and this new chapter shows that in spades...
    Thank You for letting us here at Castle Roland read this new chapter first...
    And like everyone else that reads and loves your works/art I hope that you will shortly grace us with more.... hint... hint...
    But know that we may not tell you enough with each new chapter you release [And we ALL should] ... BUT I for one LOVE everything that you write!!!
    And Thank Nature that you do write and share what you do...
    THANK YOU!!!
  6. Like
    denis_p got a reaction from JohnnyC in The Adventures of Howudino & Kashin   
    The Adventures of Howudino & Kashin
    Chapter 2
  7. Like
    denis_p got a reaction from Parker in And the Winners Are...   
    IMHO... All three stories are great and each author should be proud of their work...
    I for one would like to see each continue on... but that is up to the authors... Authors just know that you will have at least one egger fan out here hoping for more...
    Though today is the last day for voting I would like to challenge all the forum members to read each story and vote...
    The Authors and Castle Roland PR team will thank you for your time and effort...
    Again another Great contest...
  8. Like
    denis_p got a reaction from Jeikor in Spider   
    Has anyone lately told you how wonderful this story is...???
    Well let me tell you that this is one of the most heart warming stories EVER... and this new chapter shows that in spades...
    Thank You for letting us here at Castle Roland read this new chapter first...
    And like everyone else that reads and loves your works/art I hope that you will shortly grace us with more.... hint... hint...
    But know that we may not tell you enough with each new chapter you release [And we ALL should] ... BUT I for one LOVE everything that you write!!!
    And Thank Nature that you do write and share what you do...
    THANK YOU!!!
  9. Like
    denis_p got a reaction from ken barber in We Need Your Input...   
    Castle Roland's PR staff needs your [The Reader's] input... We want to know what stories here at The Castle you like and would recommend to others. This is something only you can tell us... So think of your favorite story and post telling us which story and why you like it.. All Input is appreciated.

     If you would like to make your recommendation for the the Readers Choice Story of the Month visit:
    Readers Choice on The Castle Roland Community Forum

    Denis P
    Castle Roland PR Administrator
  10. Like
    denis_p reacted to Jeikor in CLERK JAILED BY JUDGE BUNNING   
    If her interpretation of God's moral laws interfered with her job duties then it should have been clear that she needed to resign her job.
    Regardless of how they 'feel' about the subject county clerks either must follow the law or resign.
    Jesus even said, "Give unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's."  
  11. Like
    denis_p reacted to Zach Caldwell in CLERK JAILED BY JUDGE BUNNING   
    The Right is showing their true hypocrisy and animus in this situation. Not sure if anyone knew or remembers. I believe it was in 2009, in Louisiana, a county clerk there refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple on the basis of his religious beliefs. Gov. Jindal, at the time said that the clerk had to go if he could not follow the law. Just recently Gov. Jindal came out on the side of Kim Davis and says she has a right to her religious beliefs.
    This just proves to me the animus that a number of politicians have towards the gay people. Simply put, the government cannot endorse any religion, by extension a county clerk is an elected government official, thus cannot impose her religious beliefs on to others and cannot and should not act contrary to the law.
    If a situation is created in which clerks or government officials can assert their religious beliefs in their workplace onto others, then chaos will ensue. It could lead to any number of religious sects refusing services to other religious sects or to people who in some way violates their religious code.
    The right goes on and on about Sharia Law and how it must be stopped. Yet it sure seems to me, that many on the right would very much like to have their own Christian (Sharia like) laws. That, to me, is very dangerous no matter what religous sects pushes for and seeks to do.
  12. Like
    denis_p got a reaction from Steve T. in Spider   
    Has anyone lately told you how wonderful this story is...???
    Well let me tell you that this is one of the most heart warming stories EVER... and this new chapter shows that in spades...
    Thank You for letting us here at Castle Roland read this new chapter first...
    And like everyone else that reads and loves your works/art I hope that you will shortly grace us with more.... hint... hint...
    But know that we may not tell you enough with each new chapter you release [And we ALL should] ... BUT I for one LOVE everything that you write!!!
    And Thank Nature that you do write and share what you do...
    THANK YOU!!!
  13. Like
    denis_p reacted to ken barber in Film as literature   
    Raiders of the Lost ark was based off graphic novels so I don't know if that really fits the Film a literature concept but I had to include it.
    One lesson my grandfather taught me at an early age was to never expect a movie to be on par with a book. A movie is like the cliff notes. The example he used after we saw a movie that both of us had read the book before (I dont remember the movie unfortunatly) I made the comment "That was a horrible adaptation."  (I was maybe 13 trying to impress my mentor with a very intellectual response). He said nothing until we got home and pulled out a photo album and show me a picture of him and I at the statue of liberty the previous summer.
    "Remember this?"
    "Of course."
    "Wasn't the statue tremendous and amazing?" 
    "Breathtaking" (I might be embellishing here)
    "Do you get the same since of wonder, pride and amazement when you look at the picture."
    "Not really"
    "Taking a poloriod (yes he would have said this) of a massive sculpture like that will never do it justice but we still enjoy the picture, we just enjoy it for different reasons."
    Watching a movie adapted from a book is  the poloriod we can not expect the same results, its two different forms of art trying to tell a similar story. The Book allows you imagination to fill in the blanks and the film appeals to your visual and auditory senses. 
  14. Like
    denis_p got a reaction from Steve T. in The Castle Roland Readers Cup Challenge Rules and Discussion   
    Finally a Challenge/contest for us readers... This is going to be fun!
    The authors have been having all the fun lately... let me be the first to sign up for the challenge and also let me be the first to challenge all my fellow members to this task...
    Members you have your challenge... will you be a reader enough to take it...
  15. Like
    denis_p got a reaction from Jeikor in The Castle Roland Readers Cup Challenge Rules and Discussion   
    Finally a Challenge/contest for us readers... This is going to be fun!
    The authors have been having all the fun lately... let me be the first to sign up for the challenge and also let me be the first to challenge all my fellow members to this task...
    Members you have your challenge... will you be a reader enough to take it...
  16. Like
    denis_p got a reaction from MikeyMike in The Castle Roland Readers Cup Challenge Rules and Discussion   
    Finally a Challenge/contest for us readers... This is going to be fun!
    The authors have been having all the fun lately... let me be the first to sign up for the challenge and also let me be the first to challenge all my fellow members to this task...
    Members you have your challenge... will you be a reader enough to take it...
  17. Like
    denis_p got a reaction from Steve T. in Can Utah Get Out of the Marriage Business?   

    Either do your job... Resign... OR be fired...

    It is their choice
  18. Like
    denis_p reacted to Al Norris in Can Utah Get Out of the Marriage Business?   
    Bottom line: If you are a State Actor (you are in a job that the Government pays you to do), you cannot refuse to do that job... Except by resigning.
    That's pretty simple. At least to me. If your own religious scruples won't allow you to do the job for which you were hired, then quit. The rules have changed. I get that. But you are still required (usually by law) to do the job. Your Religious Freedom allows you to either quit, or do the job. You want to stand up for your "values"? Then resign your position.
  19. Like
    denis_p reacted to Steve T. in Donald Trump   
    NBC announces that they are cutting all ties to Donald Trump. 
    Apparently being an insensitive man [edited to comply with posting rules] has consequences in the real world outside his boardroom.
  20. Like
    denis_p reacted to D'Artagnon in Donald Trump   
    Intellectual, or so-called intellectuals in this case, bullies bring out my protective streak, 
  21. Like
    denis_p reacted to boozel11 in Healing Destroyed My Life   
    Rilber , Ben has gotten from Josh what he was needing .
    I heartfelt plea that he would love him , no matter what .
    I have to believe that they will live together .

    I also think he was just confused about his feelings .
    I think his therapist was wrong about the event confusing his orientation .
    To me , if you've ever been down the road to admitting to yourself how gay you are ,
    nothing will stop moving forward .

    Anyway , I get good vibs from how the story was left .
    Going to read and comment on the remaining posts .
    I like how you write and the subjects explored .
  22. Like
    denis_p reacted to Chowhnd in Three Finger Cove - Robert   
    I hope all of you are enjoying my Second Story, Three Finger Cove - Robert.  As you know the story line begins about 17 months after Collin is made to go live with his Grammy.  Mr. Ken never figured he'd ever get another lad to 'foster' and is pleasantly surprised he gets to with Robert.  Robert has already met up with Mildred Johnston and there is NO love lost between them.  Robert is still getting used to living at The Cove and there is a lot more to come for this lad.
    Some of you asked me about posting three chapters a week as I did with Collin's story.  I wish I could but with Collin's story I had been witting it for almost three years before I asked TSL to post it.  By the time I began posting Collin's story on Castle Roland,  TSL had already posted about 100 chapters, and with the story finished and waiting, it was easy to post three chapters at a time on Castle Roland.  With Robert's story, I am still working on the story line and trying to write three chapters for each posting would be virtually impossible.  
    Darryl the Radio Rancher was my proofreader and Editor for Collin and is also doing the honors for Robert.  I greatly appreciate his time and efforts in doing that for me as it take his time away from his writing his many stories.  If any of you have the wherewithal and time and understanding of being a proofreader and/or editor please let the Admin at Castle Roland know you are interested and they could possibly find an author you could work with.  It could possibly even be me.
    Also, if you find something I did wrong with the story line please drop me a line and I'll make the fix.  There are so many things you have to keep straight and be aware of that things can easily go astray when you are writing.  
    Remember, the ONLY pay any author gets is when you write him, or her, and acknowledge their writing.  Plus, we enjoy hearing from our readers.
  23. Like
    denis_p got a reaction from Steve T. in Gays don't go to Heaven   
  24. Like
    denis_p reacted to D'Artagnon in Readers Choice of The Month   
    To meet your statement in the same token of appreciation it was given Ken, I say unto you "nanny nanny boo boo" and so forth.
    Love ya buddy.
    I am really surprised and happy with the amount of responses we have pulled for this month's selection.  21 votes so far and all of them keeping very competitive with each other.  Just goes to show how strong the level of writing and skill and talent of our authors at our site truly is.  The bar is set high.  And I hope all of our members do check out as many of our writers and their varied stories here.  It is a labor of love that our authors present such stories.  A brief word of kindness for any writer you find here and whose work you appreciate means so much to them.  Jump all over the story discussion section if you don't feel comfortable sending an e-mail, or use our PM system at the top right of the forum.
    Again, thanks to the writers, and thanks to all those who have voted.
    And if you haven't voted yet, what are you waiting for?  Personal Invitation to all: check 'em out.  Make your voice heard.  Even if you want to put forth a story not yet mentioned for the reader's choice honor, do so.  We want to know, and keeping it to yourself is just selfish!  Share!  Enjoy!  Make your choice the next choice!
  25. Like
    denis_p reacted to D'Artagnon in Donald Trump   
    Just looking at the political landscape, and without making any personal choices or references, I can make these statements.
    Most of the unknown candidates will likely drop out shortly after the first debate.  Even Fox News knows there's too many of them for all of them to get a clear voice on the national stage.  So I figure by the end of the first debate, we'll see a lot of horse trading, alliances and influence peddling among the more nationally known weaker contenders.  Republicans lately have been short on imagination but their party has one very powerful strength going for them: once the pecking order is established, they generally all get on the same rope and pull together.  Once unified, they are a singular machine.  It is simply a matter of figuring who's going to take the wheel.
    As far as the major candidates, I see three rising to the top.  Despite all other rhetoric and bluster from the fringes, the choice will eventually come down to just these few.  Jeb Bush, has the family name and connections, was a decent governor in a very difficult time in Florida (Four hurricanes crossed the state in a 6 week period, we were wrecked for years).  Rand Paul, represents a more thinking and doing portion of the Republican electorate instead of the praying and yelling side.  Even if he doesn't take a major part of the vote, he'll make the others worry.  Rick Santorum, with his harsh views on anything in the government and Democrats in general, he can be a dark horse that can gather the base of the party and make a solid run for it.
    As for the remaining big names, I have a few ideas where they might go. 
    Marco Rubio will likely find a way to make it known he can be Vice President.  But he and Bush don't really like each other.  Bush wont need Rubio to get the Latino vote.  He could however make an interesting running mate.  He's young, he's passionate, and while he might get the dry mouth during TV speeches, he is a good orator.  The Latino vote will be a deciding factor in this general election, and Rubio's Cuban heritage may make a difference.  Remember, Obama won Florida by winning Miami.  Marco Rubio and Rand Paul or Rick Santorum could give Mr, Bush a serious run for the Oval Office. 
    Bobby Jindal is likely to realize that he's not ready for the big chair yet, but might find a way to turn this into a senate seat bid.  He will likely be a contender down the line, but it's not his turn yet.  Still, he's patient and can make the most of this situation, even if he has to pull out of the race early.  Not a serious candidate for VP, this time.
    Carly Fiorina will likely get a lot of votes from Republican women, but mostly for being a woman.  I haven't heard any big policy concerns from her, nothing to distinguish her from the rest of the pack, but as a potential Vice, she could be a way to swing voters from Hillary should Ms. Clinton win the Democratic nod.  Look for Carly to make that move just before the debates, especially if she gets sidelined from the stage. 
    The right honorable governor from Texas, Rick Perry, is still in legal trouble of his own, and might have to face corruption charges, which would take him out of the race entirely.  I look for him to be taken from things before debate time, consulting with lawyers. 
    Ted Cruz has made enough of a mess of things in congress, for his own party, that the voters already have dismissed him.  Despite being first to announce his candidacy, he's seen as the biggest kid at the kids table during Thanksgiving.  He might make a push to be considered the VP, but not seriously.  Still, he's a wild one and might try to go Independent on the others, maybe snag some Tea Party support along the way.  However, It should be noted that when he gave up his senate seat to run for president, he did sign up for Obama Care.
    The good Doctor Ben Carson is still something of a mystery to me, but he seems to be upswinging on popularity.  Can he defeat the Bush Machine or the Paul Legacy?  Not a chance.  And his views on immigration may surprise you.  Will he be a good choice for VP?  Well, he's charismatic, often speaks his mind even if it's against the party line, charming, witty and can swing the black vote to whomever he VP's for.  Why not him, he's got all the traits of Joe Biden without the senate experience or understanding of international relations.
    Then there's Huckabee.  This man is still a political heavyweight.  He has deep ties to the evangelical wing of the party and has made his views on abortion, gay rights, marriage equality and other hot button social issues known.  And he could be a VP candidate because of all this.  But he wont.  The social agenda of the religious right might be big and powerful, but the sheer weight of economic issues and international relations don't merit this man having much of a chance to win the general election, even as a VP.  Look for him to get his job back with Fox News soon.
    Let's see, who am I forgetting.  Oh, Lindsey Grahame.  The man from South Carolina who speaks with the soft Hawkish tones of a younger, southern gay John McCain without the elder statesman's military experience, respect or restraint (if you can believe that), but the same ardor to win, even if the fight isn't winable without just plain glassing the middle east from on high.  He's direct, he's short on his answers and he thinks that will set him apart on the foreign affairs, immigration and military matters.  And while at first that seems like a strength, his real talent in the past has been in asking tough questions, not answering them.  Still, a strong VP candidate.  He and Santorum might make an interesting ticket.
    Scott Walker cannot be ruled out as a VP contender.  Let's face it, the man won three elections for Governor inside of two terms, including a recall election.  He's highly divisive, but also very charismatic.  And you have to respect his record on winning elections.  I don't think this is his year to get the big brass ring, but he would be a hell of a campaigner as a running mate.  He likely wont get a lot of the Latino or Black vote, but he can likely swing a lot of white voters from the mid-west.  Look for him to make a big push in the election after this one if the Dems keep the White House.  He and Rick Santorum have similar ideas.  
    Something else to consider here is this.  Many states have laws that prevent someone from holding a House or Senate seat in Washington and run for president.  And while the reasons for this might be political and archaic, that means that if many of these Senators stay in the race beyond a certain deadline, there will be many seats in congress in play as well.  I don't know if the Republicans in general have thought about this.  They could have a huge effort to win the White House, actually win it, but lose the senate, handing the reigns of legislative power back to the Democrats.  The stakes are high.  I have the feeling someone is going to point out this fatal flaw soon and we may see a number of the candidates fall off for the greater good of the party.
    Posters Edit: These are just broad view opinions of how I think things may shake out, not a condemnation or show of support for any particular candidate.  Please read these as analysis with as little of my personal political views coloring things as possible.
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