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    Hunter got a reaction from A.B in Merry Christmas Castle Roland Community -- Christmas Stories   
    Got it, just I wasn't paying attention to that with the other stories but I know your avatar so having a blue wolf/dog pop up had me a bit catty wonkers, lol.  Going back to the other stories I see it now with the avatar being of the person who posted it not of the author's. Good job with the history portion of the story.  A different type of Christmas story but cute.
  2. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from firemedic15 in Twas the Night Before Christmas   
    Yup, it's open to all authors who wish to participate and give a nice little thank you to all of our readers.  It's just our way of saying thanks to our readers and give them a little Christmas gift.  The more authors who participate the more little packages with ribbons all tied up as gifts for the readers who are members of the forum.  I for one will be providing all my readers with my story once the holidays are over because many of them aren't forum members.  So they will still get to read my story but it won't be until sometime after the holidays are over with.  The requirements is under 60,000 words broken up into three sections of no more than 20,000 words, so basically three chapters.  My plan is to provide my forum readers with a nice three chapter Christmas story, and then add a few more chapters afterwards to provide for my entire readership.  This way the forum members will get a Christmas story as a gift, and then afterwards all of my readers including the forum members will get to have a bigger story after the holidays.  This way my readers who are forum members get a treat for being a forum member, yet I don't exclude all of the rest of my readers in the end.  They will just have to wait until after the holidays though.
  3. Like
    Hunter reacted to Tigs49 in Hunter: Author on this site   
    Hunter writes amazing well and over all a higher quality work than generally found in adult erotica.
    But must admit have found many good writers on this site so thanks to Hunter for introducing me to it.
  4. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from Jeikor in Reader of quality erotica and author   
    Wow, thanks Andy and what can I say.  I'm flattered by your words.  My stories do seem to have a common thread throughout while I also try to make each and every one of them a bit different not only in style but content and storyline.  I never really thought of myself as an author, but as I've stated in my posting telling people about myself that I felt compelled to write something because I was doing a lot of grumbling about some of the erotica stories out there.  I knew it wasn't right of me to complain considering people were taking the time and effort to at least try putting a story out there.  So I sat down and banged out Stormy Weather my first story ever.  People responded to it and asked for another.  It was only going to be the one story, but too many readers were begging for more.  I thought it was kind of a fluke that I could produce anything at all so I shrugged my shoulders and produced Sweet Cheeks.  The next minute I knew was that a lot of readers were hooked and asking for more.  I banged out four stories in one year's time, but it is a lot of work because I tend to do a lot of research and prep work ahead of time for all of my stories.  The only one that didn't have a lot of research, even though there was some along the way of writing it, was Stormy Weather.  I simply banged that one out in like a week from start to finish.  It was my first story, I was on vacation, so had the time and sat down for hours and hours at a time banging it out.  Since then my writing has evolved with each story so that now I sort of have a system of putting together my stories.  There's a lot more of prep work with research and setting up a general outline.  There's a lot more work in regards to editing my work.  I put together complete profiles of all my characters ahead of time even having put together a template form that I use so I can refer back to it during my writing.  It is a way for me to create a complete rounded character.  There's a lot of information in my character profiles that never even make it into a story, but it provides me a better sense of who my characters are and it seems to work with bringing them alive in my stories.  It is a lot of work putting together these stories, but I think it is worth it when readers sit down and begin their journey of the story becoming emersed along with my characters.
    Thanks Andy for the kind words.  It's always nice to hear from people who appreciate another person's time and efforts.  These days I hardly ever read other stories because even though I love reading I've learned the hard way that if I want to write I have to sacrifice with reading.  For some reason when I read stories while I'm writing it mucks up my own style.  I learned that the hard way when I was writing Sweet Cheeks and reading stories.  I ended up having to dump five chapters worth of stuff because other works had insinuated itself into the story.  It was frustrating to no end and I had to go back and re-do it all from scratch.  Now what I try to do is in-between stories I'll sit down and do a little reading of other works.  Not a lot, but just enough to allow for a little break.  Then I have to stop completely and do nothing for at least a whole week to get it out of my system before I can begin to write another story.
    Again thanks my friend for the wonderful comments.  From what I can tell with many of the authors here on this site the quality is second to none.  It is one thing I truly appreciate on this site is that it is more stringent with who it allows to submit stories here.  It is a very open and welcoming site with wonderful people working it, but it also requires an author to work harder on producing quality work for everyone's enjoyment.  I've found that I am appreciating the hard work that goes on behind the scenes so that readers have a wonderful safe place to come and visit.
  5. Like
    Hunter reacted to chrislucas191070 in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
    This Question is for Gabe,
    How did you feel when you realised that you were in love with Kyle? 
  6. Like
    Hunter reacted to chrislucas191070 in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
    This Question is for Kyle,
    What did it feel like when you realised that Gabe was in Love with you?
  7. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from Jeikor in Hunter: Author on this site   
    Well I'm an author here on Castle Roland and I have to say I'm glad to be here.  I'm a relatively new author in the grand scheme of things, and I began writing on nifty when I started to complain about some of the wham bam thank you sam type of stories there.  Of course there were good stories on there as well, but I found myself grumbling about the really low quality of writing that can be found relatively rampant on that site.  Don't get me wrong I think nifty is a good enough place for writers and readers, but there are a lot of stories on it not worth the time or effort.  I found myself grumbling about it, but then had to pull back the reigns because in my opinion I didn't have a right to complain because others had at least put the time and effort into writing a story.  I've never done that before, so I had no right to complain.  This prompted me to give it a try, thus Stormy Weather was born.  At first I wrote the story just to see if I could actually write a decent story and I wasn't even going to post it, then for some reason I figured it was written so what the heck.  I submitted it to nifty and was surprised to find out that there were a lot of people out there who felt the same way I did about the majority of stories being posted on the site.  There were some very nice gems on there, but you really had to look for them to root them out.
    The people who emailed me begged for more so I figured what the heck and gave it another try figuring my first story was a fluke, thus Sweet Cheeks was born and my readers were now hooked.  At around that time Roland contacted me asking to join one of his sites, but truthfully I was all new to the writing game and I just wasn't ready so I sort of held off.  After four stories with nifty I began to have problems with the archivist and since this was a hobby for me I simply was going to stop submitting stories because I didn't need those kinds of hastles or headaches.  Roland once more contacted me and asked me to continue to write and that he would get my stories on Saberpeak.  Well I began submitting my stories there right about the time the stuff happened with Saberpeak, lol.  Anyway, I stuck with it and transferred over here and I'm happy to be here.  This is a great place for authors and readers alike.  The quality of authors that Roland has pulled together is fantastic.  All the stories on this site are first rate, and there is a bit of everything here to satiate all readers' preferences.
    I have to commend Roland and all the people working on this site who make it what it is...a fantastic place for everyone.  It is through your hard work where ideas come to life.
  8. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from A.B in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
    I have now opened this section up to all of my stories which include: Stormy Weather, Sweet Cheeks, Bonds of Brotherhood, Kyle's Ten Golden Rules, Coco Oh My Sweet Koko, and RAUF.
    Feel free to ask any of these characters a question but be forewarned you never know what answers you may get
    If it is an active story you might not get an answer at all if it is going to give out something which still hasn't happened.
    If referring to something specific in a chapter please do cite which chapter to help me out.  Remember, I now have many characters and it is difficult to keep track of everything.
    Of course be sure to use common sense and try to keep the questions clean.  Of course my stories involve sex so those questions are fair game if they are done in a legitimate way, but we do need to have common sense in this regard and if it becomes too nasty those posts will be removed.
    Have fun with it.
  9. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from GayActivist in Caution   
    I agree with Ken, and if we all behave like adults and take these discussions for what they are...a place to express our views while respecting others then there shouldn't be any problems.  Besides the rule is behave or else.  I think if the rule is strictly enforced then there won't be any issues.  Anyone who doesn't like what is being said doesn't have to read or respond.  Keep the debate civilized with a civil tongue and all is well. You can be passionate about your views but you also have to respect the other person's passion who has a differing view.  Anyone who doesn't do that the solution is simple, they get booted plain and simple.
  10. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from A.B in VOTE HERE: Halloween Story Competition 2014 EVENT ENDED   
    You mean story 6 and eight behind by one, lol.  Still plenty of time for voting to take place, but it is nice to see so many people actually voting.  I'm sure the closer we get to the end a clear winner will start to pull ahead.  That's usually how it happens.
  11. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from A.B in VOTE HERE: Halloween Story Competition 2014 EVENT ENDED   
    Well, that's a bit too much of a tie, lol.  I'm sure we will have one winner or maybe a tie between two stories at the most.  I have a feeling we will be getting a few last minute votes sometime tomorrow.  That's a pretty good showing overall.
  12. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from A.B in VOTE HERE: Halloween Story Competition 2014 EVENT ENDED   
    Hello Rilbur and Ken,
    No that wasn't the reason why I told Rilbur he can change his vote.  He pointed out he "almost wished" he had voted differently and it came across as if he didn't realize he could change his vote so I just pointed out he can change his vote if he wanted.  Would I be interested in seeing a tie, sure, I think that would be kind of cool.  It would give those who aren't forum members a chance to maybe read more than just one story, lol.  I understand the reward was that forum members get to read all ten stories with the reward to the winner that his/her's would be posted to everyone, but having one or two more posted as a reward for everyone isn't all that bad either.  The forum members still got to read all ten.  However, having said this, If there is one winner it won't break my heart either and that would be cool as well.  The idea that "there can be only one" isn't necessarily always the case, lol, and sometimes it is nice to have more than simply one winner.  Of course I think competition is good and has it's place, but everything doesn't have to be about competition all the time, lol.  I do understand though why it is wanted for there to be only one winner in this case, but let's face it with this being such a tight race has made it more interesting and exciting.  I mean for us to have twenty nine votes casted already and that we have a tight race going seems to show me that we have a great group of people who have written such fantastic stories for us.  For me the vote being so close is a more important indicator for me in regards to showing us all that overall people truly enjoyed all the stories.  This is what is the most exciting thing, that readers enjoyed the stories overall indicating the authors did a fantastic job with this event.
  13. Like
    Hunter reacted to A.B in VOTE HERE: Halloween Story Competition 2014 EVENT ENDED   
    lol yes highlander but it is by far funnier and more exciting if there's a 3-4 way tie until the end, if a story has 20 votes and all others 2 votes then it is boring  
  14. Like
    Hunter reacted to Rilbur in VOTE HERE: Halloween Story Competition 2014 EVENT ENDED   
    Yeah, but if I do that I create a tie between Story 3 and Story 8.  Besides, I only almost wish I'd done that.  Seven was, just barely, a slightly better story.
  15. Like
    Hunter reacted to ken barber in VOTE HERE: Halloween Story Competition 2014 EVENT ENDED   
    I think Hunter was encouraging a tie, for some strange reason he likes the idea of a tie. My extremely competitive nature abhors the idea of a tie, its just so unnatural. "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!"
  16. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from A.B in VOTE HERE: Halloween Story Competition 2014 EVENT ENDED   
    Hello Rilbur, you can change your vote if you want.  All you do is get back to the voting section and click on the new one you want and it automatically removes your old vote and puts in your new one.  So you basically still only get one vote but can change it if you want.
    Just went and checked again to make sure about my response.  Yes you can change your vote.  I guess you click the delete my vote button and then select your new story you prefer.
  17. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from A.B in VOTE HERE: Halloween Story Competition 2014 EVENT ENDED   
    Well Robby I have to say that is still a pretty good showing.  We have to consider that there may be a group of forum members who have read these stories but didn't vote.  Sometimes people are like that and don't vote or anything but sit quietly behind the scenes enjoying the story which is fine as well.  Besides from what I understand forum membership increased by 25% in one week which reflects perhaps people joining so they can enjoy the stories.  I have to assume there is a big enough group out there reading and enjoying the stories without voting.  I hope we get more votes, but all in all this has been a very good showing all the way around.
  18. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from A.B in VOTE HERE: Halloween Story Competition 2014 EVENT ENDED   
    Holy toledo, lol, that is really close, but 22 votes so far that's doing pretty good.  I'm sure there are still readers out their moaning and groaning about which one they are going to cast their vote on.  It really was an agonizing choice, but in the end we all have to make that commitment.  I for one am glad it is such a tight race because it reflects the depth and talent of our authors and readers in general.  I'm told some of these stories were submitted by regular readers who aren't Resident Authors here on Castle Roland so that just goes to show how many talented people there are out there and the type of people this site draws.  I for one have appreciated everyone's efforts here and it shows just how much fun this event was for everyone.

  19. Like
    Hunter reacted to Melodies in Melodies   
    Hello everyone! I just joined up on the forum, figured I'd introduce myself to everyone.
        I am a 23 year old gay man from Southern California. My username, Melodies, is in reference to my intense love and passion for music. I am passionate about pretty much all forms of music, and I'll listen to just about anything, but my main genres are newer style metalcore, hardcore, post-hardcore, etc. I can share and talk about music all day, I never tire of it. =)
        I was introduced to Castle Roland through Hunter. I found his stories on Nifty and I was taken aback by all of them. I've read a lot of these types of stories over the past few years, and I must say, his stories are my favorites. His writing style is full of complex character development and rich plot lines, and his stories are easy for me to just get lost in. I'm always excited for a new chapter of his work. Hunter, if you see this post, I can't thank you enough for all the work you put in to provide me with these fantastic stories. They are among some of the most powerful I've ever read.
         Anyway, there's a little bit about myself and how I ended up here! I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!
  20. Like
    Hunter reacted to Mr Crown in Hello Folks   
    I love reading certain types of stories and I am a huge fan of Hunter. Just joined this fabulous form today and wish there were more involved.
    One of the difficulties of joining a form is coming up with a unique Profile Name and believe me it's not that easy since I am already of member of billions of other forms. Anyway, while I was thinking of a unique name I just looked down on the floor and see an opened condom package, and it just happens to be Crown rubbers. Oh well, now you know.
    It's my big dream to be a writer but I have accepted the fact that I suck at writing and therefore I come here in search of good stories with lots of fun stuff involved.
    Glad to be here,
    Mr. Crown
  21. Like
    Hunter reacted to A.B in A.B. Brave Lake Manor ask a character.   
    Hello, Mr. Hunter. 
    I think there are different levels of contentiousness, understanding, logic and reasoning. Maybe I am not really smarter than everyone else, but am perceived as such by others because I have attained such a higher level of contentiousness, understanding, logic and reasoning than some....most but I do not let that define me. Yes sometimes it can get frustrating not to be understood by those around me or for others not to "get" me especially when they expect me to sit in a room for eight hours a day and pretend to learn stuff I've known since I was three, or when they think they know what is best for me because of my age but sometimes it can be beneficial too.
    I don't know if I am "grounded" or not I'll take your word for it, I think like I said before that I do not let that define me but yes Christian can be a...force of nature. I do think though that Ryan and Peter have also kinda helped me too. I did not think that they would accept me and my twin brother but I was surprised happily. Peter and Ryan are the best bigger brothers I could have ever wanted and I think Peter with his calm, gentle yet strict demeanor is the best for keeping me and Christian...what was the word...ah yes "grounded" although I am sure there will be moments in a few years from now when i'll want to strangle him but then again which younger brother doesn't feel like that sometimes?
  22. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from A.B in A.B. Brave Lake Manor ask a character.   
    Hello Malthe,
    I was wondering what it is like for you to be so much smarter than most other people around you.  I imagine it can become a bit frustrating when people just simply don't get or understand you.  It seems like you are a really well adjusted kid overall and I was wondering if part of this is because your brother is a pretty grounded kid and it helps you the same way.
  23. Like
    Hunter reacted to chrislucas191070 in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
    What a great answer to my question. Thanks Dylan
  24. Like
    Hunter reacted to chrislucas191070 in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
  25. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from chrislucas191070 in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
    Oh man you have no idea dude.  I was like royally pissed because I should have known this.  It is my responsibility, but sometimes being on the road I have to rely on others.  I guess this is why it is important to be more involved with these types of things.  I felt so betrayed when I found out how the mayor was abusing the gift my mom left behind.  It really didn't surprise me though because my father and I have dealt with people like this often enough in our own business dealings.  So it wasn't like I didn't know how to fix the problem, but still I was a bit mad because it took me so long to figure it all out.  I fixed his wagon though and I fixed it good.  It's the only way to deal with these types of scumbags.  They are used to getting away with crap so when you want to get rid of a cockroach you need to make sure you root out all his cohorts at the same time.
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