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Let's Play: Hoard of the Dragon Queen (A D&D 5e Adventure) SIGNUP


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I love that poem!


But actually, If we have like 9 kobolds and the three melee fighters take three each...  All I really wanted to point out is that that rule was situational, more than a lot of the others.


Of course, focus firing is also somewhat situational -- it's a great idea, but sometimes the DM hits three seperate groups with three seperate wasps, forcing you to divide your firepower.  /me Glares

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First- Garanth does not want to 'take over' (neither do I; neither one of us has enough experience).  I take it the best thing for Garanth to do is to increase his Dex rather than Str and get better armor. I would consider taking Perrin up on his offer on the armor but I can't . . . Neither is conscious right now. LOL


For Morganor I need to know more about what Channel Divinity can do for him.


9 kobolds come at us in a group and Morganor or Arjan finally have a chance to use one of their more effective spells/attacks (Burning Hands for Morg and breath attack for Arjan). Haven't really seen a chance to use them effectively yet.



A glare from me as well on the wasps. :angry:          :P 

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First- Garanth does not want to 'take over' (neither do I; neither one of us has enough experience). 


Clarification: take over as the main tank.  Erwin may still command, but as levels go up he'd let Garanth take the first crush of the encounter.  (Mind you, once Abjuration Tradition gets going he'll probably be all of one step behind Garanth...)


Long term pump his dex, definitely.  Grab medium armor master and you can use medium armors to match the heavy armors without the heavy armor disadvantage -- something I previously overlooked.  Fighters get lots of feat/ability score slots, so you can probably grab a few other 'fun' tricks.  Once we hit level four, if you have the cash to grab good armor you may want to grab medium armor master first, otherwise max dex.


Morganor's Channel Divinity will let him 'channel the power of his god!!!!!!' once per short rest (twice at higher levels).  He can use this power to activate one of two abilities.  Turn undead is the bog-standard cleric option, causing undead to run away from you (I had a party devastate a skeleton ambush thanks to clever timing, triggering a nova of opportunity attacks).  For a light cleric, the second ability is actually pretty awesome too: he can do 2D8+wis damage to all enemies within 30 feet of him, dispelling magical darkness.  (Dex save for half, enemies with total cover aren't effected)

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Clarification: take over as the main tank.  Erwin may still command, but as levels go up he'd let Garanth take the first crush of the encounter.  (Mind you, once Abjuration Tradition gets going he'll probably be all of one step behind Garanth...)

Okay!  Whew!! (big sigh of relief) LOL  He could do that. I think after this attack he will be more disposed to take Perrin's offer to get the studded leather armor. That plus an increase in Dex puts his AC equal with Erwin's with a better chance of hitting the opponent on his turn. I think that is definitely what I want to do with him.


I remember reading that about channel divinity for light clerics now. It does radiant damage even with a successful saving roll. Another good 'attack' for facing hordes.

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I remember reading that about channel divinity for light clerics now. It does radiant damage even with a successful saving roll. Another good 'attack' for facing hordes.


As the joke goes... "Light Domain: For clerics that wish they'd rolled sorcerer!"

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Not this one. I love fire. My favorite chore as a young teen was to burn the trash; I stayed and made sure every bit was burned along with dead leaves and sticks and anything else I could find to extend the fire time. LOL :P 

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Heh, you could have gone gold dragon-blood sorcerer then.  Add in elemental adept to ignore resistance sand turn die rolls of 1s into 2s... can be a pretty fun combo.


Sure, level 1 would be kinda boring with only burning hands... but you get that with Cleric too.  And once you hit level two spells... scorching ray, agganazar's scorcher...  and of course, fireball at level three...

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If ever you encounter 3 groups of 3 kobolds each, I would hope you would run away or bait them into a choke point. Engaging them on melee like that is going to get you killed rather quickly. Because of their pack tactics feature :D

Many, many class choices for the pyromaniac. I myself am partial to the evocation wizard, who can drop fireballs in the middle of the party and specifically exclude friendlies from the damage. :)

Sure, sorcerers can do it with metamagic but it costs sorcery points.

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If ever you encounter 3 groups of 3 kobolds each, I would hope you would run away or bait them into a choke point. Engaging them on melee like that is going to get you killed rather quickly. Because of their pack tactics feature :D

D'oh, forgot about that.


My mind is suddenly going blank on who I fought that were basically miniature one-hit mooks without pack tactics...

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I've provided a map. Erwin is too far for sword and board though ;)

That's cruel of you.


That said...  it looks like he's within 6 squares of an orc, shouldn't that be close enough for sword & board?  He has a movement rate of 30 feet, after all...

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It is also too far for burning hands at the moment.  BTW; I placed Garanth and Morganor. Gar to Erwin's right and just behind and Morg on the other side and behind.


Gar can fire his longbow and Morg use Sacred Flame until we close in. Try to inflict damage before they get close.

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But Bless affects Attack Rolls and Saving Throws, not Skill Checks. Rolling for initiative is basically an untyped Dexterity skill check, no?

You might be conflating it with Guidance, which does work on ability checks.

Bardic Inspiration, by the way, should also work to boost initiative. Yay bards.

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Hey now, don't be so quick to bite my head off.  I forgot you pre-rolled when I was in the midst of making rolls for 16 others :(


Didn't mean to bite your head off, sorry.  Just wanted to get the posts off before I went to bed (so you could apply them if appropriate) and apparently it came out snippier than I intended.

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