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Let's Play: Hoard of the Dragon Queen (A D&D 5e Adventure) SIGNUP


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Okay, so Acrobatics for the additional fighter skill, and Game Set (dice) proficiency?


It looks like we're not going to get any more interest.  Two is too few, but Four should be just about sufficient (adventure is written for four).


You guys up for running two characters?  If so, go ahead and knock one up.  And probably one more in reserve - Episode one looks totally LETHAL to me since you're supposed to do all these things without a single long rest...

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Clerics are a class where the Wisdom stat determines the effectiveness of their spells, so you would want to have a 16 after applying the racial bonuses.

Depending on the role you want to play, your second highest stat should be Constitution or Strength (based on 31 point buy, this can also be a 16). Choose Constitution to be more durable and tanky, and choose Strength to be able to fight more effectively.

There are two subraces of dwarves to choose from. The Hill Dwarf is a better spellcaster (+1 wisdom) while the Mountain Dwarf is a better melee fighter (+2 strength). All dwarves get +2 constitution.

There are 8 cleric subclasses to choose from:

The knowledge cleric specializes in out of battle things.

The life cleric specializes in healing.

The light and tempest domains specialize in magical attacks. Light clerics have fire-based spells while Tempest cleric have thunder-based spells. Because I love the fireball spell, I would consider Light cleric slightly more powerful ;)

The war domain is a cross with the fighter: someone who specializes in front line fighting.

The trickery domain is a cross with the rogue: someone who specializes in subterfuge and deception.

The nature domain is a cross with the druid: someone who specializes in nature type spells.

The last domain is the Death domain, which is the class usually used for evil clerics. If you wish to play this particular subclass, you should have a very good justification why your character would oppose the Dragon Cult and Tiamat...

Background is less important and you can pick whatever you want. I personally tend to pick my backgrounds for the skills: since cleric have high Wisdom, it would make sense to boost wisdom-based abilities like Animal Handling, Insight, Perception, Medicine, and Survival. So viable background choices might be Folk Hero, Acolyte, Hermit, Outlander, or Sailor.

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I could play a second character in this format.  Give me some time to think through what I want to play though... I'm thinking I may revive a tanky paladin character concept I had a while back...  or maybe my Goliath Asassin-Paladin...


The last domain is the Death domain, which is the class usually used for evil clerics. If you wish to play this particular subclass, you should have a very good justification why your character would oppose the Dragon Cult and Tiamat...


I've always disliked the way the RAW treats the death domain.  Yes, it's most commonly used by evil clerics, but the Doomguides of Kelemvor are an obvious place for the death domain -- as indicated by it even being indicated as the 'normal' domain for clerics worshiping him!


'Death' should be completely separate from 'undeath', despite the failings of the raw to recognize them as two distinct domains.

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This ought to be an interesting party composition.  All tanks (2 fighters, 1 cleric, 1 paladin) and not much magical firepower  :ph34r:


A ) One of those fighters is going to be a fighter-mage.  The second is actually an archer achetype from what I saw.


B ) I think I'm actually grabbing my Bard instead.  Currently re-rolling him.  (Got a place I can email the resulting char sheet to?)

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I got your sheet and will take a detailed look later.   Though from a cursory look, you'll need some excuse to be traveling to the town of Greenest together with the others.


I guess Concentration is there to prevent casters from becoming too powerful.  But heck, the spell slots are as much a limiter as anything else.  Only four per level even at very high levels!

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I got your sheet and will take a detailed look later.   Though from a cursory look, you'll need some excuse to be traveling to the town of Greenest together with the others.


Read the char sheet a bit closer :D  Perrin takes work when and where he can find it, and he usually doesn't like staying in one town too long.  If that isn't a good excuse...

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Like I said, cursory.  I'll take a detailed look later, but that should suffice for the opening scene...


Mechanical comment on Perrin: All his stats except Charisma even.  Since Ability Score Improvements and modifiers come in pairs, it's probably better to have 16 final charisma, and use the points on something else (like wisdom).  This is, of course, only applicable if you plan to take ability score improvements instead of feats.


Here's a summary of the current party.  Looks pretty good in terms of skill distribution, since the last one will be a WIS-based cleric.



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This is, of course, only applicable if you plan to take ability score improvements instead of feats.


Level 4 will be the actor feat, since part of what he does is acting.  I almost went with variant human to get it at level one, but...  The whole 'well, momma and daddy were both human, so I knew something was up even as a kid... *flicks his pointed ears*'

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To provide an update, I have received a character sheet from Jelkor for his Dwarven Light Cleric.  Once this character is finalized (mostly on the prepared spells), we can start! :)

I'm halfway tempted to roll a third character while I wait, just for shits and giggles...


Specifically, my urchin dragonborn dragonblood sorcerer.  With shield / burning hands as his first level spells.  He likes to pretend he's a tank!   :D



Char sheet sent off.  He's actually not quite as tanky as my half-elven sorc I'm playing in another game (half elves get +2 charisma, plus I got to choose +1 to dex and con, making that guy a bit more tanky...)


Still, he looks like a fun character that Zerg could have all sorts of fun with.  I may just swap him in for one of my other two.

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I dare you to make him a wild magic sorcerer. I double dares ya :D

/me snickers.


Doing a dragonborn as a wild magic sorcerer always seemed... off to me.  It's so naturally the right way to do it as a draconic bloodline sorcerer instead.


Still, if you insist...




BTW, with all the extra points your throwing around... it it possible to point-buy past 15 points?  That's not in the PHB, but...

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Let's keep it to max 15. I just wanted to have viable and effective multi attribute characters such as monks and paladins possible.

I said that before I saw your race. By all means, keep his draconic ancestry intact.

One thing, red dragons are evil, while their counterparts the gold dragons are not. I don't mind either way, but are you certain you want an evil ancestry?

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Let's keep it to max 15. I just wanted to have viable and effective multi attribute characters such as monks and paladins possible.

I said that before I saw your race. By all means, keep his draconic ancestry intact.

One thing, red dragons are evil, while their counterparts the gold dragons are not. I don't mind either way, but are you certain you want an evil ancestry?


His ancestry is evil, doesn't mean he has to be evil.  But then again, maybe his parents were...  


He don't know, he just worried about stayin' alive on da streets!  And with da baker man upset over tha' last loaf o' bread that wen' missin' -- one tha' had gold hidden inside -- Arjan needs to find someplace else be for a while.


I've emailed you the wild magic version, since I went and made it up anyway.  In all honesty, the first version's spell selection was built up around a single 'joke' manuever of going to melee and burning hands / draconic breath, with shield to keep him alive when the time came.  This version has a more realistic / appropriate spell selection.

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Alright, so which version would you like to play, and which pack would you like to have  :)

I'll play the dragon bloodline version, but I'm tweaking the spell selection a bit -- probably will keep tweaking it until the game actually starts.  Currently I'm going with cantrips of true strike, frostbite, friends, and mage hand, with 1st level spells of ice knife and sleep.

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I looked at Morganor's sheet and have a question. When I was generating his character I was told to pick two languages besides common and dwarven but they weren't listed. Does this mean he shouldn't have gotten them or did they just get left off?

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