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  1. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Jeikor in Drummer Boy   
    I agree, GCdiam, their presentation was very touching. I especially got misty eyed upon finding out that Marcelo requested to be known as a Marking.
    I think Wellington is going to get a surprise when he tries to simply use them as bait. I expect Thomas and gang will come up with a plan. It does look like Mister Percy is still looking out for them and I think the Rangers under Sharpe are not going to like that bit of business either.
    Can't wait to see what happens!
  2. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Drew in Drummer Boy   
    The Tatoo was beautifully written and totally unexpected.  The possibility of the Viscounts turning
    on Captain Marking is an interesting twist.  Extremely well written, extensively researched and totally engrossing.l
    It makes me wish every day was Thursday.
  3. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Castle Herald in Forever 2 - Changes   
    Jack Schaeffer

    FOREVER Book II - Changes

    Chapter 21

  4. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Jack Schaeffer in Forever 2 - Changes   
    This last one was a biggie. But I never, ever plan them. To be honest, I remember writing this scene, with Jack and Sam discussing the concept of family, and in my mind's eye, I see Todd come flying out of the office into the elevator lobby. I waited until I "heard" in my head what it was he was going to say (I had nothing planned) and I just typed it out. I then looked at the screen and said out loud to myself, "Damn, I hope he makes it. I didn't see that coming." I was just as shocked as everyone else is. You'll have to read the next chapter to see if he survives...grin.
  5. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Jay in Nightfall: Full Moon   
    With the new house and all that is going you have me hooked. This story is another jewle in the crown. If one is in to vampire stories as I am. You can hardly wait for the next. Lets just see how the elders react to this new one. Just an remarkable read.
  6. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Jeikor in Nightfall: Full Moon   
    It was good to hear from Cory and Runi again. Cory seems to be adapting well. Still waiting to see how the two connect.
  7. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Shayn059 in Zarin Testa and the Andrake Academy   
    With the coup going on in Winterhaven, Tayor put the retrieval of the ring in the hands of his son Tabor. Now as for Craven, All I can say is keep reading, we have a long way to go.
  8. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Jay in Zarin Testa and the Andrake Academy   
    Another grate chapter. I can not hardly wait to read the next one. The story is getting better as it gose. It is a pure pleasure to read.
  9. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Zach Caldwell in The Twilight Galaxy Motel   
    Thanks auramazda for the comments about what you would like to see more of in terms of the science and for pointing out possible editing errors. I am sure the author appreciates the feedback. Thank you for reading and you can look forward to more to come. Thanks for posting!
  10. Like
    JohnnyC got a reaction from Al Norris in Duty and Honor   
    Thank You Eric !,I've enjoyed reading the latest chapter tonight .
    Please keep up the great writing !
                      John C.
  11. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Castle Herald in Duty and Honor   
    Eric Aune

    Duty and Honor

    Part of the Revolutions Universe

    Chapter 2

  12. Like
    JohnnyC got a reaction from Al Norris in A Place In My Heart   
    Thank You Bill ! This was a truly loving story from beginning to end . I look forward to reading you sci- fi stories next. Thanks again for sharing this with us all ,
    .    John C 
  13. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Castle Herald in A Place In My Heart   
    Bill W

    A Place In My Heart

    Trials, Tribulations
    and Overwhelming Joy

    Chapter 13

  14. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Zach Caldwell in Zarin Testa and the Andrake Academy   
    Just in case some of our readers do not know or are uncertain or perhaps even shy. We do encourage our readers to ask questions about the stories. So if you have any questions or comments about a story be sure to post it in the proper story thread. All stories written by an author are listed in the authors forum page. Have a great day and happy reading.
  15. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Shayn059 in Zarin Testa and the Andrake Academy   
    Thank you very much. Hold on to your hammers, we got a long way to go.
  16. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to MultiMapper in Shadow of a Soul   
    I'll get back to work on Shadow of a Soul as soon as I can. The need to provide myself food and shelter has unfortunately eaten into my writing time. I don't have an ETA, but the story isn't on hold or anything like that. I'll work on it when I can find time.
    Stupid job.
    Stupid rent.
  17. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to MultiMapper in Shadow of a Soul   
    Flattery will get you everywhere. Expect another chapter soon.
  18. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to MultiMapper in The Other   
    I'm hoping the inspiration will strike and I'll pick this one back up and get it moving again soon. That's happened with a few other of my stories, so it's not out of the question. I love the story and the characters, I just don't know what happens next.
  19. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to D'Artagnon in Ten Steps Down   
    Owen, I'm only three chapters into your story and already you've put me through the gamut.  I've laughed, I've cried, I've gotten angry.  And I've smiled.  Great story so far.  I hope everyone gives this a read.  I am looking forward to Craig and James' new home life.  I wont spoil it for readers who might stumble upon this post and give your story a shot, but it is such a nice story, told with a lot of heart and compassion.  Very well done, sir.  Keep it up.
  20. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to ken barber in Caleb   
    [Special Note: The new website is now live. As a result the links throughout this thread are invalid except for the latest posting to the thread. All of Owen Hudson stories can now be found at Owen Hudson]
    Owen Hudson
    Short Story
  21. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Emperor Roland in Nightfall: Full Moon   
    Hey all!
    Thanks for the kind words on the story.... it really was a lot of fun to work on.  I do want to take a moment to say thanks to my 'support team', Allen, John, and Mary.
    I know it's been a bit since it started posting, and i wanted to try and respond before now, but, my job does not give me normal access to the net, and when i do have access, i try to write.
    Anyways, thanks again, and i really hope you do enjoy it
  22. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Al Norris in Nightfall: Full Moon   
    Just to help you out here, Jeikor... We will be posting a chapter every two weeks (Book I is completely written).
    I'm really hoping everyone will like this new story, just because it is a departure from the "normal" stuff Roland writes.
  23. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Jeikor in Nightfall: Full Moon   
    Thanks a lot, Roland! (a touch of sarcasm should be inserted here) As if I didn't have enough trouble keeping track of the stories I want to read and find time to write my own now I have another one.
    A great start to what promises to be a very good and interesting story. Sorry it had to start with the killing of Cory's family but I have a feeling there may be a little romance between he and Runi. Future chapters will tell, I guess.
    Thanks for this story, Roland! (honestly; no sarcasm here)
  24. Like
    JohnnyC got a reaction from Al Norris in Zarin Testa and the Andrake Academy   
    Thank You for the Latest Chapter !  I look forward to the next one while I glaze through my Dragon Egg Shard 
  25. Like
    JohnnyC got a reaction from Al Norris in Drummer Boy   
    Thank You For The Latest Chapter Arthur ! I look forward to the next one patiently ? 
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