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    JohnnyC reacted to Al Norris in Ayden's Eyes   
    "Ayden's Eyes Book 2"
    Chapter 76
    by Maxieplus
  2. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Al Norris in Ayden's Eyes   
    "Ayden's Eyes Book 2"
    Chapter 75
    by Maxieplus
  3. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Wyatt in MM's Broken Bard and Bent and Twisted   
    Well, golly. Myself... in Shattered Reflection (MISR) closed with a The End at chapter 56. (Note this was also known as Parvenue Book 4.3 chapter 45 and Brynnhollow Book 7 chapter 14. -- The guy writes in parallel, what can I say? ) I applaud Multimapper for both a wonderful story and the drive to author the novel at a rate very close to one chapter per week. 👏 (For the past several months Roland has been doing something similar with Sands of Time, releasing a new chapter every two weeks. Geez, how lazy am I?)
    One of its unique aspects was in continuing three of his older works (Shadeside, Parvenue, and Brynnhollow) by allowing them to develop into a common universe. The latter two had had a character crossover at one point, but they were still separate stories. By adding an entirely human new character, FBI agent Shawn Roberts, and following him for the duration, something more than a crossover developed. Hmm, "entirely human" may be understating at the end. Let's just say "things happen" when you encounter vampires, witches, cursed shape shifting witches, demons, angels, elves, bigfoots (bigfeet?), and various hybrids. It would be surprising if Shawn had remained ordinarily human. They didn't "save the world," but three hidden parts of it are much safer now.
    I wish Multimapper the best, and hope he takes a well-earned break. Not a really long one though! Whether his next endeavor is something entirely new, the next "volume" (in Japanese light novel terms) of MISR, or to top off one or more of his CSU stories, it is sure to be great. Maybe he can get a translator to write a Japanese version of MISR and have it actually be a light novel. Popular light novels are often adapted as manga and/or  anime.  I could go for that! (The Japanese people accept a wide range of settings in their fiction.  It doesn't have to be specifically Japanese in nature. American gangsters, European royal houses, alien worlds -- they have broad tastes, just like other cultures.)
  4. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to MultiMapper in MM's Broken Bard and Bent and Twisted   
    Oh, yeah. What he said!
  5. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Wyatt in MM's Broken Bard and Bent and Twisted   
    MM calls it "sideways", but I've been thinking of it as "2-dimensional".  Before he started work on any  element of Myself... in Shattered Reflection, I had read all the components, but didn't realize they would eventually be brought together into the same world.  As MISR grew, I reread the preceding story parts, and everything has fit together seamlessly.  For those not following it, MM has been faithfully adding a new chapter every week since somewhere near the beginning of 2018.  He missed a week or two when he moved (which I think he mentioned in the end notes to a chapter before the move), but otherwise his output has been like clockwork.  I liken the reading experience to what the first readers of stories like Great Expectations and a Tale of Two Cities felt when the next chapter appeared in the weeklies (?) of that era. Of course, MM has the advantage of using a word processor instead of hand-writing it all.  (Well, Dickens did have the advantage of getting paid.  ? )
    Anyway, it's still ongoing, so if you're in for a great weekly experience, catch up and get on board!
  6. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to MultiMapper in MM's Broken Bard and Bent and Twisted   
    Parvenu 4-31 has been posted for your reading pleasure.
  7. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to MultiMapper in Metamorphosis   
    Good question!
    The Revolutions Universe is an alternate timeline (at least in regard to my characters). The RU characters that you meet are eight years older than the CSU versions when you first met them and the events of their lives occurred without any Clan Short intervention, since the Revolutions Universe didn't have a version of 'the Clan'.
    Ken and Kev met the same way in both stories, but in the CSU they were rescued by the Clan, in the RU story they weren't. Their lives turned out differently because of it.
    While there are one or two instances where I took some liberties to make things work (ie, Zane vs Xain), for the most part, this is the basis of all the characters that were brought over. They are the native RU versions of the same people.
  8. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to MultiMapper in Metamorphosis   
    I'm glad you enjoyed it.
    When I was asked about writing a story within the Revolutions Universe, I wanted to approach it from a different point of view. Rather than have a story that played out on the battlefield, I thought it would be interesting to see how a group of good and talented people would react to the horrors of war.
    I'll admit that the story ended up taking off in directions that I hadn't originally intended, but I'm nonetheless happy with the result.
  9. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to MultiMapper in MM's Broken Bard and Bent and Twisted   
    Parvenu 4.3-35 has been posted. 
  10. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to MultiMapper in MM's Broken Bard and Bent and Twisted   
    Thanks for the high praise!
    BTW, I just posted the next chapter. I hope y'all like it!
  11. Thanks
    JohnnyC got a reaction from Jay in The Pride of Lachlan McBride   
    Hello Gary,
    The Boys seemed to have enjoyed their time in Hawaii ! , Bloody Mary's scene was funny for Ralph.
             Let's see if the boys make it to Europe next, Thanks for the latest chapter too,
    .        Cheers,
    .              John Celestre 
  12. Like
    JohnnyC got a reaction from Wyatt in MM's Broken Bard and Bent and Twisted   
    Thank you so much for having this main site to go back and read again all your wonderful & fantastic stories . I'd love to see Byrrnhollow as a TV series on Netflix , Paul & G's story as well .
           You are the bomb !
                            John Celestre
  13. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Wyatt in The Wizard Heart   
    This is an excellent story; I just completed what is available (thru ch.25) and enjoyed every word.  For now I am pretending there was no cliffhanger, and Eli subdued the bad guys with minimal injuries to the good guys.
    One thing I would have like to have seen is Prince and Sasha's family have a little reunion.  Prince understood why he was abandoned and harbored no ill will.  I'm sure he would love to spend some time with them again.
  14. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to dtm180 in The Wizard Heart   
    A truly magnificent story you are writing here DJ,
    I have to admit i started reading it today late afternoon early evening and have read it in all the way to where the story appears to have stalled.
    I have to concur with the others sentiment DJ, it is time to once again fill your inkpot and dip your pen into the ink and start writing a new chapter.
    Keep up the great work DJ (on both stories)
  15. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Jay in The Pride of Lachlan McBride   
    Wayne read about the camp and cave on Lachlan journal. Visiting both has was impressed with the paintings. I think he has become comfortable with Lachlan and wants to see the others as well. I can see little by little more interest in Ralph. How long will it be before Wayne admits it to himself? We will have to see. That and other unanswered questions is what keeps us coming back.
  16. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Jay in The Pride of Lachlan McBride   
    Wayne is showing more interest in Ralph. Ralph on the other hand has always shown an interest in Wayne. We will have to see if this up coming trip brings them together.
  17. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to MultiMapper in MM's Broken Bard and Bent and Twisted   
    Parvenu 4-26 has been posted for your reading pleasure.
  18. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Al Norris in MM's Broken Bard and Bent and Twisted   
    Dang MM! Could this "little" job have gotten any more complex?
  19. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to MultiMapper in MM's Broken Bard and Bent and Twisted   
    I'll do my best to keep 'em coming.
  20. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Jay in Parvenu: Book 3 - Otherland   
    It has been a wonderful adventure. I enjoy reading this story from bargaining to the the end of each chapter. I look forward to seeing the posting of book 4.
  21. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Zach Caldwell in Parvenu: Book 3 - Otherland   
    "Parvenu, Book 3: Otherland"
    Chapter 15
  22. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Jay in Parvenu: Book 3 - Otherland   
    This was a wonderful chapter. It seems to be putting a few thing to rest. It also starts to set up coming events that are in question. Lucky has become closer to D and the boy. Which I think they all wanted. It also puts more questions out there about where Paul is headed. We will have to retire to see if that is true.
  23. Thanks
    JohnnyC got a reaction from Lindon Weztser in Lincoln: The Family I Never Expected   
    Hello Lindon,
    We learn something new about our lost boys in every chapter you write, I have been following you on another website you post at also. I don't want to share any spoilers lol,
    .         Cheers,
    .                 John Celestre
  24. Like
    JohnnyC got a reaction from Al Norris in Lincoln: The Family I Never Expected   
    Hello Lindon,
    We learn something new about our lost boys in every chapter you write, I have been following you on another website you post at also. I don't want to share any spoilers lol,
    .         Cheers,
    .                 John Celestre
  25. Like
    JohnnyC reacted to Al Norris in The Pride of Lachlan McBride   
    "The Pride of
    Lachlan McBride"
    Chapter 13
    by Gary Conder
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