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  1. Like
    roger0002 got a reaction from Al Norris in Sands of Time   
    I have found that unless the story is fast moving, it is better to read them from the beginning.  I tend to read all of my favorites, then start over at the top of the list, chapter 1 and read them all again.   It may suprise you to find out how many stories will update while you are in the process of reading them from the beginniing  
  2. Like
    roger0002 reacted to Talo Segura in Complete or not complete? That is the question...   
    Complete or not complete, that is the question:
    Whether ‘tis ennobling for the mind to suffer
    The whims and caprice of outrageous authors,
    Or to make a campaign against the Sea of troubles,
    And by opposing them: to rid, to abolish
    Caste out; and by our action, to say we end
    The heart-ache, and the thousand uncompleted books
    That readers are heir to? ‘Tis a consummation
    Devoutly to be wished. To read, to reach,
    To read, perchance to arrive at the end; aye, there's the rub,
    For in that reading of unwritten chapters, what dreams may come...
  3. Like
    roger0002 got a reaction from Wyatt in Sands of Time   
    I have read the latest chapter and I just have to say, "Hmmmmmm.  Me thinks that Thane's comment when approaching Protector's Keep and Garnet's comments about the visit to Rovnar's Castle just might be referring to the same place."
    Also, Sand/Brown Hybrids????  Interesting turn, here.  
  4. Like
    roger0002 got a reaction from Al Norris in Kandric Saga   
    Well, since you brought it up.......
    You really haven't mentioned much about the actual weapons used by either race until now.  I mean,  you have mentioned some of the weaponry of both races, but it has for the most part just been magical versions of what most of the other races are using.  Swords, crossbows, etc.   It is only in this chapter that you have started getting into the tactics and specialized weaponry of the Garm White Dragon Division.  And, I believe Kandric pretty much summed it up in his own statement:  "Wow."
    I do like Seldnat's description better, though.  It really is "awesomer!"
    I am liking the additional characters and subplots that are starting up as the remaining students make their way in (out of?) Bloody Rock.  I am interested in the "pit room with the staff in the floor"  It sounds like access to a Drow armory, maybe?
    I told you once before, a long long time ago, that I tend to read and then reread your stories, then read them again looking for details, so it will take me a while to make it to the 3rd or 4th reading to find more of the clues, but I did notice something that hasn't been mentioned by anyone yet and that is the fact that the White Dragon Crown Prince had a larger magic Death Gift than the Black Dragon King?  That strikes me as odd, if only for the fact that Blathemort was around for well over 900 years or so, since he killed Kandric's ancestor, according to the writings on the Frozen Flame sword.  You would think that between longevity and being a King rather than a Prince would mean a larger magic pool to be released.  
    Just my thoughts.
    As far as a favorite group, I can't really pick any one over any of the others.  I like them all, and would almost like to see offshoot stories involving the other characters.  It may be interesting to perhaps have a couple of "prequels" during the Mythling Wars to tell the stories of the Gods and Demons, and maybe even a story of the Drow in Under River.  Possibly something on Greysac and the Highmen.  
    Again, just my thoughts.
  5. Like
    roger0002 reacted to Adam in When is progress no longer progressive?   
    I am pleased to have opened somewhat of a can of worms here, but if you'll forgive my mixed metaphors, let none of us get hot under our collars. Each I feel have made valid points, but Bill, I do know of writers for on-line publishing sites whose books have gone hard back and sold on the "legitimate" market very successfully. Riding Lessons is a modest example, surely. And if sites such as the Castle are a breeding ground for gay talent to be noticed by a broader market, well bravo I say, even if it is certainly not its focus or raison d'être. If you'll forgive me again, Comicality is beyond a bad joke. He is to the tradition of Dickens, Hugo and Goethe what D.J.Trump Esquire is to the western liberal democracy.
    Obviously, as a young narrative author (not chronologically but experientialy, you understand), I have things, as my English cousins would put it, arse about face, in my esteemed fourth musketeer's opinion. You see I assumed one already had the plot of the story panned out before one scratched the first letter on paper. I may be very old fashioned, but my mind is racing several chapters ahead of my pen and my computer fingers cannot keep up with my thoughts. I DO have a very full time job - and a very time consuming after hours refugee commitment. The difference as I see it is, at the risk of being boring and repeating myself, I feel I have entered into a commitment with my readers every bit as real and binding as if they had bought a book costing $25.00. My word is not for sale! I promised them a story. Not an unfinished one.
  6. Like
    roger0002 reacted to Jay in Nightfall: Full Moon   
    Awsome chapter, they are so much going on and many subplots. One can not tell where this is going till it dose. I for one keep coming back for a totaly enjoyment of the story and to see what could be next. It is just wonderful work. Sit down, open it and enjoy.
  7. Like
    roger0002 got a reaction from Al Norris in Nightfall: Full Moon   
    Good chapter.  Can hardly wait for the next one to get posted.  
    I have to say that I actually like the way this version of Nightfall is shaping up, even compared to the first Nightfall.  Please, keep up the wonderful work you are doing.
  8. Like
    roger0002 got a reaction from boozel11 in Defender Story   
    I wasn't a member of the forums when I was reading this story or I would have said something about liking it so much.  C'mon dude!!!  I absolutely love ALL of your stuff!!!!  I have a feeling that so does everyone else that reads anything by you.  We know that its gonna be great, whatever the subject.
  9. Like
    roger0002 got a reaction from Al Norris in Adventure Quest   
    So glad this story is going strong,  For a while there I was beginning to wonder, since it took some time to get this far.  Still interesting and more and more things happening that are "to be continued"  Keep it up, Kyle!!!
  10. Like
    roger0002 got a reaction from Al Norris in Brile   
    Oh no!  I can just imagine Col. Price calling his monster of a frame "Gertrude".  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
  11. Like
    roger0002 got a reaction from Darian in The Kandric Universe   
    A lot of Kyle's stories are not "erotic" so much as just hinted at.  I like the way he does it.
  12. Like
    roger0002 got a reaction from JimD in Day of N   
    I've heard that there is a whole lot of chapters from a whole lot of authors that are having to be gone over by a very limited number of people trying to edit them in a timely manner.  It is definitely not an instantaneous process,   My heartfelt thanks to all the behind the scenes folks that do a whole lot of work to provide me with so much reading pleasure. 
  13. Like
    roger0002 got a reaction from D'Artagnon in Re-Emergence   
    As irksome as it may seem, I really do understand that writing is not an instantaneous process.  Hell, I've been writing one story for almost 4 years now and I haven't gotten it to the point I would let anyone else see it yet.
    Do what you can, when you can.  
  14. Like
    roger0002 got a reaction from Maxieplus in Seeking Content Editors   
    And, just for the record, I aced it.  Got a A+ for it, 
  15. Like
    roger0002 got a reaction from ken barber in Seeking Content Editors   
    And, just for the record, I aced it.  Got a A+ for it, 
  16. Like
    roger0002 got a reaction from ken barber in Introductions   
    Okay.  I've been around long enough that I should probably introduce myself.  
    My name is Roger, and I am old enough to have gotten more than a few haircuts, back when I still had some to get cut.
    I am a long haul truck driver, so I don't get to spend a lot of time at home watching TV.  I do get time to crank up the laptop and read the fantastic stories on the web.  This is the second forum that I have become a member of and I seem to like to participate in this one a heck of a lot more than the other one, for some reason.  Maybe its because of the authors that actually respond when they get feedback.  
    I know that the normal opinion about truckers is that we are not very well educated and too dumb and backwards to get a real job, but I have had those so called "real" jobs before, and wound up with high blood pressure, sleepless nights, anger issues, alcoholism and ulcers because of the stress.  While trucking isn't entirely stress free, I sleep better and don't have all the other concerns that I had when doing the 9-5 gig.  I may not have an MBA, but I did go to college, concentrating on history, English, and creative writing.  I also taught myself computers when they started to become popular.  I haven't done that in over 10 years, so most of my skills at that are outdated, to say the least.   
    My interests in reading material tend to lean towards fantasy and sci-fi.  When those two actually blend is like christmas, birthdays and every other holiday all mixed together.  I LOVE it!!!
    Hope to spend lots of time reading and keeping up with things here.
  17. Like
    roger0002 got a reaction from D'Artagnon in Introductions   
    Okay.  I've been around long enough that I should probably introduce myself.  
    My name is Roger, and I am old enough to have gotten more than a few haircuts, back when I still had some to get cut.
    I am a long haul truck driver, so I don't get to spend a lot of time at home watching TV.  I do get time to crank up the laptop and read the fantastic stories on the web.  This is the second forum that I have become a member of and I seem to like to participate in this one a heck of a lot more than the other one, for some reason.  Maybe its because of the authors that actually respond when they get feedback.  
    I know that the normal opinion about truckers is that we are not very well educated and too dumb and backwards to get a real job, but I have had those so called "real" jobs before, and wound up with high blood pressure, sleepless nights, anger issues, alcoholism and ulcers because of the stress.  While trucking isn't entirely stress free, I sleep better and don't have all the other concerns that I had when doing the 9-5 gig.  I may not have an MBA, but I did go to college, concentrating on history, English, and creative writing.  I also taught myself computers when they started to become popular.  I haven't done that in over 10 years, so most of my skills at that are outdated, to say the least.   
    My interests in reading material tend to lean towards fantasy and sci-fi.  When those two actually blend is like christmas, birthdays and every other holiday all mixed together.  I LOVE it!!!
    Hope to spend lots of time reading and keeping up with things here.
  18. Like
    roger0002 got a reaction from A.B in Is it Ethical ???   
    Is it ethical?  Probably not.  However, that does not make it wrong or right.  A person's opinion is just that: an opinion.  Opinions are feelings that may or may not be based on factual information.  It is why there is an unwritten rule about not discussing religion or politics when in polite company.  it is very difficult to tell someone that what they believe is wrong.  It is even more difficult to prove it.  
    When I read a book, I don't pay a whole lot of attention to the personal beliefs of the author.  I read a book because the subject matter has captured my attention.  I don't "follow" authors.  There have been authors that have written books that I love and yet when I read another one by the same author, I put it down before I finish the first chapter.  
    If an author is good, they will keep their personal beliefs distinctly separate from their works.  Some do that really well; others don't and in most cases, I don't read stuff by them.  For the most part, I don't make a habit of researching the authors of books that I read.  I just read what I enjoy and if people don't like that, then too bad.  What I do for entertainment is my business, and the world won't end if others don't like my choice of reading material.
  19. Like
    roger0002 got a reaction from ken barber in Seeking Content Editors   
    To give you a rough idea of what sort of mind I have, here's a little something I would like a few others to consider doing.  
    One of my assignments for Creative Writing was to write a short, 3 paragraph essay that explained in simple terms the difference between wisdom and intelligence.  I wish I still had it so I could let everyone read it, but talk about a real pain.  It had to be done off the cuff, with a 45 minute time limit, without any reference material at all, other than memory of various instances through history of people showing one or the other.  It had to be exactly 3 paragraphs, with proper sentence structure and paragraph structure, proper grammar and punctuation, and above all, it had to be believable.  
    The one thing I can remember about one of the examples was a reference to the Wright Brothers.  Intelligence was their ability to take a bunch of spare bicycle parts and make a working aircraft out of them.  The wisdom was the fact that they understood that it was actually possible to do it.
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