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Kyle Aarons

Royal Ministers
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    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in what irks you about my works   
    The more comments I get like this the happier I will be.
    This is what I want and need as a writer: to hear the negative, not just positive comments.
    There is no offending me in this thread.
  2. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Shayn059 in Event Polling   
    I think it would be nice to see non-writing contests for those who don't write. Maybe an artist contest? (there would be something I can assure you I would stay out of, cause I could make a stick figure look bad) I think there is other creativity available so lets get creative on finding ways for board members to express their abilities.
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    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in Deaf Writer   
    the real question is what type of help do you need or want? It has been almost two decades, but I worked with a special needs Boy Scout troop in the late 80's and a couple of them were deaf from birth. I helped both with school work including writing book reports. Where do you see yourself needing assistance?
  4. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from A.B in Deaf Writer   
    the real question is what type of help do you need or want? It has been almost two decades, but I worked with a special needs Boy Scout troop in the late 80's and a couple of them were deaf from birth. I helped both with school work including writing book reports. Where do you see yourself needing assistance?
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    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in Hallow-ween   
    thank you to all who voted no matter who you voted for.
    Now the real question is this: should I continue this story or not?
  6. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in 1980's TV Poll   
    Man, really hard choices... Equalizers by a hair. But damn, Air Wolf and Knight Rider.... grumble grumble... hard choice.
  7. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in Hallow-ween   
    one of the reason I ask is there was quite a bit of talk about how "dark" this story was...
    Yup, it was dark. It was meant to be. But it seemed to turn some off.
    I guess there are some who love the fluffy bunnies too much, but I really don't do fluffy unless it is the shape of a mushroom cloud that could look a bit fluffy from a distance....
  8. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Mary in Halloween 2014 Event Completed - Results   
    As an author of two of the stories, I will not really comment in individual stories, but I can tell you I loved story #8 it is one where I was impressed enough to read it two times back to back which is very, very rare for me. I can say this much, when I first heard of this competition I instantly came up with two stories. This, the Halloween theme, put me in a place I really enjoy to write from; and, as anyone who reads my stuff knows, I am not afraid to go dark and I feel went there with a vengeance this time. The comments above seem to give this some credence, so thank you.
    Thank you all for reading and voting.
  9. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from D'Artagnon in Halloween 2014 Event Completed - Results   
    As an author of two of the stories, I will not really comment in individual stories, but I can tell you I loved story #8 it is one where I was impressed enough to read it two times back to back which is very, very rare for me. I can say this much, when I first heard of this competition I instantly came up with two stories. This, the Halloween theme, put me in a place I really enjoy to write from; and, as anyone who reads my stuff knows, I am not afraid to go dark and I feel went there with a vengeance this time. The comments above seem to give this some credence, so thank you.
    Thank you all for reading and voting.
  10. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in Halloween 2014 Event Completed - Results   
    As an author of two of the stories, I will not really comment in individual stories, but I can tell you I loved story #8 it is one where I was impressed enough to read it two times back to back which is very, very rare for me. I can say this much, when I first heard of this competition I instantly came up with two stories. This, the Halloween theme, put me in a place I really enjoy to write from; and, as anyone who reads my stuff knows, I am not afraid to go dark and I feel went there with a vengeance this time. The comments above seem to give this some credence, so thank you.
    Thank you all for reading and voting.
  11. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in VOTE HERE: Halloween Story Competition 2014 EVENT ENDED   
    Ah, but this is Halloween, where things are supposed to go bump in the night and evil lurks around every corner. This is the time to kill the fluffy bunny stories and leave them hanging on the tree devoid of spines.
    If you don't get a chill, then it is not a Halloween story: let Santa save the fluffies!
  12. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Zergrinch in Kyle Aarons: Ask a Character:   
    I really hate when communications, need to magically travel to another realm which I have no knowledge of.
    However, I think I would be remiss by not pointing out the one who discussed her knowledge of the Dark Arts was beyond careful. Can you point out a single spot where she admits do doing anything other than threaten Conner, and should she try, my bet is the door handle will be too hot for her to handle and she would be better off leaving that door closed just like I recommend you do the same to the door of the Dark Arts.
    As far as being on the wrong side of the smoke and fire phrase, you could not be more wrong. I lost my son because I was on the wrong side of that aptly coined phrase.
    And while ten years of combat is getting toward gaining wisdom, I must profess it takes more then ten years of fighting to really understand combat. Otherwise there would be many many young generals, and there are not. Why? because ten years is simply not enough.
    Keep fighting the good fight, but when you do get burned by the wrong questions, do yourself a favor, learn from it. For it is not the getting burned that is the failure, it is the failure to learn the fire is hot that allows the foolish to repeat a process and expect a different outcome.
    Lord Anarton
  13. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Zergrinch in Kyle Aarons: Ask a Character:   
    You must be lizard or Dragon born. Most of you are smart enough to stay away from words with so many S's. This mean you either don't care how annoying it is or you haven't been in to many cites. One way or the other, if you are interested in the Black Arts, you need to learn how to blend in better. The best Weapon a user of Dark Arts has, besides the power of the magic itself is no sticking out. this why when it is used it has a further effect of keeping the targets off guard.
    As for digging into the Black Arts, you are totally missing the point if you think they are about death, they are about life. Yes, you read this correctly, they are about life. The Dark Arts uses life to increase and enhance magic since much of magic is primal in nature all it needs is a spark to become something more, something alive. However, this living extension needs to feed and this, dear Slythe, is where the game begins. For by playing with something that wants to come alive by feeding, the caster is pulling part of the magic through the outer realms, normally one of the 9 planes of Hell or one of the 666 planes of the Abyss. For it is in these places where the suffering souls of those being tormented by the spirits within want to link to the magic being cast in an attempt to escape their torment. They want to come to a realm where they can live (or at least escape) and they can do this by swapping places with those they are attacking and trying to feed on.
    However, and this is the fun part, those pieces of those entities do not want to go back after the spell ends, so they try to manifest here. The vast majority of the time, the spells, the Dark Arts incantations and the bits and pieces of the suffering that comes through the lower planes do not find enough life-force to fully enter this world, so before the spell fades totally, it realizes it has been tricked and can, and often times does, try to turn on the caster. Also, since all Dark Arts spells have a hint of life to them, they can be attacked and repelled or defeated. This, dear Slythe, is what happened to the former Day Slave Overseer when the little bastard, Conner fired off a smoke puff at the spell my overly zealous trainee cast at the homeless Elf whelp. The smoke triggered a fear reaction since my trainee pulled the lifeforce out of the dog, sent it into the flames of the first plane of Hell, and back at Conner. Because the bits and pieces of life were terrified of fire, the slight intellect of the spell basically blamed my trainee for sending into smoke, which to the spell meant fire, and turned on him. Such a silly mistake. One should know not to play with fire unless you really know how to use it, afterall. I should have just killed Conner in the Mage guild the day I offered to train him and he refused. It was such a waste of a slave boy to show him just how much power magic had then to spit in my face and refuse my offer to make him my apprentice. The gall of the lad! Oh, well, I have found ways to get some revenge. Sooner or later we will meet and I will send him to the outer planes, of this there is no doubt!
    As for Dark Arts in other Fields, Have you never heard of an Animal Adept with a Imp for a pet or a Sorcerer who pulls the strands of magic out of the Abyss? If you work for a Sorcerer, he is either quite dim, (unlikely) or he is testing you to see if you can figure out the obvious. Magic flows though every plane, and a Sorcerer who really studies and focuses in on finding the deeper, darker power can find the threads of mage which cross from our realm into the reams of the Abyss and use them. Of course, there is a price, since those threads will try to pull back and take part of this realm back with it, which is why a smart Dark Sorcerer ties himself to a focus, much like a Dark Mage ties a spell page to a living being. this way if the spell backfires or becomes sentient then there is a buffer. Besides, by using up a person's inner spark, it enhances the spell and makes it more likely bits of pieces of the tormented will latch on since they feel life. They can then toss this life spark into the Abyss or Hell and will not be missed as they flee. This is also why the focus or spell slave withers with each and every casting. 
    As for why, silly little Slythe, the reasons are three fold, first is power, raw power. The second is the thrill of doing the forbidden, and the third is something you cannot understand until you have cast a true Dark Arts spell. As you rip a piece of life out of a spell slave, the essences passes thorough you and you can feel their agony, their torment, and even hear their scream. It is so joyous to hold the life spark and feel it tremble in fear within you. You can also get images of what the spell slave is longing for. This give the caster the ability to go back and tease them, to torment them in person and have them beg for the spell page owner to kill them. This is a power you cannot know or feel, Slythe, until you have held a piece of a person's life spark in your body and it is better than sex!
    and next time you best address me properly, it is Queen Gambra to you, lizard kind.
  14. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Zergrinch in Kyle Aarons: Ask a Character:   
    There have been some discussion on finding a better way to make the chair hover. Unfortunately, we seen to be up to our necks in Ashwoodian skumbags at the moment and really need to focus on the hear and now. Once we get Ashwood out, and I am betting he is going to go after my family because they live where he has total control, so we will find a way to get him... anyway, we will figure out a better power system at some point. I be we will figure out all sorts of cool stuff once we can sit down and just toss out ideas and have a fully stocked lab to play in.
    Comic books, no, but I wish I could. Dad and Mom both say I have too much brain power to dumb myself down with 'junk' which in their minds includes comics, fantasy, and spy novels, but I do manage to take in a good spy novel once in a while, but have to use a book report excuse if I am caught with it. I don't think anything that gets anyone to read is a waste. What is a real waste is sitting down and playing a game station for hours on end. Once in a while is great and fun, plus can help hand eye coordination, but to play the way most kids do- every day as much as they can- no wonder there are so many fat kids.
    The last question is actually the hardest one. I want to hurt him bad, but I really don't thank that would be the way to really punish him. ( of all of us I think I am the only one who thinks this way) The more I am finding out the more I would like to take everything he owns away form him, put him in a set of used clothing, and stick him on the street with no money and no access to money or power in some huge third world city. Make him live as the poorest of the poor for the rest of his life. That would be real justice IMO
    EEL Science Contest Winner.
  15. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in Ken Barber: Ask A Character....   
    Captain Norris,
    Your Fleet has nukes, of this there is no question, You also have the codes to use them. I know this as well.
    With that in mind I am going to ask you something that I know I would have asked myself.
    Now let me start off by saying this would have killed a whole lot of good people, but... Well I am just going to ask and take my licks for doing so: Was there any thought on your part of just targeting where Ashwood was the moment you found out what was going on? Did it even cross your mind you may have been able to get this over with right out of the gate before millions more suffered? I know it seems like a stupid question, but we basically did the same thing in WWII and didn't have to invade which saved God only knows how many lives on both sides all by killing a large group of innocent people and stuff. How many could have been saved by nuking Ashwood before all his orders caused this Starshine thing to fully activate?
    You have no idea the looks I am getting form the others in even thinking of this question let alone daring to actually ask it....
    Steven Hogland
    EEL Science Contest Winner
  16. Like
    Kyle Aarons reacted to ken barber in Ken Barber: Ask A Character....   
    Mr Hogland,
            Thank you for your recent Inquiry. The United States Nuclear Weapons Policy is hard and fast. While under imminent threat of Nuclear attack the United States reserves the right to initiate a first strike posture. The Policy also states we will respond with Nuclear Weapons only if first attacked with Nuclear weapons. At no time where we at risk of Nuclear attack. 
          As a Senior Navy Officer my personal views do not come into play I follow the orders of the legitimate President of The United States and if those orders are absent I follow the policies laid out.
          However in this case I will answer your Question. No I never considered the use of Nuclear weapons. The use of any Weapons of Mass destruction cannot be considered in a quick reaction manor, the effects are much more devastating than just the initial blasts. The Effects continue for generations. And should I be ordered By the President to use Nuclear weapons against the United States I will resign my commission on the spot. We are fighting a civil war and must consider the long term, we are all brothers no matter how misplaced or wrong those that follow President Ashwood are they are still Americans. 
       We must maintain our honor as the United States Military, and in light of recent event caused by wayward members of that military, those of us serving the Country not the Tyrant must hold ourselves to an even higher standard. Know this the United States Carrier Ronald Reagan and Strike group 9 will use every asset at its disposal, except Nuclear Weapons, to bring this coup to a quick and resolute finish.
    Thank you and God bless the United States

    Augustus Norris
    Captain, Commanding 
    USS Ronald Reagan
    Carrier Strike Group 9
  17. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from A.B in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
    what who was the first kid you beat up on, why, and what made that so much fun you continued to do so?
    the kid you never see
  18. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Hunter in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
    what who was the first kid you beat up on, why, and what made that so much fun you continued to do so?
    the kid you never see
  19. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in Kyle Aarons: Ask a Character:   
    Admiral Augustus Norris,
    Um, first off do you have any idea how nervous I am getting any communication from an Admiral? I mean politicians are easy to deal with, they think in terms of getting ahead by using, abusing, finagling, lying, cheating, and backstabbing just to get ready for breakfast. You military guys are pretty much the opposite you have a real code of honor and care about those you serve with (except a few Ashwoodian military idiots who got rank by sucking up but those are politicians in the military not military men and women.) However, I have never heard of you in political circles before, so I am certain you are not one of those so I don't mind giving you the best answer I can with my very limited knowledge of sonar. Maybe Keith can help me or you can send me some specs on your sonar so I can fully develop an answer at a later time.
    Anyway, my fish attractor can, on occasion, be heard by dogs and it tends to annoy them, but the frequency ranges are outside of human hearing. I have never worked with sonar before, but my understanding is the pings are in the human hearing ranges of MHZ, so I don't think the fish attractor will do anything to sonar or with sonar unless you have a computer and sensors to detect sound waves both above and below human hearing ranges. Now if you want to send me something on your fleet's sonar capabilities, and / or want to find a way to negate an enemy vessel from using sonar against you, I will be happy to work on it. I bet there would be a way to identify the exact frequency of enemy sonar then find one that will cancel it out with a directed pulse or by setting the hulls of your ships to hum with a negating frequency. It would sure be fun to experiment on such a countermeasure!
    EEL science contest winner
  20. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in Kyle Aarons: Ask a Character:   
    This is a thread devoted to anyone who wants to ask any of may characters any questions-
    there is only one forbidden subject: there will be no answers as to what happens next in any stories.
    What this thread really strives to do is let you, the reader, get to know any of my characters better.
    Keep in mind the time/universe they live in. Kandric, for example will not know what a Radio, TV, or Computer is. Likewise, Dante isn't going to know anything about magic.
    Post who the message is for and look for a reply
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