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Deaf Writer

Mr Crown

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I have been deaf since birth and now in my mid-life crises age. Always wanted to be a writer but cannot write the same way as those who have normal hearing. 


I really need MAJOR help, someone who understands deaf culture and helping me write in a way that normal hearing people enjoy reading. My writing now might be at a High School level which is embarrassing. 


So, if there is anyone willing to help me, it would require lots of patients and understanding.



Mr. Crown


BTW, I already posted this message in the wrong area, but I think I got it right this time.

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I can't help you directly since I don't possess that knowledge but maybe I can help you indirectly. Did a google search for "author tools for deaf". got a wiki page for published authors who are deaf, maybe by reading some of their bios and/or pubished work you can acquire some knowledge on what you asked above, how to write a story in a way that "normal" or lets call it "people who don't have hearing impairments" can read and enjoy.



unfortunately and it was "weird" except some scientific papers on increasing litteracy on deaf people's needs etc there wasn't any further useful pages, like maybe a page 'how to write a story if you have hearing impairment issues" or anything similar...maybe if/after you have written your first story(ies) you can create a blog/page and write about the experience/method/what helped you etc for future aspiring authors with the same set of issues as you.


next I did a google search for "creative writing for the deaf" maybe this would yield some more comprehensive/useful links:


I got this which may be of some help:




the above link has some more stories written by deaf/hard of hearing people but it also has Autobiographies so maybe one or more of those will have authors' experiences on how/what they did to start writing/methods etc which may be of help to you.


nad.org/ national assosiation of the deaf, maybe a link in their resources, or an email to support/someone in the association will lead you to link(s)/online resources that will be of help to you.



don't have to tell them you want to write erotica, be more vague or half true like "I have been deaf since birth and now in my mid-life crises age. Always wanted to be a writer but cannot write the same way as those who have normal hearing.  I would like to start writing stories/short stories but I really need MAJOR help, someone who understands deaf culture and helping me write in a way that normal hearing people enjoy reading. My writing now might be at a High School level which will not allow my stories to develop as I would like them to."


you ought to receive some answer from them.


unfortunately again nothing more concrete but maybe if you do a more vague or in the antipodal more specific search it will yield better results.

Hope it helps even in a small way but also since Ken barber has posted it means that CR staff know of your plight, if they can help they always do, they are great! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

the real question is what type of help do you need or want? It has been almost two decades, but I worked with a special needs Boy Scout troop in the late 80's and a couple of them were deaf from birth. I helped both with school work including writing book reports. Where do you see yourself needing assistance?

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