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Kyle Aarons

Royal Ministers
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    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Al Norris in Kyle Aarons: Ask a Character:   
    I will start with the last question first, because there is no easy answer. There area a dozen primary languages: English, Russian, French, Spanish, Portuguese , Chinese, Japanese, German, Arabic, Hebrew,  Korean, and Hindi. Many other languages are local dialects to one of the major 12 and there are still bastions of other languages such as Turkish, and Polish, but those are confined to a single CHZ at this point. It is well known, however, that there are towers where people speak other languages just within the tower or couple of surrounding towers. Some people never leave the towers they were born in, or do so very infrequently. This means hybrid dialects have emerged within towers. For instance in my own tower, there is a word I have never heard anywhere else, it is 'grust'. Gurst is when there is a break in a water pipe and the backup pumps take over and pump up gross rusty smelling water into the system. This means large areas of our tower were grusted. Dad has been trying to get them to replace the filters in the backup pumps for as long as I have been alive, but they are on like the first or second floor and would be a nightmare to get to, so no one is willing to allot the money for it. So every couple of months, there is another grusting. If I say it outside my tower, no one knows what I am talking about, but everyone in my tower does. I hope that answers the language question.
    As for the second part of your question, I really don't think I have enough of an idea to really say. I know we can't have the CHZ's fighting with each other for resources, or there would be a massive war.  We also can't have a CHZ break off and flip off the rest of the CHZ's. we all need each other to be nice or what we have built will fall apart. On the other hand, I now know what it is like at street level. What I have heard and seen from my SLO friends is terrible. For people to feel it is better to live like Fairfax and Ajax than to live in the lower parts of towers makes me think there are way bigger problems. But taking from others so one CHZ can life better while other CHZ's suffer isn't right either. I know Ajax says a massive horrible war would be for the best since it would kill off billions and leave more for the people that are left. The problem is I sure wouldn't want to be one of the many billions dead, so... finding another planet and expanding outward is really the only logical choice I guess...
  2. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Al Norris in Hallow-ween   
    You know this has a strikingly October feel to it....
  3. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ThomasNealy in Why can't someone from the US say this?   
    there is a really easy answer for this. Cut off all foreign aid from the US, all of it and let's see what happens. People hate us let them.
    As for the comments of the Canandian PM: it was spot on. Until Muslims get serious in wiping out the extremists, they are part of the problem. ISIS could be wiped out in a matter of weeks if the Muslim community would unite and get rid of them, but instead way too many support the efforts of ISIS and they continue to expand thier war. Kill them, kill them vilolently, and wipe out thier ability to make war. It worked great in WWII and we badly need that mantality again. Wipe out evil and force ti to rebiuld from scratch or let it come for us. Which way do you want it people.
  4. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Mark C. in Why can't someone from the US say this?   
    there is a really easy answer for this. Cut off all foreign aid from the US, all of it and let's see what happens. People hate us let them.
    As for the comments of the Canandian PM: it was spot on. Until Muslims get serious in wiping out the extremists, they are part of the problem. ISIS could be wiped out in a matter of weeks if the Muslim community would unite and get rid of them, but instead way too many support the efforts of ISIS and they continue to expand thier war. Kill them, kill them vilolently, and wipe out thier ability to make war. It worked great in WWII and we badly need that mantality again. Wipe out evil and force ti to rebiuld from scratch or let it come for us. Which way do you want it people.
  5. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from D'Artagnon in Defender Story   
    Any feedback, good, bad or in-between is always welcome by me. There is not right or wrong, just opinions and I like to hear them all. The best feedback I get is when people don't like something or don't see what I was trying to point out because it gives me something to work on.
    Hitting people over the head with bricks isn't something I tend to do or at least do not like to do with my writing. (now in person... ) anyway, thanks for reading and responding. The world I created for Defenders has only had the surface scratched by this story, so I really hop in the coming months I will put out some more into the world I started to create in book one.
  6. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Zergrinch in Into the Swamp of Bones!   
    As The lightshow starts and the words emerge from Eghas, lightning flashes though the sky in a thousand forks radiating  outward from above Eghas. You can see terror on the face of Eghas even as the power builds and causes all of your skin to itch from head to toe. You could all swear your strands of hair even start to itch as some unfathomable power has accidentally been tapped into or has awoken. At the same time the holy smybol on Quelten, who helped with this light show, glows brightly for a few seconds then literally melts the blob of spinng metled metal then suddnly reshapes into a smybol of a bull breathing flames: At the same time the teachings of Pelgin are ripped out of Quleten and replaced with that of Mithras. An acient and all but forgotten god of nature's fury and of Warriors. Even as this happens you, Quelton, realize this is actaully an entity that Pelgin used to worship before he acended and took power from the all but forgotten entity. For better or worse, you know Pelgin gave you up to this forgotten god rather than try to fight him here, a place of great importance to Mithras for unfathomable reasons.
    At the same time Eghas you crumple to your keens as waves of unfathomable knowledge sinks into you. All around you see minor demonspawn of Kryploc try to from to make you one of his demon priests, but he power of something deeper and even more ancient surges and rips them asunder before they can come to take you. At the same time ancient secrets of  this even more ancient power, one worshiped and then usurped by Mithras, flows into you and you gain some power from this as well as an deep desire to find out more of this new power source. In the middle of your mind you hear whispers letting you know little more than a name: Enumclaw.
    Even as this is imparted into Eghas, the rest of you hear the name in your head "ENUMCLAW!"
    From the tower, terrified faces look out the windows and four bolts are fired at Eghas in an attempt to halt this sudden and terrifying flow of power, but it comes too late.
    Bolts of lightning rip from the sky once again, not just hitting the tower but totally shattering it into bits and pieces which spray outward and then nothing...
    you all wake as the sky turns from back to orange. Your heads are pounding and as you pull yourselves up you feel a warm breeze, the whispering of light waves hitting a beach, and the moans of four children just up the hill from you. As you pull yourselves up, one thought or otherworldly voice resonates though your minds, "Enumclaw bids you all good travel, and has yanked you out of the Swamp of Bones before Kryploc's minons could come for you. What in this life or the next would prompt you to call forth, even in jest, Kryploc in a place known for undead? Enumclaw found this too humorous not to interfear and sent me, one of the last of his minions to your aid. Do not ever again expect such interventions... Oh, yes... and you are welcome!"
    You are on a beach with palms swaying in a gental breeze, a stream comming off a rocky low mountian to the east, and water out to the west. All your gear is with you and your horses are grazing on some grass next to the stream.
    You are all now second level.
    Off to the side, Vorador stands and wobbles for a moment then looks over at Eghas, "Really? You call for Kryploc in the Swamp of Bones in Infernal? Really?"
  7. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Mark C. in Merry Christmas Castle Roland Community -- Christmas Stories   
    Thank you all,
    I was concerned simply because this was trying something totally new for me.
    I am glad you all felt it captured the season and that while not my norm, was worth reading.
  8. Like
    Kyle Aarons reacted to Zergrinch in Into the Swamp of Bones!   
    Zemzelett launches into a reprise of the "group anthem" as the group spurs their horses along at the pace set by Eghas.  Hopefully his good sense of balance will be sufficient to keep him on the saddle!
    ♪ Through the Swamp of Bones, the Stink Brigade of Eight is riding!
    We've nerves of steel and iron will,
    We stink, but who's complaining?
    We ride to the rescue, day or night
    Let our stench snuff out your might 
    We will do the thing that's right!
    We will stand and fight!
    Let bugbears run in fright!
    Stink Brigade!
    Let us go!
    Hup!  Ho!
    Stink Brigade!
    Let us go!
    Hup!  Ho!
    Beautiful!  Powerful!  Dangerous!  Rank!
    Does it really matter that we stank?
    Stronger than one!
    Stronger than ten!
    Stronger than a hundred men!  Hup! ♫
  9. Like
    Kyle Aarons reacted to Zergrinch in And the Adventure Begins!   
    "Let us sally forth, then!" Zemzelett chimes in.  Cramming everything he wanted to take along into his pack, he takes a couple of steps forward.  He could barely move, much less march towards some kind of faraway swamp.  Huffing and puffing, and hoping no one would notice his weakness, the scrawny Half-Elf chucked out his purloined crossbow, all crossbow ammunition, the crossbow bolt case, the blanket, the silk rope, and the very expensive armor he couldn't fit in yet.  Much better, he thinks to himself.
    Note: I will be keeping personal track of inventory (I guarantee accuracy only for Zemzelett) in this page: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1006639/Old%20Port.htm
    In an attempt to hide his embarassment, Zem bursts out into song:
    Born of cold and grit and will
    And gnoll-led siege combining.
    We have emerged with nerves of steel.
    We stink, but who's complaining?
    We cut through the heart
    Cold and clear
    We, you smell before you hear
    Let all good men smile and cheer
    With our shiny gear
    Let all Gnolls run in fear!
    Stink Brigade!
    Let us go!
    Hup!  Ho!
    Stink Brigade!
    Let us go!
    Hup!  Ho!
    Beautiful!  Powerful!  Dangerous!  Rank!
    Does it really matter that we stank?
    Stronger than one!
    Stronger than ten!
    Stronger than a hundred men!  Hup!
    P.S. Sing this to the tune of Beware the Frozen Heart
  10. Like
    Kyle Aarons reacted to ken barber in RPG Account Creation   
    I also would like to point out that RPG character accounts are not eligible for the awards system
  11. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Mark C. in Need help in understanding the "Universe"   
    one thing to consider is all our RU stories are part of a big picture but are also stand-alone. You can easily read one sorry and not another and still be reading a viable story. The only thing you will miss is the behind the scenes brewing in other stories which give more detail and flavor to the universe as a whole. For instance, if you read some stories, you will find reference to what happens in Austin TX, however if you read mine, you will find out what is happing in Austin TX. On the other hand, if you read mine you will hear bits and pieces about what is going on in California, but another author will have a story with much more detail about it.
    The same holds true for the East Cost where some very interesting  Navel problems are brewing. I may make mention of it, but the real details with be in another author's crosshairs so he will be putting out the facts as they happen on the waves in the big pond
  12. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from A.B in Play by post Role Playing   
    I would recommend using the link, doing the point buy for stats then adjusting for age if needed. (do not put anything into Sanity or Honor- those will play out during the game)
    this link handles all the quirks of character generation in extremely good detail.
    Post basic information here.  send me PM with full character.
    Remember what you post here is available for all to see, and you may not want people knowing everything about your character.
    Once we have enough characters, I will get into the "meat" of the game in the PBP forum when it is up and running
  13. Like
    Kyle Aarons reacted to A.B in Brittany Maynard -- Right to Die   
    wait...no...how...what...? Well that happened...well I guess there's a first time for everything...but I seem to agree with Kyle...

    There's two possibilities as to why this is happening, at least in my mind,
    1. legal bs/ life insurances not paying if someone has committed suicide.
    2. religion/morals/ethics etc
    both of which will tell you that since you're human and you have a "soul" you must live on until you die and no one has the right to take your life for you or let you take yours, that it is a mortal sin etc etc and that doctors have no right playing god and killing patients.
    I tend to disagree with everything of the above except one thing.
    If a society is to allow assisted suicide it has better work out that there are no legal windows that a sibling can kill off another one just to inherit sooner or something similar. Psy. evaluations have to be mandatory as well as other safeguards to ensure that the person who is asking to terminate his/her life is fully conscious and able of mind to take that decision and that he/she is not coerced to do so by anyone. And that furthermore that he/she has truly a terminal illness and is not asking this because of depression or something else that can be treated.
  14. Like
    Kyle Aarons reacted to ken barber in ARD exclusive interview of Putin.   
    Wow another point Kyle and I agree on surely hell is a frozen lake at this point
  15. Like
    Kyle Aarons reacted to Mark C. in A defining moment in reading...   
    I'd like to hear about instances in the past, there was a moment in time you had a clear "Aha" moment with story or book. Reading has been so important to me and this critical skill is so interesting.

    Three of mine:

    I was 5 years old and we had moved to Rota, Spain. My father was the Harbor Master for the new Navy base being built at Rota (located somewhat near Gibraltar for those who do not know where it is...) and we were one of the first families to move there. The library was new and I remember being given a nickel with which to check out a book. I almost always chose the same book about dragons who had blue strips. I don't remember the name but would recognize the pictures to this day. That book was magical for me.

    We were in Cutler, Maine, where the closest big city was Eastport. I was in the 7th grade and attending a school where the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades were in the same room, taught by the same teacher. (From there we went to San Diego and I then attended a huge California Jr. high. Talk about a culture shock, grin...) One day the bookmobile visited the base and the librarian saw me and gave me a new book that she had been saving for me. It was Andre Norton's "Witch World". I can still remember to this day, the awe and excitement I felt when reading this Sci-fi book! I was hooked for life and can point to this as a defining moment in my life. I had enjoyed reading but now whole new worlds were open to me.

    And lastly, upon picking up "Dune" and getting lost in its pages. I was totally mesmerized, enchanted, awed, could not put it down and was right there on Caladan and Arrakis right beside Paul. One of the most satisfying books out there.

    Of course there are others but those had long lasting impacts on me....

    Want are some of your moments?
  16. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in Need help in understanding the "Universe"   
    one thing to consider is all our RU stories are part of a big picture but are also stand-alone. You can easily read one sorry and not another and still be reading a viable story. The only thing you will miss is the behind the scenes brewing in other stories which give more detail and flavor to the universe as a whole. For instance, if you read some stories, you will find reference to what happens in Austin TX, however if you read mine, you will find out what is happing in Austin TX. On the other hand, if you read mine you will hear bits and pieces about what is going on in California, but another author will have a story with much more detail about it.
    The same holds true for the East Cost where some very interesting  Navel problems are brewing. I may make mention of it, but the real details with be in another author's crosshairs so he will be putting out the facts as they happen on the waves in the big pond
  17. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in ARD exclusive interview of Putin.   
    This man is a murdere, a power hungry communist from he old KGB ddays, and a total sociopath. No one should give him any air time unless it is toexecute him for crimes against humanity.
  18. Like
    Kyle Aarons reacted to ken barber in Live Author Chat with Kyle Aarons   
    I will Kyle
  19. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in Live Author Chat with Kyle Aarons   
    keep me posted on number if interested parties, please. Thanks Ken
  20. Like
    Kyle Aarons reacted to ken barber in Play by post Role Playing   
    Hell Yes one of the most fun games to ever disappear
  21. Like
    Kyle Aarons reacted to Rilbur in Racism against Non-African Americans?   
    If it's better to be an illegal immigrant, how much better would legal immigrant status be?    My point stands, I think.
  22. Like
    Kyle Aarons reacted to seabird in Ferguson 'Hysteria' Justified   
    We should feel sorry for the Brown Family and their loss, any of us would suffer to lose a child, a brother or even a friend, regardless of the circumstances. What I do not understand is the actions by people who are NOT family, NOT friends and did NOT even know the young man who died.  Those people are using the tragic death of a young man, a boy really, as an excuse to cause riot, mayhem and even murder! For them, it is a game that gives them license to steal, destroy and ruin other people's lives. Their actions turn most reasonable people, people who MIGHT have been sympathetic to their cause, against them and all of their race (in this case).
    When the mess is finally cleaned up, innocent people will have lost their livelihood, property will have been irreplaceably destroyed and whole communities will suffer from lost utilities, businesses and job opportunities. The town of Ferguson is a lesser place this morning, a place where there are now fewer jobs, fewer places to purchase food, the electric power may be over a wide area, homes are destroyed and there is a horrible mess of rubble, trash, burned out buildings and destroyed automobiles that must be cleaned up at the expense of local taxpayers.
    The rioters lost nothing, but those who lived there have lost a lot!
    Charles Bird
  23. Like
    Kyle Aarons reacted to ken barber in Ferguson 'Hysteria' Justified   
    Strangely I agree wholeheartedly with Seabird and Kyle here. If you disagree with something the Criminal Justice system did you have every right to protest as a matter of fact you have a constitutional right to it. You do not have the right however to destroy the lives of innocent people, you do not have the right to riot. I am a pretty passive man in my older  age but watching that last night I wanted the 82nd to drop from the sky and retake that city by force.
  24. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Rilbur in Ferguson 'Hysteria' Justified   
    part of the problem with this country is too much offends, even the truth. What about free speech and having a thicker skin? To hell with political correctness. I don't really give a shit if I hurt someone's feelings. The rioters sure don't care what is correct or not. They don't care what they are doing to their own community or the children's lives they are ruining.  So when I call them what they are, hate mongering, jackassess with a inferiority complex because they don't like the color of their own skin, I really don't care if they are offended or not.
  25. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from D'Artagnon in Play by post Role Playing   
    the base starting point for any play by post RPG is backdrop-
    Fantasy, modern, sci-fi
    and setting
    how does everyone know each other starting off and where are they.
    for things to progress any further those questions need to be answered
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