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Why can't someone from the US say this?

Emperor Roland

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Because trying to break down 'good arabs' and 'bad islamics' from each other is a complicated thing that doesn't break down into simple concepts well, thus leading to the ACLU giving a screaming hissy fit over religious profiling.


Which I will concede is actually the ACLU's job, but the problem is it's been a tad bit too effective politically.

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How do you reconcile our history of openness, "innocent until proved guilty", etc, with the current reality? Yes, we are at "war" with ISIL and any group who does not like what we stand for... How far do we go to protect ourselves? I am not one of those who will lay down and be a doormat due to being politically correct but do we turn into Nazi America to defend ourselves? This is one complicated and messy situation with no clear and "right" answer.

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Thank you denis.  I completely agree with Ben Franklin on this.  I have used this quote myself.  It is difficult to be open as we and other "Western" countries are.  This in many ways allow these hate filled idiots to do what they do.  I am not and never have been a fan of political correctness.  These jihadist seem to forget what is in their own religion.


I do not know the Koran or Qu'ran as it is sometimes said, but there are plenty of instances where what we know as the Golden Rule is evident within Islam.  If only they would follow it.  The Prophet Mohammed stated this many different ways according to many sources.


None of you has faith until he loves for his brother or his neighbor what he loves for himself.


You will not enter Paradise until you believe and you will not believe until you love one another


Love for the people what you love for yourself and you will be a believer; behave well with your neighbors and you will be a Muslim


These are just a few of the many quotes that are attributed to Mohammed.  The problem and there are those of other religions that have the same problem.  They focus on the part of their scripture, that they interpret to give them an excuse, not a reason, but an excuse to hate. 


The Golden Rule, in essence encompasses how we should all act.  If you act according to that, you don't even need something like the Ten Commandments to guide you.  If apply the Golden Rule to the commandments, it covers all of them.  All these people want to do is hate, or obtain power.  They rely on religion to give them that.

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Leave it to harper to follow in baby bushes footsteps  Harper has changed Canada for the worst and is trying to follow america down the tubes and doing the chest thumping hu ra and waving his dick about saying it's bigger then your it's just follow the americans .  Just like all the military spending if Harper hadn;t jumped on the bush band wagon Canada wouldn't be stock piling arms and wanting to have a larger army they'd still be the nation I once knew as a really kewl country, beside half of the west coast is either muslim or chinese LOL But when baby bush started screaming harper felt he had to also.  Canada needs harper out as well as the rest of the loons that are in and get back to the REAL Canada it once was. Used to be it was safe to tavel if you had a Canadian flag patch on your jacket in 90% of all countries now that's a joke as well. Of course they did apologize from bryan adams LOL. 

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Jamie, at times when America was viewed at its lowest, if we were asked in Europe where we were from by people we did not care for, to avoid any hassle, we would just say Canada. Not ashamed of America but did not want any hassles while traveling and at times it was just easier. For those we knew, cared about, or wanted to interact with, we were honest.

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I don't think many people here in the US realize how thoroughly The United States is despised in the rest of the world.  Makes you wonder where all this "We are the greatest" talk comes from.

I am proud to be and American, Sometimes. But as of late I think I would probably also tell people I am from Canada.


That is sad. But our leaders, and I do mean all, as in both parties all, are taking us to a new level of partisanship, deceit, and division. 

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Ken, you are so right about how the rest of the world sees us and our leaders.... And it is too bad... When we are traveling, most people were able to distinguish between us, common citizens and our government. They liked us personally but did not like the country's actions. And don't even get me started on our leaders, sigh...

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Ken, you are so right about how the rest of the world sees us and our leaders.... And it is too bad... When we are traveling, most people were able to distinguish between us, common citizens and our government. They liked us personally but did not like the country's actions. And don't even get me started on our leaders, sigh...

Agreed :) 

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I'm proud to be a Canadian fr several reason, one we invented making love in a canoe, :wub:  two we gave you curling, three we have the beaver, and apoligise for the Bieber, four we apologize a lot, five we where a toque not a stocking hat, six we are allowed to own guns, and don't have to many issues. seven we can drink americans under the table, our beer is much stronger. :D  eight we spell correctly a doughnut is a doughnut not a donut, colour favourite and honour, not to mention a few other words. 9 this # is a number sign not a hash tag, hash is something you eat, and tag is a game you play… Ok I'm being goofy but I'm allowed to. and ten most of Americas best actors and movies are filmed in Canada even if they say they are in Seattle!  Sorry if I offended anyone and sorry for saying sorry to much it's just how we are in Canada sorry if it offends you.  And as we like to say: "American beer is like making love in a canoe…. It's Fucking close to water!"  Oh and there are more Tim Hortons then McDonalds in Canada and it's named after a famous hockey player,  Poutine is a national food and they are called chips not fries and we use malt vinegar instead of ketchup on our chips and it's good!  Yes I am Proud to be a Canadian even though Harper is an ass and trying to act like we need a bigger army! and for what? Half of Vancouver and Toronto are terrorists! And we don't have any problems with them!  Sorry once again I'm just rambling I do apoligize for that. Sorry it wont happen again  :P  :P  :P  ok i'm off t shoot some more of the vermin army the keep deserting me  I think I need a new job :) 

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I have to take exception to the comments that have been expressed about America and Americans are hated the world over. I have traveled extensively both for pleasure and for business over the years and about the only thing I experienced was questions from people that did not have any experience with a society like our own. Most people do not understand what living in a free society is like, not even in those countries most closely aligned to us like Canada, Great Britain and France. They do not understand that we, as Americans, are free to form our own opinions, say out loud those opinions and to act as we please without consulting the "official" government line. We can even criticize our government and its leaders without fear of reprisal.


There are many who would restrict those rights in the name of "safety" and those are the ones we should fear. Every time our government passes a law aimed at "public safety or order" there is danger that we will loose some of those precious freedoms our forefathers died in creating for us.



Do we make mistakes, certainly we do, after all, we are human like everybody else on this planet, BUT, by and large, we remain a free people living in a free country. To criticize our government is a right we still have, but we must be very careful in making changes in the name of public safety and conformity.  We are a diverse culture and we frequently do not agree with others or even ourselves and we must resist any and all attempts to regulate public opinion.


There are extremists on both sides of this question and one side is no better than the other. I see attempts by government officials to regulate and forbid public opinion and they are no better than the extremists who are trying to regulate public opinion in their recent terrorist attacks. If we ever give in to demands of "conformity and official government line", The United States of America will cease to exist. There is a saying that has been around for a very long time that covers this, "I may not like what you say, but I will defend your right to say to my last breath"!



Do not give up your right to your own opinion, but also, do not forbid another that same right.



Charles Bird

Sea Bird

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it reminds me of a joke an american and russian  wher compring countries, and the american said we have the right to stand on a soap box in front of the white house and say "to hell with the president of the united states" and the russian to not be out done said we have the right of free speech to i can stand on a soap box in front of the kremlin and say "to hell with the president of the united states to"  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  bad joke i know   most of the real problem IMO, is we try forcing everyone to believe in our Dog  and blame most religions for making the u.s. look bad  i can see why we are hated they don't want to change why should we change them or even try  live and let live 

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Sea Bird you are right in my travels it's a lot of misunderstanding but the biggest problem is we are trying to push religion and education on people who don't want it if we left well enough alone we wouldn't be in the messes we are today its time to ban our religions from going to other countries and changing ways of life that date back to the stone ages.  Sure we might not agree with voodoo and other practices these people have but once we stomp them out then  whole cultures vanishes, and are they not vanishing fast enough.  A wise eskimo once asked a priest if he was going to hell, and the priest asked him why, he replied well now that you have taught me about your god I am going to goto hell, if you had not told me of your god I would have gone to paradise. since the eskimo did not hear of god or jebus or any of that he would have died peaceful and gone on to meet his ancestors, but no we had to go cram religion down their throats.  America needs to back off the bible thumping and leave the rest of the world alone, so what if some cultures believe differently then us,


I've been watching Les Stroud beyond survival as he has been traveling to the fast disappearing races of people who have had foolish missionaries cram religion down them, when the have practiced their own ways for hundreds of thousands of years.  to the point now that even the remotest of tribes are losing out because some damned fool went to the village and spouted off about digging up the bones of the dead is wrong they  should remain buried forever, when it's common practice amongst some tribes after x years to dig them up to allow their sprits to find paradise.  


That's the real problem with America, we feel we have to cram some 3000 year old fairy tale down everyones throats. And it's wrong. Look what they did too the native american culture a prime example is the indian schools, where they forced the children to be white to take on white names for a good reference to this look for the true story called "The Education of Littletree"  Great book and great movie.  This is why Islam's hate us, this is why other hate us, we need to keep our religions to ourselves. Me personally I don't believe in some fairy tale written 3000 years ago and retranslated a million times to suit the needs of people today, these books where written like Aesop's fables more to tell people to be good and scare children into eating their broccoli.  Is there a higher power? I think maybe so, but I am sure it's not some violent god who hurts people making them wander desserts for 400 years, and then sends some magic being down to live for 33 years and die for his own cause.  I'm only 30 but I have very little respect for an organized religions. And I've had more then my fair share of penance from priests who figured thats what I was good for.  So yes I blame America.  As well as blame them for the barbaric ritual of circumcision which only exists here! And you gotta ask yourself why?  On that one.  I may have joked about Canada but at least they don't go running around with bibles in their hands whacking other cultures over the head with them while dangling a carrot for them to eat if they only believe in this so called almighty Dog! Ok I spoke my peace I'd probably burn in hell for this but since I don't believe in hell I'm happy to say I know exactly whats and where I am going when I die, and thats to my favourite hunting grounds in the sky! Where i'll be able to  run and play and hunt and fish with my fog's for eternity.  Oh I mentioned Canada and religion well there is one Provence, Alberta that takes the bad book to seriously too.  About as bad as the morons and most of the bible belt.  anyway it's the reason why we are so hated, it's like looking back at the crusades and if you compare it we are just as bad as they where back then! You can't change people who are set in their ways so why try. 


if I step on toes, I'm not sorry but it's time people wake up and put that 3000 year old book on the shelf and let it gather dust. 

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I am not American. However I have a good opinion of Americans. Sure they can be greedy and individualistic, and even self centered. However, I also think they are, as a whole, decent and altruistic people who mean well and wish the best for others, but just have a ham fisted way of accomplishing what they see as saving the world. There's sort of a Messianic Complex at work.

This sort of good intentions, I do not see in the Europeans, Russians, Chinese, Latin Americans, or Africans.

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Greed is rich Americans middle name LOL it's what we force down and upon other who don't want it that gives us a bad name. if we'd just all play nicely in the sand box the whole world would be a better place. 

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Jamie 13,


Jamie you are reproducing a very popular misconception, we, as a country, do not press our religious beliefs on anyone. That is not to say, however, that SOME Americans do so, mostly those of strong, radical beliefs. Most Americans traveling abroad make a studious effort not to mention politics OR religion to citizens of other countries, most especially while as a guest of that country.


The same cannot be said about certain non-native (not normally found here) religious groups living or visiting our country. Americans, on the other hand, generally do not chastise those visitors who insist on (loudly, in most cases) on spreading their religion to our citizens while they visit our country. Some of those visitors even use violence to spread their religion among us.



It has been my experience, built over many years of travel both for business and pleasure, that most Americans are more tolerant of others' religions and beliefs, their politics and even their personal habits than the majority of those who travel around the world. That is not to say that there are not exceptions, but boors and boobs are found in every society and, unfortunately, the human face will have to just grin and bear those individuals' outbursts as poor taste or just plain stupidity.


Idiots come in all colors, races and beliefs and, sadly, they do not even recognize that they are idiots.


Charles Bird

Sea Bird

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More for Jamie 13,



Generally speaking, the Americans who travel around the world are neither rich nor exceptional by American standards. Certainly, many of us SEEM to be rich when  compared to the hungry masses of, say Africa or the far east, but you must keep in mind that the vast majority of those Americans are on a trip that they have been saving up for, many for years before they can make the trip. Those who travel for business purposes are usually on an expense account where every penny they spend must be accounted for and I speak from experience when I say that the accountants are very strict and without a shred of humor!



That we appear to be rich to others is merely a difference in life styles or national standards and, while others may express anger or jealousie about traveling Americans, few Americans actually go out of their way to antagonize their hosts. That cannot be said for those who visit our country, the majority of foreign visitors complain loudly and often about not being served their native foods or drinks, that they are not deferred to by other Americans on the street or elsewhere and that they are not treated with humble respect in their own language.



I have dealt with foreign nationals on a business lever for most of my working life and I can truthfully say that it is a relief to be retired and to not be forced to deal with them any longer. Whenever I traveled, I at least made an effort to speak a bit of my hosts' native languages, that is almost NEVER the case of those who come to my country.



I make no excuse for my fellow Americans who treat others badly, they do the very same thing at home and then wonder why they are disliked. We cannot, however regulate attitudes and that is what we are dealing with here.


Charles Bird

Sea Bird

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there is a really easy answer for this. Cut off all foreign aid from the US, all of it and let's see what happens. People hate us let them.


As for the comments of the Canandian PM: it was spot on. Until Muslims get serious in wiping out the extremists, they are part of the problem. ISIS could be wiped out in a matter of weeks if the Muslim community would unite and get rid of them, but instead way too many support the efforts of ISIS and they continue to expand thier war. Kill them, kill them vilolently, and wipe out thier ability to make war. It worked great in WWII and we badly need that mantality again. Wipe out evil and force ti to rebiuld from scratch or let it come for us. Which way do you want it people.

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I am on board as long as the Christian community agrees to violently wipe out the christian fanatics, and the Jewish community needs to slaughter their fanatics. Christians turn a blind Eye to their fanatical factions just as much as the Muslim community turns a blind eye to their fanatics. And yes  through history up to and including present day Christians have also committed acts of terrorism


After 1981, members of groups such as the Army of God began attacking abortion clinics and doctors across the United States.

A number of terrorist attacks were attributed by Bruce Hoffman to individuals and groups with ties to the Christian Identity and Christian Patriot movements, including the Lambs of Christ

A group called Concerned Christians was deported from Israel on suspicion of planning to attack holy sites in Jerusalem at the end of 1999; they believed that their deaths would "lead them to heaven"

The motive for anti-abortionist Scott Roeder murdering Wichita doctor George Tiller on 31 May 2009 was the belief that abortion is not only immoral, but also a form of murder under "God's law", irrespective of "man's law" in any country, and that this belief went "hand in hand" with his religious beliefs.The group supporting Roeder proclaimed that any force is "legitimate to protect the life of an unborn child", and called on all Christians to "rise up" and "take action" against threats to Christianity and to unborn life. 

 Eric Robert Rudolph carried out the Centennial Olympic Park bombing in 1996, as well as subsequent attacks on an abortion clinic and on a lesbian nightclub. Michael Barkun.


There are many more world wide. I can keep listing them so if we are going to violently eliminate fantatiscm then it needs be all.


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Correct me if I'm wrong, but those instances were all clamped down on my police, weren't they?


The important distinction that needs to be made here is religion vs culture vs society.  Their religion leads these fanatics to do terrible, unthinkable things, and the middle-eastern nations have a culture and society that accepts abominations like ISIS.  We, on the other hand, have built a culture and society that actively seeks to repress such entities -- and if something like ISIS did form and gain any real power in the US, the inevitable result would be a civil war, because they would be put down.  Hard.

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where do you see Chistians, Jews, Bhudists, or othe other religioin mass murdering people in the name of religion now a days?


there are some eveyone but the main stream is not mass murdring idiots like the muslims and only the muslims support thosee who blow up kids, enslave people, and behead people

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there are some eveyone but the main stream is not mass murdring idiots like the muslims and only the muslims support thosee who blow up kids, enslave people, and behead people

Thanks for making my point about confusing the admittedly intertwined concepts of religion, culture, and society.

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Sea bird look at the groups that travel the world all the religious ones and tell me again we don't go pushing our religious beliefs on others? there are enough churches in the states that do that, thats why they are called missionaries.  we send them tons of rice and food and money and it all gets sucked up by the governments of those countries not to mention the fat cats, who spew their garbage.  we need to leave well enough alone. as I said  we all need to just play nice in the sand box and maybe everyone would quit (wishful thinking).  groups of radicals are spewing that we are forcing our ways on them you have to be blind to not see it. I read about it in all the worlds papers.  They don't want us there we shouldn't be their,  end of story.


 We are not the worlds police though some people think we are. And we should police our own back yards first.  Screw the others let them kill each other off over their beliefs why should we get involved? The only reason we have gotten involved, is for one thing and that OIL.  They got it we want it, so we keep the wars going and it's a senseless waste of lives.  Look at our own back yard we got groups who are against gays against blacks against jews we should clean our own back yards and not worry if some fools go and blow up a french newspaper that publishes bad jokes. That's their own damned faults for being fools to think they wouldn't piss off the wrong people. 


Anyway we all have opinions we are no longer the land of the free here even though we appear to be, we are more a police state then anything else. just watch the news read something other then fox and CNN  look at world papers and see what they say look at people who are fired from these same papers because they spoke the truth and the paper didn't feel anyone can handle it, or their own governments didn't like what these people had to say.  it's all a cover up you have to read 20 different news stories to figure out one ounce of truth and that is a fact. if you watch just FOX news then you are missing out. I've traveled to other countries yeah we are liked by general people but start a conversation about your god and run cause you'll be shot dead if it doesn't fall into their beliefs. 


Don't get me wrong But when cooler head prevail then maybe things will change right now there are to many hot heads and to many bad things going on in the world, I pretty much sit back and laugh cause it's all gonna blow up in everyones face, and I hope I'm dead before it happens.  It's also one reason I quit flying. I feel safer on a elevator then a plane. I don't feel safe in any other country other then Canada.  And as far as I am concerned Harper is a loon. Typical right winger.  Just like the war mongers in the u.s all typical right wingers.  


I love my country but fuck if I'll die for oil or religion! 

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