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techmanjoy last won the day on May 2 2014

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About techmanjoy

  • Birthday 02/04/1993

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    Indiana, United States
  • Interests
    Computers, Networks, Technology, Life, Eveything!

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  1. Cyclone was indeed an excellent story. I don't know why I never wrote a review of it but one of these days here in the coming months I will have to go back and re-read it just to give it the glowing rave it deserves,
  2. Wow after seeing this story name and the link I went and checked it out. I'm on chapter 12 of the midly short chapters only a few hours later, so needless to say I certainly enjoy it. I was sad to hear that it is not finished nor is it likely to be completed. however it is still worth checking out. Thank you guys for sharing!
  3. Oh dear. Until reading this topic I believed I did not have an obsession with the word 'that' however in writing a reply to another topic in the section I find that most certainly do. Thank you for pointing out this problem. I will certainly be more vigilent in avoiding using that particular word. It is interesting I was writing what turned out to be an extremely run-on sentence, Upon reading it I found I had used the word of this topic at least 6 times in the sentence and several more in the course of the entire post. This is certainly a prolific example however I can certainly see how the word could ruin something as long as a story for many people.
  4. Thank you for your valuable insights D' Artagnon! In speaking about your own expreince and that of Smokr it seems like you choose to have a couple of degrees of seperation between what you literally know and what you write. Is that often an intellectual choice to make things easier to write creatively or is it just something that happens through the writing process viscerally for you? Thinking about my expreinces and what I might like to write I would think it would be easier with that seperation so that you aren't writing a history . That or getting so in depth that you might loose your readers in unneceary context and fluff which you might write with only one degree of seperation from the topic if you weren't being especially vigelent in avoiding. Slighlty off topic, in writing the previous extremely runon sentence which I managed to break into two finally. I noticed I was falling prey to the word 'that' which has been brought up in another topic in this section. I find it extremely illuminating and I will have to post something there about it was well.
  5. Hey there D'Artagnon! Welcome to Castle Roland and the forums! I for one can't wait to read your stories. I've read a couple of your posts now and I can't imagine you not fitting right in! I look foward to hearing more from you and seeing what you are about. Enjoy the forum, the library, and remember to have fun!
  6. I have been thinking for quite a while about writing a story but I am always unable to pick a topic and stick with it. So I was just wondering with so many wonderful authors here how do you all choose your topic? How do you find the inspiration to start a new story?
  7. Chapter 6 added! Check it out! http://www.castleroland.net/library/author/roland
  8. [Special Note: The new website is now live. As a result the links throughout this thread are invalid except for the latest posting to the thread. All of Kyle's stories can now be found at Kyle Matthew Aarons] Let's welcome another story to the Revolutions Universe! Hugh Synopsis: A Background Short Story of a Geek Squad Character Check it out! http://www.castleroland.net/library/author/kyle_aarons
  9. Chapter 12 added! Check it out! http://www.castleroland.net/library/author/ken_barber
  10. Chapters 48, 49, 50, 51, and 52 added! Check them out! http://www.castleroland.net/library/author/joe_writerman
  11. Chapter 8 Added! Check it out! http://www.castleroland.net/library/author/jack_scribe
  12. [Special Note: The new website is now live. As a result the links throughout this thread are invalid except for the latest posting to the thread. All of Eric Aune stories can now be found at Eric Aune] Let's welcome a new story to the Revolutions Universe! Changing Connections Synopsis: They were finally safe from the GRA after taking them down and now they could relax and enjoy their summer, before the next big adventure, High School. However, sometimes things happen that you have no control of. The families of Disconnected wake up somewhere that is both familiar but different. Will they decide to keep their abilities hidden as they had done before or will circumstances force them to have to use them to keep their family safe? Chapter 1 posted! http://www.castleroland.net/library/author/eric_aune
  13. Chapters 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 added. Check it out! http://www.castleroland.net/library/author/chowhound
  14. Chapter 5 added! Check it out! http://www.castleroland.net/library/author/charles_bird%C2%A0
  15. Chapters 15, 16, 17, and 18 added! Check them out! http://www.castleroland.net/library/author/andrew_todd
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