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Noble Bards
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Everything posted by ThomasNealy

  1. Is this for the new "unified cannon" or can it include the old multi level expanded cannon that was renamed to Legacy Star wars?
  2. This is going to be a great story. I loved the way Leo panicked.
  3. I don't remeber putting would in there. ( See i told you i was horrible)
  4. well you missed feel which should be feels. But are you just messing around, or do you really want to edit for me?
  5. Editor needed for both original and fanfiction works. If any one would feel up to edditing several stories for me I would be gratefull. Fair warning my writing is horrible. (hence the need for an editor)
  6. I used to post on GA and while it is nice to have a more direct control over posting like they do over there. They also do not allow for as much formatting. The way their posting is done often times will remove formatting from the story or it will read it as code and leave it out. (Ans they refused to help me fix it when it was their site that was messing up) The site comes with good and bad but so does every site. For me the Inability to post the stories with the formatting that I wanted was more important than being able to control the posting my self. Then there was the pay to read part that turned me off and I am not sure if they still do that or not.
  7. It sounds instresting I'm up for it.
  8. He will be remebered by a great many generations of Scifi fans. I am glad he got to be part of the reboot of franchise. One can not think of Star trek with out thinking of Spock. He helped pioneer modern sci fi and his legacy will live on in the hearts and minds of every one.
  9. It's sad that I did not notice I had a topic on the forum. I don't think any one ever posted anything about my stories on the old fort/tree house sites, so I never bothered checking. Any way to answer the question about a sequal. When I first finished writing this story I was going to make a sequal that dealt with the fallout of every thing that happened but then real life got in the way. I have very little time for writing these days mostly because I am the primary care giver for my grandmother and before that my grandfather. Also sadly there has been very little insperation for writing in my life these days. I do plan on writing more for this story one day but it will probly be a while from now. I have alot of unfinished stories as well many of which are not posted here or any were because I wanted to finish them first and evenualy gave up on them. As for the parents from hell well since it will be a while before the sequal is ever written I don't feel bad about answering that. I should have put that in the last chapter which is missing from this site. I'll send it over to the site people now. Any way Charles Rahal had them delt with knowing that Isaac no matter how much he hated his parents would never beable to deal with it. Both his parents are now permenetly resting deep underground where they can never be a problem again. Charles may seem like a kind gental person compared to some of the others in the story but he takes care of family. Alex and John suspect what happened but are smart enough not to bring it up.
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