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Royal Ministers
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Posts posted by denis_p

  1. so.... is anyone actually interested in this Author chat?



    YES SIR.... Emperor Lord Roland... or is it...



    (and the Dark Wizard I was talking about is Roland... I don't know a better way to describe him, right now.)


    I'll let the other board members decide...


    I for one enjoyed this last live Chat... So Please add me to the list to attend this one... though are you sure it will last only a 'Hour'.... the last one was way over 2 hours or so... and I loved every minuet of it...


    So count me in for this one.

  2. Keep in mind, of all my stories, Re-E as I call it for short, is my favorite of the stories I have out there.




    Last Sunday during your live online chat... [thanks again for that] you asked us if we had read 'Re-E'... I was one of the few that had not gotten around to reading it yet as you may recall... [still "...to many stories, not enough time in life to read them all"].


    Well your words about and passion for 'Re-E' stuck with me and when I finished reading Mondays updates I started to read [really binge] on this intriguing story.


    I must tell you that I should have started to read this story years ago for I've been missing the chance to read one of your BEST...


    You have now gotten me hocked... I just hope that you will be adding more chapters of this story and to the Castle...


    For now I'll just sit here and wait for more, but knowing how you feel about 'Re-E', I pray that I will not have to wait very long...


    Kyle... Please put writing more chapters of 'Re-E' at the top of your writing to do list...


    PLEASE...  :)

  3. This obscenely cowardly attack has even divided the area's fanatics...

    Per a NBC News article: "Peshawar School Massacre Splits Afghan, Pakistani Militant Groups" this cowardly attack by sub-humans [my word for the attackers and the leaders that gave the order] on innocents has divided major Taliban groups in the area of conflict.


    Sadly this so called split and recrimination may be just lip service by the Taliban leadership trying to deflect blame and public opinion from themselves...


    ... Hate is so ingrained in their souls that nothing can get by it in their minds. It MAY come about that we must place them in a zoo-like environment and fence them off from the rest of the world.



    Whatever we we, it is going to have to be soon and it is going to be very bloody.



    Charles Bird




    I wholeheartedly agree with SeaBird that this threat must be squashed hard and soon... for if not this situation can and probably will cause a third world war that will lead to our current civilizations collapse.


    My question though is will the nations under threat have the will power to wage what is needed to win it... Like Roland wrote in his latest chapter of 'New Beginnings'...



    Will we be able 'to make the hard choices' or will we do a 'Neville Chamberlain' like appeasement policy that will lead to more innocent deaths then what would have happened if we did make those 'Hard Choices'????

  4. My 'Aha' moment was late in life, I was 10 y.o. ...

    It was the 4th week of my 5th grade school year. On the Monday of that week my class started going down to the school's small library [down being the right word for the library was in the basement of the school and had only small slit windows high in the north wall that really were at ground level] where to our/my suprice the librarian turned off all the lights then lit two candles and sat down in front of us and started reading J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit" by the time that the 45 min. period ended I was hooked.

    I spent the rest of that week bugging both of my parents to get me my own copy of the book... to my suprise and complete shock [for I could not ever remember my mom doing such a thing before]... my mom took me that Saturday down town to a small book shop and bought me my very first book that I could call my own [i still have that copy plus three others to this day].

    For the rest of that fall I would follow along as the librarian read to us... when the end came for the class I then started to reread the book on my own... by spring break I had reread the book another 4 times... and had become a regular in the library... where I soon found Heinlein and Asimov... those three author in a way woke me up to the world of possiblities that where found in books... From then on I've been a avid reader... to the point I have a love/hate relationship with my local 'City of Books'... too many books... not enough time in life to read them all...

    The one gift any person can give a child that will keep on giving for a life time is the love of reading.



  5. So, this is open to anyone to answer- curious if you were King Whyrem, what would you do knowing what he knows about his twins ?




    First off I would do what you are having him do now... Get to Rolling Dale with a sizable army and secure his sons... then he should learn all he can about what happened to both boys and take into account their present conditions and get the best information about the prognosis for each boy... from the shamans, mindhealers, Glaster and others that he trusts then and only then will he be able to make a knowledgeable, and hopefully a not to emotional, decision.


    OK, so which child should be given the title of crown prince?



    Now Kyle...

    It depends on the boys' recoveries...


    With Zoldon [nee Klandon] current mentality he would not be able to hold on to power if given the crown in his current state... Even though he received a 'Royal' education, it still would not be enough to over come his current 'Slave' like state of mind... If given the crown he would need a regent through out his life to insure that a usurper could not usurp his throne... given his current state.


    Now KllNDON [NEE Zoldon] is another boy all together... yes he has not had a 'Royal' education but he has had an even better eduction; a street eduction... Given his strength of determination to change and better himself plus the fact that he his currently under the tutelage of Glaster he has a better chance in the long run to grow into a all around good king... given his current state of mind


    That said... it all depends on how the boys recover from their current conditions... plus what decision King Wyhrem comes to...


    If you remember Glaster worried about this whole situation in Chapter 28...


    The last thing he wanted was to let word leak out of the disappearance of Prince Klandon and the reappearance of Zoldon. Should the other powerful houses find out there would be a feeding frenzy as they would point out neither boy could be trusted with the crown since they had been taken and held for so long. This would force King Wyhrem to either appoint a suitable crown prince from another house or snub his nose at everyone and leave the crown on Klandon, or Zoldon, whichever he cared to call the boy Glaster had with him.”

  6. Kyle...


    Like others I think that the boys in 'Day of N' are more then amazing...


    As a Long time Scouter... the Scouts can bring the best out in a boy and if they had a leader like you have written... they would be able to do amazing things given the chance...



    To you and all the others here...


    I know this 'Topic' is about Kyle's story... but I wanted to also Introduce another Post Nuclear day story that I first read over 50 years ago... that I just refound a copy and If you can find a copy it will give you a real life 'Adult veiw' on the subject...


    The Book was first published in 1959 and I read it in 1963 just a year after the Cuban missile crisis [The crisis and the book SCARED the hell out of me... Hey I was only 12 yo then]... The book is: "Alas, Babylon" by Pat Frank


    You can read it HERE for free... or if you can find a rare copy please buy it...


    If you like 'Day of N' I think you will also like this story too.

  7. I must object... heHeHE...


    The NFL... Blahhhhhh...
    A bunch of
    over paid jocks trying to recapture their Long lost glory from high school and College....
    Well the NFL it self is a entertainment conglomerate who's sol purpose is to make money...
    "As a whole, the NFL’s revenue is estimated to be about $9.5 billion per year. The overall market value of the 32 teams that make up the league is estimated to be $46 billion."
    Now College football that is another thing... because it is a real sport... [NFL is a business] and the QB that is the best at it [iMHO] is Marcus Mariota of the University of Oregon [Check his Stats Here] ... He is even
    One of the three things talked about at a Middle school level school...

  8. Is it Ethical [that may not be the word] to read books or watch a film from the books of a author that you find objectionalble in real life... i.e., for example Orson Scott Card 


    Should one patronize his products when one finds that as a real life person [even if he IS a good storyteller] you find the authors real life person to be objectionable...


    What are your thoughts on this subject???

  9. When it comes to all the Sci-Fi Books and in reality Films/TV Shows also... the feelings I have is like what I say about my Love/Hate relationship with my local 'City of Books'... "Too many Books/'Films or Shows'... Not enough time in a lifetime to read/'view' even a fraction of them all..."  Though I will keep on trying to read... Watch... as many as I can as long as I can... ;)



    PS: I've been re-reading all my old favorite Books Series' 'Pern', 'Dune', 'Ringworld', 'Rama', 'Dark Tower', 'David Eddings Books', 'Raymond Feist Books'... Can anyone recommend anything new/newer that they like... so I can get out of my rut and move into the 21st century of Sci-fi Authors and Books...



    Sorry Zach...


    Well in the above quote you will find 7 of my top 10 Series of books... can any one suggest any more that I or others should read...



    PS: Zach... can a admin. move this topic to the right forum then if it is in the wrong forum...

  10. I leave for an hour and all hell breaks loose :P

    Yeah I love farscape...dat theme :D

    @Jeikor I tried watching original Star trek series....saw half an episode...that was it lol



    AB... try to give the 'Original' series another chance... to someone who was not around before 1966 it can [and at times, does] look a tad bit hooky... BUT remember to those of us that DO remember what was availible before 1966 'Star Trek' was ground breaking and the best thing on TV... In its' way it was the '2001: A Space Odyssey' of its day... nothing was ever the same after it aired...

  11. Yeah, but the scope of the original post was rather clearly on film :D


    But fine, be that way.




    The list goes on and on and on...  



    When it comes to all the Sci-Fi Books and in reality Films/TV Shows also... the feelings I have is like what I say about my Love/Hate relationship with my local 'City of Books'... "Too many Books/'Films or Shows'... Not enough time in a lifetime to read/'view' even a fraction of them all..."  Though I will keep on trying to read... Watch... as many as I can as long as I can... ;)



    PS: I've been re-reading all my old favorite Books Series' 'Pern', 'Dune', 'Ringworld', 'Rama', 'Dark Tower', 'David Eddings Books', 'Raymond Feist Books'... Can anyone recommend anything new/newer that they like... so I can get out of my rut and move into the 21st century of Sci-fi Authors and Books...

  12. ...


    You all left out Mork from Ork :P 


    Now if you can mention 'Mork from Ork' then I can bring the British BBC's 'Red Dwarf' in to the discussion... Who can forget Dave Lister... Arnold Rimmer his hologram nemisis ... Cat... a lifeform which evolved from the descendants of Lister's pregnant pet cat Frankenstein; Holly... Red Dwarf's computer or Kryten...  a service mechanoid.


    It had run for Ten [10] Series between 1988 - 2012 on BBC 2


    OR The many 'Saturday Matinee' Serials from the late 1940's and 1950's like: "Captain Video, Master of the Stratoshere", "Buck Rogers", "Commando Cody: Sky Marshal of the Universe" or my favorite "King of the Rocket Men"

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