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Royal Ministers
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Posts posted by denis_p

  1. A new story from...


    [Special Note: The new website is now live. As a result the links throughout this thread are invalid except for the latest posting to the thread. All of Owen Hudson stories can now be found at Owen Hudson]

    Owen Hudson


    "Dreams Don't Grow on Trees"


    Chapter 1


    Dreams do not grow on trees... they start from the heart!

  2. AUGHHHHHH....


    What has happened to all the good story sites... [Well three of them anyway]


    They have gone missing... They may have been gone for a while but I just found out today that they are gone or cleaned out...


    1)  'The Padded Room'... Home of well known 'Family' authors like Akeentia, Jegron and Str8mayb... The site has been stripped of all content...


    2)  'jaygordonstories.com' .... home to Jason [Jay] Gordon's Stories 'Things That Go Bump' and 'A Light in the Darkness'... Site is gone...


    3)  'penguinhuggle.com'.... Site is gone...


    and I found a 4th... NO... make that 5...


    4)  'The Poetry Hut'... Site is gone...


    5)  'Orbital-One' [1] The site has been stripped of all content...


    What has RL brought to these sites... Lack of interested readers... Money Problems... Author/Site Admin's burnout... WHAT????


    If anyone has a understanding on why these sites are gone... PLEASE let the rest of us know...


    AND if the site admin's/owners of these sites read this... PLEASE know your sites will be and ARE missed and know that there are readers out there that would like to see them back...

  3. Why can't someone from the US say this?


    Some people do...


    You just have to be open minded and read... even things that you may not agree with...


    For example...


    Heather Cox Richardson's piece on:


    "It’s worse than Scott Walker and Ted Cruz: Secrets of conservatives’ decades-long war on truth


    The right knows that facts and reason have a liberal bent. That's why their decades-long strategy is to lie"


    Posted today on the 'Salon' Web site...


    Though I agree with her viewpoint in the above article.

  4. To All the RU authors and behind the scenes workers.... [You know who you are]


    HAPPY 2nd Anniversary of the Revolutions Universe!!!


    Thank you all for all the long hours and sweat you have given so... Sooo many people have this Universe to enjoy and vicariously live in...


    Please... PLEASE... take a well deserved bow.




    Please... PLEASE... keep up the good work...

  5. The only thing i really miss about living in New England is the big snows.  Flurries and the occasional storm are okay, but when the big ones hit, and then hit, and hit, and continue to hit, it just sucks.  All sorts of people who shouldn't be driving under the best of conditions suddenly have to go out and get a loaf of bread or milk for five days and really turn the roads into a mess.


    Couple weeks back we had what amounts to a hard freeze here in Florida.  Temps hit the 20's F and the wind was, as we say in the northeast "wicked bitta."  It was "as cold as a witches tit," as the vernacular allows.  We had several accidents because people who don't know how to drive in normal conditions really lost their minds when encountering "black ice" on their normal streets. 


    Seriously, folks, if you're stuck in the winter storm up east, if you know it's gonna be a while before you can get plowed out, stay off the roads, stay inside and stay warm.  It's when people do crazy, desperate and thoughtless things that tragedies happen.  Stay safe guys.


    You said it...  D' Artagnon... It is what I've alway said...


    We have the same thing here in the Pacific NW... Every time we get just a little snow every NUT out there thinks they can drive in snow... so they go out there and prove how stupid they really are...


    I've always said that just once I would like to see it snow 3 feet and last for 3 months so the idiots will go out and try to drive in it... where they end up crashing their car... where they overload the local body shops causing a 3 month back up... So they are without a car... leaving the streets open and free for those of us that really do know how to drive in the stuff... [40 years + of driving up to the local Ski area with out one accident to prove it.]


    This is sooo true... especially true for those citified idiots that have four wheel drive... they are the first ones to go out and prove how much of a idiot they are... well at least here...

    Down in Southern California... the same happens but with them it is the rain they can not drive in...


    Yes snow is lovely... but only if you are sitting at home or in the lodge in front of a nice real log fire drinking a mug of good Hot Chocolate or 'Royal Dutch Coffee' [blue Mountain Coffee with dark chocolate and a splash of Raspberry syrup]... Yummmm

  6. "Out F*cking Standing!"


    Now that is what I call a Wild ride...


    Eric... Ken... and Roland...


    In my mind I'm Standing up giving you three a Standing Ovation!!!  [Clapping till my hand hurts...] [This board needs More Emo's... at least a clapping one.]


    ['In my mind' only because it is hard to stand and type and clap with a wireless keyboard in my lap...]   :P


    All three of you should be very proud of what you have just released...


    You guys should think about doing this again... this is soooo WELL DONE...


    Please... Keep this level of work up for many... Many more years...




    "Out F*cking Standing!"

  7. Is this Really the 'END'???


    Nature!!! I hope not...


    This has been a wonderful story from word one of chapter 1... I for one would like to see what happens now...


    Chowhound... IF this is really the End, Please... PLEASE... consider a sequel... PLEASE!!!

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