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Noble Bards
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Everything posted by Maxieplus

  1. While travelling around Australia I didn't have internet and I missed reading my online stories. I thought I would have a go at writing one myself, it just flowed and its my first attempt at writing. I had no idea I had written so much, but I did write about subjects I loved to read. I hope to come back to it after I finish my current write. Thank you for hosting it Roland
  2. My pleasure Chris, and I am very happy your enjoying it still. I did think of adding a few groupies, but I had so much else going on they were overlooked, I don't think Codes could have coped with any more drama. Thanks Chris.
  3. Maxieplus

    Blind Sensations

    Second story done. I like the way you write mate, great story.
  4. Way to go mate, this story I love, and I am eagerly awaiting more chapters.Hey and I get hungry every time the boys eat well done.hahaha
  5. Maxieplus

    Blind Sensations

    Thank you Ricky, you have a wonderful imagination, just finished number one and will start reading number two tonight, I didn't quite cry but was close (Oh hell there was a tear or two) and of course I felt all gooey throughout. Different to what I'm used to reading, but it did captured my attention instantly.Thank you.
  6. Thank you Chris, this is my first story, I crammed everything I loved into it. Cody and Dans love just gets stronger as the story unfolds that was a given before I even started it, feel free to get as mushy as you want. lolol. I am still writing my other story and its at the editing stage so will start to appear on here soon, I hope. Enjoy the ride and thank you for the encouragement.
  7. One of the first books I read on Nifty, I just love your stuff and fell in love with it, I quite often read bits and pieces. Thank you.
  8. Don't you dare kill off any of the main characters. loll. I already know I am going to love book 2 as much as 1 Thank you Ken
  9. Thank you Ken, I have read your story Cyclone also its at the top of my lists of stories to revisit many times. Thank you.
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