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Noble Bards
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Everything posted by Maxieplus

  1. Yes John, they do make an appearence in all my stories. This one was the first one I wrote so I decide to give them a cameo in all my others. Thank you once again, Yr mate Maxie
  2. Thank you Johnny, he is a sweetie and so is Birdy. I want to adopt them both, of course with my husbands Den and Evan. lolol Its a crazy story coming from a crazy imagination and there plenty more to come. If you look up Golden beach Victoria you will see the area I'm writing about. Although it exists I see nothing but a ghost town, is that how it really looks to us mere humans? lololol Thank you again Your mate Mr Plus.
  3. That would be something special Johnny, book two is nearly written, just doing the rewrite now. Got to find a good ending though lololol It wont be months away. Thank you again.
  4. Thank you Johnny, and thank you for the pictures they are awesome. I hope your 2018 is going great for you. Thank you mate
  5. I was just having a good chuckle to myself, are you the only one reading this story on Castle Roland ???? lolololol Thank you god bless JC
  6. Thank you JC, I have loved writing this story, it gets madder lololol
  7. Like ours John, hot and sunny. Thank you cheers
  8. Thank you Johnny, yeah that porch sounds fine to me. My laziness is showing and I wouldn't mind being waited on all day. Lets hope Mike improves as he story unfolds. Thank you.
  9. Thanks JohnnyC, I am back from my holiday and writing again. I sometimes feel all the beach boys are around me but then I wake up on my own. Oh well at least my imagination hasn't left me. LOLOL Thanks mate.
  10. Thank you Al, sorry for the late reply I have been away. And I am also sorry I made you cry but that was my intention all along. lolol. Thanks mate.
  11. New Pic but not THE painting
  12. Thank you once again Johnny.
  13. Thanks Johnny, unfortunately the painting is only in my mind. But I do wish I owned it lolol.
  14. Thank you Johnny, sorry for the late reply I have been really busy lately. Den and Evan will probably get there in the end lolol Thanks again.
  15. Well done everyone, congratulations winners and non winners, all the stories had something wonderfully appealing about them. It was good to read them all. Some stories were within the ballpark and some were way up the road, but thats why our lives are not boring. Time to relax and maybe ponder a number one next year. Now I must chase my story I think its caught the bus and is halfway to New Zealand. Hahahah.
  16. I am enjoying the ride, and yes a few tears. Oh sh** more than a few. Well done Ken.
  17. My delima also Jack, you could write about a pumpkin that turns into a prince now thats scary lololol
  18. Amayzing Ken, and thank you for the reply. I had better get to writing I suppose or should I say rewriting, fingers crossed I get something submitted
  19. Okay, here I go, I love these competitions and I love reading the stories and I have written small silly ones that not even I believe in. loll Living in Australia I have never experienced Halloween except I see costumes in a shop and what I see in movies, so anything i write will be in my head and all I see is a heap of little kids running around collecting sweets. hahaha. When I get serious I do think deeply and that conjures up inner ghosts, ghosts you can't see or touch but touch you in your everyday life I wouldn't put the label Halloween on a story like this but I would call it eerie. Question…… would eerie be acceptable even if it doesn't mention the word halloween in the story at all, no kids no sweets. I guess I'm trying to define the word to suit a story thats going around in my head and driving me batty. Stay calm mates. Oh, was just asking my house mate how he sees Halloween, he said to Google it. ummptffff
  20. Loved it and wanting more, no needing more hope it doesn't take you too long. I love your work.
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