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Castle Herald

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I know of and understand the UK's ban on guns. I can see that is was a very big deal. Here in the US not so much. It is common place to have a carry permit. They are a few places you can not be armed. Those places are well posted before you enter. So my complete understanding dose have it's short comings. The boys do seem to be getting long well in their training of handgun safety and use. I am enjoying this story even more each time I come back.

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12 hours ago, Jay said:

I know of and understand the UK's ban on guns. I can see that is was a very big deal. Here in the US not so much. It is common place to have a carry permit.

Common unless you live in California, New York, New Jersey, Hawaii or Maryland. In those states, it may require an act of god to get a carry license.

What confuses most people in the world is that the individual States control the Carry standards and NOT the federal government. The common misconception is that the Feds set the standards and licensing. Not at all the case in a country such as the US, where State and Federal governments share powers and authorities.

The lines are blurry, at the best of times.

Regardless, the importance of what our boys are having to go through, can not be underplayed. It is a HUGE thing, not just being able to carry what is considered an unlawful (for most Brits) weapon, but to HAVE to carry.

This is an incredibly well written story and I am enjoying how it unfolds.

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Al I must agree with your statement. I live in Tennessee which is just about middle of the eastern half of the US. It is still a southern state and very conservative in it's out look on many issues. In the southeast which we are a part of. Having a long gun in a rack in your truck is a common sight. In Tennessee as long as the long gun it broken down or unloaded you need no permit to have it. On the other side to have a handgun in your car or truck an on your person you need a permit. You need no permit to have it in your home, office or place of business ( if you own it or permitted by the owner ). In some city's and county's depending on local law enforcement.  You are allowed to carry a handgun in your vehicle, when going to and from a bank deposit. Most states in the southeast honor your carry permit of your state in their jurisdictions. You are allowed to use your wepon in defence of life and property of yourself or others. If you are ordered or requested to by law enforcement to assist in the performance of their duty or in defence of the law enforcement officer in crisis. In most states there is a law of "stand your ground". If you are accosted or confronted with a weapon or assault to do greivus harm or death you are permitted to discharge your weapon in defence of that act. To be a responsible gun owner and carry permit holder. You are required to be form miler with the laws regarding guns and permits in your area. This is for my area in the southern part of the US. Different areas of the US are much different from state to state.

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I enjoyed this chapter from the very start. The idea of two young lads taking on this type of shooting range is totally entertaining. Now what will the Major say about getting his laser sights shot up? We have to come back next time and find out.

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A totally fun and enjoyable chapter. The boys made it threw yes. They were spent as most people would have been. The reaction was not what they thought, and indeed a refreshing one at that. What could be next? We will find out next time we come back want we


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A very welcoming story of true life long friends. As all the boys are there now maybe they will get the work done. I hope the boys take care on their trip to buy rings. It is very good to see they trust each other. A very nice chapter that relates the friendship these boys have.

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I so liked the comment about Trump. The MI guys did not get all they wanted. The meeting with the higher authorities should be interesting. I look forward to the next chapter. Just wondering if any staff will quit. I do not think so but we will see.

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