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Lets Play: Princes of the Apocalypse (D&D 5E Adventure)


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So, with Zerg having fun DM'ing us through HoTDQ... anyone want to do Princes of the Apocalypse?




1) Zozo - the Warlock / Sorcerer (Wild Magic), played by Zergrinch

2) Zeris Gorba - the Observant Druid, played by Zergrinch.  AKA Zerlock Holmes, I deduce...

3) Ignaciden - Dragon Ancestry Sorcerer, played by Jeikor

4) Myles - Dual-Wielding Paladin, played by Jeikor

5) Orskik - War Cleric - Played by Rilber

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More Information:

I will DM the game using the same basic format as the previous PBPs.  We'll be running using AL rules which -- interestingly enough -- actually means you could legally take your character and go to a local store if you wanted to.


The adventure extends from 1st level to 15th.  You'll need to generate your first level character (I can assist) and give me a copy of the character sheet so I can double-check your build.


PotA is not as deadly at low levels as HotDQ -- in fact, the 'main' adventure doesn't even start until level five.  It's intended to take off with a level 5 party, but it does provide explicit support for getting characters to level 5 via various side quests that can be run at any time.

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Hey, What's another game?! I'm in!!  Would this be good place for the sorcerer character just discuss in HotDQ? LOL

Whatever my character I could definitely use an assist to make him as good as possible. ;) 



Oh yeah! What are AL rules?

Edited by Jeikor
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Sure, why not? :P


@Jeikor, here's the current rules:



Since we're going by AL rules, does that mean Aarakocra are disallowed?


Also, if I were to play a Wild Magic Sorcerer, how often would you let me roll on the Wild Surge table?  Every chance I get, plus on every critical fail?  :D

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Yay for the forums -- browser chewed up my original post, but most of it was autosaved! 




Oh yeah! What are AL rules?


Actually, I think I'm going to toss that statement out.  I'd like to open up some of the unearthed arcana options to you guys, so instead...


Permitted Alignments: Good Chars and good chars.  I may allow lawful evil, may not.  I want chars who will cooperate as part of the party.  (This does not rule out stupid chars who try to join the cult without realizing it's a cult... )

Permitted Races:  Anything in the player's handbook + EE companion, with DMG / Unearthed Arcana available via DM discussion.  WARNING: I fully plan to make drow and similar chars 'less than welcome' in town...

HP: Maximum at first level, and average afterwards.   I'm willing to discuss rolling for level up if you really want it.

Allowed Classes:  Anything in the player's handbook.

Allowed Subclasses: Anything in the player's handbook, plus I am willing to discuss anything in the DMG or unearthed arcana.  I'll probably allow just about anything, but you'll need to talk to me first.

Starting level:  Level 1, with zero experience.

Stats:  27 point-by or standard array (15,14,13,12,10,8 -- which is 27 points).  I am willing to discuss roll 3D6 if you really want it.

Equipment:  Either standard class kits or take maximum gold value for the class starting golds and purchase equipment, your choice.

Customization options:  Talk to me, I'm fairly open.  Feats & multiclassing explicitly allowed, custom backgrounds and other features by discussion.


So, basically, you can build your character using any material found in the Players Handbook (buy at Amazon or your local gamestore), the Basic Players Handbook, or the EE companion.  You may also use Unearthed Arcana articles, but contact me first so we can check our relative understanding of the material.  (Unearthed Arcana adds several subclass options, some of them really cool, like the favored soul -- I've had my eye on that one since it was released)


You can use the generator Zerg linked to, just be aware that it contains options that aren't accurate or relevant, as well as missing out on some options in the unearthed arcana rules.  Once you have your character roughed in, I'll gladly help you transfer it to a character sheet.


You can have up to three characters per player, with a target party size of five characters.  If you guys both do two characters, I can do a fifth, he'll just follow orders out of combat.  (Which doesn't relegate him to being useless in social, just a follower -- if it's a barb, he'll intimidate any annoyances on request, for example; if a bard, he'll perform and provide history and otherwise be helpful, just not in a way that leads the party anywhere).


I am more than willing to be a resource and a helper while building this material.  I enjoy building chars.  If you know more or less what you want to play, I can help you put the mechanics in place to support it, and provide op.  So if you want me to help you build a character, have a back story and a basic character concept in place -- something like 'a fighter who focuses more on trickery than brute force' is fine, and will probably net you some variant on a rogue.  'Someone who kicks ass' is not.  Have an idea of how he kicks ass at least.  I'll also bring up options / variants, so feel free to focus on rolls -- 'a fighter who protects his allies' might be a standard sword and shield variant, or I might help you to take a barbarian with polearm master + sentinel feats.  Focus on flavor and I'll help you build mechanics.

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If we open this subforum to the public, maybe we can attract more players? :)


I want to try two concepts:

  1. A Wild Magic Sorcerer who rolls VERY frequently on the wild surge table
  2. A skill monkey build.  I am still vacillating between a Lore Bard and a Rogue (I know I have the same goals for Zemzelett, but that game is likely abandoned already)

In case you don't want to deal with wild surge shenanigans (fireball centered on self at level 1, hehe):

  1. A grappler build.  Likely a Barbarian, Fighter, or a Paladin
  2. A full spellcaster, either a Druid or a Wizard.
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If we open this subforum to the public, maybe we can attract more players? :)


I want to try two concepts:

  1. A Wild Magic Sorcerer who rolls VERY frequently on the wild surge table
  2. A skill monkey build.  I am still vacillating between a Lore Bard and a Rogue (I know I have the same goals for Zemzelett, but that game is likely abandoned already)

In case you don't want to deal with wild surge shenanigans (fireball centered on self at level 1, hehe):

  1. A grappler build.  Likely a Barbarian, Fighter, or a Paladin
  2. A full spellcaster, either a Druid or a Wizard.



I didn't know the subform wasn't open!  In fact, thinking on it, maybe we should just go ahead and look at moving ourselves to unseen servant (or elsewhere), I think they have a forum for doing exactly this kind of thing.  Something to think about... but for now, lets just stay where we are and have fun.


It's too bad the other game seems to be abandoned, we were having a lot of fun.


As for wild surge shenanigans, I'm willing to handle them.  I think I'll rule that the DM has final say on what wild surges can occur at any given time -- i. e. no self-centered fireballs until at least level five -- and we should be good.  Though if you want to have a lot of fun, a level 4 valor bard 'skill monkey' can make a surprisingly good grappler as well.  My level 4 valor bard / level 1 sorc is fun, though I don't get to play him as often as I'd like.  (Mind you, unless your playing a mountain dwarf the first two levels are going to be painful; I only really made it because I was able to apply DM XP to the problem).

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Okay, for my sorcerer, I'm thinking of starting him out as a warlock, and then dive into the sorcerer multiclass after level 3 or 4. One of the races I'm considering is a Changeling. However, the UA rules only give the race a couple of +1s to Dexterity and Charisma. Will you consider giving a racial bonus of +2 to charisma and +1 to dexterity instead?

As for the skill monkey build, I'm actually now thinking of something less standard. Either a divination wizard or a knowledge cleric. What do you think? Mechanically, can they become effective skill monkeys?

Also, Jeikor, you might want to give the Druid a try. It's a full spellcaster, but its wild shape feature recharges on a short rest.

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Changelings get a lot of utility and ability out of their shape shifting ability.  It's not a directly combat relevant capability, but it's still pretty potent.  Combine that with free deception & two extra languages...  No, I will not consider changing their racial bonuses, sorry.  I think they've been well placed as is.


Divination wizard... you can take it, but honestly they just aren't that impressive.  Portent can be kind of interesting, but that free spell slot for casting divination spells is moderately underwhelming.  I'd give them a pass unless you're really interested, and they definitely don't manage to be a skill monkey.  Knowledge clerics, on the other hand, pick up two extra spells and two extra skills.  They don't get the double-proficiency you see in rogues and bards, and their skill selection is more limited, but the flip side is their knowledge of the ages channel divinity.  The ability to pick up any skill for ten minutes could be... impressive.  Haven't seen it used yet.


And druids can be awesome.  I was in a game where a druid summoned two giant eagles to fly on, then shapeshifted to direwolf, hopped on an eagle, then attacked a flying enemy to bring him to the ground.  Splat.  Awesome.

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Need some time to think about my second character.  If Jeikor doesn't roll up a WIS-based character, I'll probably just play a monk or druid with an insane passive perception.  


My first character is done, except for a hint of background that would tie him to the beginning of the campaign.


So that I won't step on Jeikor's toes regarding a pyromaniac Sorcerer, I'm going to go Warlock 4 first before embracing the Sorcerer subclass.  Also, that way you don't have to make any house rules about not fireballing the party at level 1.


I've decided to go with custom buy.  Warlocks get 4d4 x 10 = 160 GP, plus the 15 GP from his Charlatan background.


I'm also asking permission to slightly customize the background.  Since Zozo already gets Deception training from being a changeling, I would like to change the charlatan background skill to Persuasion instead.



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Tell us what you want to play, and we'll help you build the char, Jeikor.


If you go pally, you can give us access to both a powerful tank and and effective source of combat-healing.  (Plus massive burst DPS)  On the flip side, rangers are useful too -- I'm just less familiar with them.  (To the degree that, thinking on it, I may just want to play a ranger someday soon to learn more about them; just a session or two as a barbarian completely changed my understanding of the class!)




Also, please note that you guys will need to provide a reason for being in the Dessarin Valley, and preferably one that encourages your characters to look for work of some kind.


I find myself very amused by the thought that you may just be escorting a caravan of trade goods in... :D




Party list:


1) Zerg: Warlock/Sorceror - finalized

2) Jeikor: 'Arsonist Warlock' - pending

3) Jeikor: "Maybe Ranger or Pally"

4) Zerg: "Depends on Zeikor's choice'

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I think he wants to be an arsonist sorcerer, not warlock. Warlocks are basically magic rangers who, instead of Hunter's Mark and Longbow, use Hex with Eldritch Blast :)

If Jeikor is settling on a Ranger, I'll run an intelligence-based wizard. If he opts for the Paladin, I'll run a druid.

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Hey zerg! Did you want to run a sorcerer instead of warlock turned sorcerer? If so I can go with a warlock; just so I can burn things. LOL


If zerg opts for sorcerer and I take warlock then I definitely want to run a paladin.

If zerg keeps his char as is and run a sorcerer then I will have to make a decision whether to go ranger or pally. Zerg, would you prefer wizard or druid? I have never run either ranger or pally so either will be a new, learning situation.

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Jeikor, I'm currently playing several games in the GITP forums, so you should get priority on what you want to play, and I will then tailor my character to suit.

You actually have two viable choices for a pyromaniac: the draconic ancestry sorcerer and the evocation wizard. To further complement the fire starting tendencies of your character, I would go for either a dragonborn with fire breath (sorcerer, although half elf is mechanically better with +2 charisma and immunity to sleep) or a fire genasi (wizard, although gnomes have a superior intelligence bonus).

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Okay, let's start with a half-elf draconic ancestry sorcerer who was blessed at birth by a gold dragon because of a favor his elf mom did for the dragon.


Next, a human paladin for my second char. Make him big enough to use a longsword and dex to shoot halfway decent.


I would appreciate if one of you would generate the characters for me. I tried registering at Unseen Hand and it said it sent an email (on Mon or Tues) for me to confirm but I still haven't received the email. May have to try again later.

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Paladins are already a little bit MAD.  You need good charisma, you want good con, and then you want either strength or dex.  You should either go for dex and accept a crappy bow usage experience (use javelins instead for best results; thrown weapons can use your strength bonus!) or switch it up and go pure dex and use a rapier for melee.


Your statement leads me to expect you to want to go sword & board, but I want to confirm that.  A variant human paladin with polearm mastery could be pretty awesome.  Opportunity attacks when an enemy closes to melee range combined with a 'melee range' that is now five feet larger, allowing you to attack from outside their own range.  And to top it all off, you get an 'off hand' bonus attack that uses your full strength bonus.

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You can solve those MAD problems by increasing the point-buy allocation points *wink wink nudge nudge* :D


In any case, here is Zerris Gorba, my variant Human Druid, with a passive perception of 20.



I agree with Rilbur though, Jeikor.  A paladin typically doesn't care about Dexterity, and has STR as the primary stat, CHA as the secondary stat, and CON as the tertiary stat.  A pally IS rather multiple-attribute dependent.  Other classes, for example the Monk, only needs decent DEX and WIS to be effective.  A rogue can make do with just DEX.


Polearm mastery comes with a disadvantage too.  Since your reach increases to 10 feet, and opportunity attacks only trigger upon leaving your reach, your enemies can dance circles around you to hit squishies without risking your opportunity attack :)

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Also, with me out of town for the week, my access to a lot of my normal tools is a little curtailed.  I can still manage a lot, but I'm not going to try to build character sheets at the moment.  Zerg, if you want to do Jeikor's for him I won't object as long as he's happy with what he receives.  If you don't do it, I'll do it when I can some time after next Wednesday.


My goal is to be ready to start this game by next Thursday or Friday.

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I already have a pre-gen build for a paladin (for the Kyle Aarons game), but this one is a half-orc.  I can try a variant human build too.



Races that make for effective paladins (with bonuses to STR, CON, or CHA) are:

  1. Mountain Dwarf (+2 STR, +2 CON)
  2. Goliath (damage reduction, +2 STR, +1 CON)
  3. Half-Orcs (hard to kill, +2 STR, +1 CON)
  4. Dragonborn (breath weapon, +2 STR, +1 CHA)
  5. Earth Genasi (Think "Earthbender", +1 STR, +2 CON)
  6. Half-Elf (+2 CHA, +1 to any two)
  7. Warforged (robots, +1 STR, +1 CON)

A variant human can give plusses to two stat, and with the right feat, obtain a +1 to STR, CON, or CHA.


Are you set on a human, Jeikor?

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He could want to do the sword & board technique I'm doing with Erwin -- it's pretty awesome.


And dex is a perfectly valid, if unusual, combat stat for a pally.


A sword & shield pally with a rapier & medium armor master could be pretty cool, and let him use his bow and arrows when he wants to.  (Note: doesn't work well with most paladin abilities, but you can still do it)

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