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Toby Eszterhazy

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  1. Now that Snot is in an administrative position he might be groomed to take over Colonel Cruikshank's role in the future. That being said, I expect him to be stirring up London as shown with the soldier in Portugal very soon. I cannot agree more with R08m4rv's deduction regarding the legality of the Morgan family since they are the only force keeping Thomas afloat after he got tossed to the side at Olivenca. I have also noticed a dislike for the common man. Aside from the 'diamond in a haystack' English characters that seek to aid Thomas, most are shown to be boggarts and plain dumb. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Snot's moment of mischief. Its just that the moment any English infantryman sees a foreigner, they start seeing red. Or perhaps all the nice ones stay quiet to watch things unfold.
  2. Our favourite general is on the move once again. It seems the British will be pushed to the sidelines if only temporarily while Thomas reinstills the French with fear. I hope the Viscount Wellington remains an ally to the Cortes by straightening out Beresford. As a history enthusiast and attempted polymath, I found Drummer Boy fits the image I previously formed of the era. So much so that I often need to remind myself of the fact that I am not reading a research paper! (I blame Loki if I start lecturing on the exploits of General Thomasino to my students.) And to our author, I wish you the best of health. Till next time,
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