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    Hunter reacted to Sam2 in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
     Feel free not to answer any questions you deem fit. 
     Your parents, in the story, had a very tumultous relationship. Deep down, how did their relationship affect you?
     When did you know you had feelings for Roger? Was the moment that happened between you at the lake what you envisioned it to be? What you hoped for?
     When did you realize you felt for Austin? Did your moment at the lake solidify those feelings?
  2. Like
    Hunter reacted to anonimoose in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
    Dear Sam,
    Over the course of your story you've gotten to meet and have relationships with so many interesting guys. Every relationship is different obviously, but do you feel like there's a different experience with the older guys you've been with (like Roger or Austin) compared to the younger ones (like Paavo or Jake)?
    Another question: On the subject of Roger and Austin, you obviously played a big role in getting them together. Are you surprised that they ended up being such a good match? Were you surprised that Austin and Roger turned out to be gay, or did you have a hunch? It seems like Roger and Austin are clearly are attracted to you as well. Would you ever get involved with them again, or do you prefer to steer clear of budding relationships?

  3. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from A.B in A.B.   
    Hello Alex,
    I enjoyed your first one since I was one of the lucky ones to get a sneak peek at the entire story.  It really has a lot going for it with plenty of twists and turns.  I'm sure no matter what story and setting you write it will be interesting from start to finish.  Your first attempt was very well done and I'm sure your style will evolve as you go along just like many of us other authors.  Just keep banging away at the keyboard.
  4. Like
    Hunter reacted to A.B in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
    To Akiva: What went through your mind when those older bullies had you and your younger friend tied and threatening to rape you before Dylan came storming in?
    to Dylan: How does it feel like being raised all over the world, without "roots" in a specific home/town? How does it define you as a person having interaction with all those different cultures, languages and people?
  5. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from Jeikor in Hunter: Author on this site   
    Well I'm an author here on Castle Roland and I have to say I'm glad to be here.  I'm a relatively new author in the grand scheme of things, and I began writing on nifty when I started to complain about some of the wham bam thank you sam type of stories there.  Of course there were good stories on there as well, but I found myself grumbling about the really low quality of writing that can be found relatively rampant on that site.  Don't get me wrong I think nifty is a good enough place for writers and readers, but there are a lot of stories on it not worth the time or effort.  I found myself grumbling about it, but then had to pull back the reigns because in my opinion I didn't have a right to complain because others had at least put the time and effort into writing a story.  I've never done that before, so I had no right to complain.  This prompted me to give it a try, thus Stormy Weather was born.  At first I wrote the story just to see if I could actually write a decent story and I wasn't even going to post it, then for some reason I figured it was written so what the heck.  I submitted it to nifty and was surprised to find out that there were a lot of people out there who felt the same way I did about the majority of stories being posted on the site.  There were some very nice gems on there, but you really had to look for them to root them out.
    The people who emailed me begged for more so I figured what the heck and gave it another try figuring my first story was a fluke, thus Sweet Cheeks was born and my readers were now hooked.  At around that time Roland contacted me asking to join one of his sites, but truthfully I was all new to the writing game and I just wasn't ready so I sort of held off.  After four stories with nifty I began to have problems with the archivist and since this was a hobby for me I simply was going to stop submitting stories because I didn't need those kinds of hastles or headaches.  Roland once more contacted me and asked me to continue to write and that he would get my stories on Saberpeak.  Well I began submitting my stories there right about the time the stuff happened with Saberpeak, lol.  Anyway, I stuck with it and transferred over here and I'm happy to be here.  This is a great place for authors and readers alike.  The quality of authors that Roland has pulled together is fantastic.  All the stories on this site are first rate, and there is a bit of everything here to satiate all readers' preferences.
    I have to commend Roland and all the people working on this site who make it what it is...a fantastic place for everyone.  It is through your hard work where ideas come to life.
  6. Like
    Hunter reacted to chrislucas191070 in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
    What does Dylan love about Akiva the most?
  7. Like
    Hunter reacted to chrislucas191070 in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
    These are Question's for Jamie.
    What is like living with Autism and finally understanding normal things?
    Why have you fallen in love with both Pavo and Sam?
    This Question is for Sam.
    Why do you like Pavo and Sam so much?
  8. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from A.B in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
    Hello Mr. Aarons,
    This is Ezra Kostalini and I'm from the story Bonds of Brotherhood.  Mr. Woods didn't warn me about people asking me questions right now so it has caught me by complete surprise.  I have to wait and get permission from Mr. Woods to answer any other questions until he allows questions to be opened for me in the story Bonds of Brotherhood.  Right now he is only allowing people to ask questions regarding RAUF and Stormy Weather.

    Since you asked though I will try to answer your question and hope I don't get into trouble because of it.  I was in a very bad place and time when I sort of began misbehaving.  My father was killed in a very bad accident and the police first accused him of being drunk which of course was later proved to be wrong.  On top of it one my best friend's little brother was killed in the same accident.  My friend's twin little brothers were like my very own little brothers and I just didn't know how to handle it because Marcel, Marco's twin brother, was now gone forever his young life taken before his time.  I was mad, sad, upset, sorry, mortified, humiliated, and so many other emotions that it made things weird between me and my best friend Brendan.  After all what can I say to my best friend when it was my father who caused the accident even though he wasn't drunk and it really was an accident.  My Grandfather was a big help and tried to teach me to take the right path, but knew it had crushed me and in the end it was my road to travel and figure out.  The pain in my heart would only be healed when I came to terms with what happened.  He had faith in me and was a very kind and passionate man towards me giving me some space but also had a very firm hand not letting me get away with things when I got out of hand.  He was a very wise man and will be sorely missed by me and my cousins, but we are now with a very loving and caring family and we will be alright.

    I knew being a bully was wrong, but I simply chose the wrong path for a while.  It was when Jackson, the new kid, moved to town when things began to change.  Brendan, my best friend did the right thing by standing up to me and I simply didn't have the heart anymore to continue down this wrong path.  I never really was into being a bully anyway, and it was Brendan who helped me get back into the right frame of mind.  Then there was Jackson.  When he came into my life everything changed.  My grandfather simply knew it in his heart so helped prepare me and my cousins.  Jackson and his family took us all in, and I can't love them more for it, but Jackson simply melted my heart allowing me truly to become the person I was destined to become.  We have a special bond sealed for all time in the old way.  It was the right thing to do and I have no regrets even though some of my people frown on it.  No matter what though we are bonded and sealed together for all time.
    Thank you Mr. Aarons for your question but please do not tell Mr. Hunter about it and we can keep this between just the two of us until I have permission to answer your questions.
  9. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from A.B in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
    Hello Mr. AB,
    This is Paavo, and what's not to like with Sam.  He's really a cool guy when you get to know him and nothing like what others say.  I felt all alone and other kids always picked on me.  He was the only one who stood up for me.  He didn't care that I was different or I talked weird.  Well, others think this, but I think they talk kind of weird.  It was hard for me to move away from my country and all my friends and I felt all alone.  Then one day Sam came along and he was so kind and gentle.  He stood up for me, someone he didn't even know and got in trouble for it.  He didn't even blame me for that like many of the other kids would.  I felt really bad when he got sent away, and even frightened because other kids said he went to the kid's prison because of me.  When he came back I was so happy and again he came and protected me.  He even invited me over to sit with him and introduced me to his other friends.  They were all older and that was really a cool thing to do.  After that no one picked on me anymore.  It seems strange that we'd become friends because he is so much older than me, but we did and he is like such a cool guy.  Most people do not see his soft side but I saw it right from the beginning.  Then something seemed to happen with me and I began to realize I liked Sam more than just a friend, and even though I know him and Jamie were sort of boyfriends, I am happy that he lets me be his friend in a closer kind of way.  He's so sexy hot and cute.  I know it's kind of a weird thing for a boy to say that about another boy but I can't help it.  He is super sexy hot and I love the times we get to spend with each other in that special kind of way.  I'm not sure how this is all going to work out because I like Sam a whole lot and I know Jamie does too.  Sam's even told me he likes me in that special kind of way and he also like's Jamie that way.  I can't be mad at Jamie because he's such a cool kid too and we get along really good together.  It's so weird and all, but somehow we all seem to get along and don't mind sharing Sam with each other.  Meeting Sam, Jamie, and the others is the best thing that's ever happened to me. 
  10. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from A.B in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
    Hello Mr. A.B,
    This is Sam and it is kind of difficult to explain why I don't like it.  I guess one of the reasons is that most of my friends have always called me Sam because Samuel sounds kind of corny, wimpish, and a bit formal.  In my neck of the woods it is a very tough neighborhood and other kids can be kind of mean and stuff, so you have to sort of have a tougher image.  Even something simple as a name can get you into a heap of trouble at my school with plenty of kids finding reasons to tease you about it.  Things are bad enough as they are so why hassle with it.
    At home it used to never really be a problem, but as I got older and my parents became more involved with my school activities and I began to have a wider ring of friends because I could go out further into the neighborhood and stuff, it started to become an issue.  When my other friends were around or they attended some school activities I was involved in they would always refer to me in public as Samuel in front of others which sort of began some teasing from other kids who heard.  It was also around the time I began to have problems with my dad.  When I asked him to call me Sam he simply ignored me like he always did and this created even more of a rift between us while also creating problems with some of the other kids.  I was getting angry all the time now and little things would set me off and I was getting into fights all the time.  Most of the times it was for other things, but sometimes the teasing sort of set up fights because it would make me angry and in a way I felt sometimes my dad not giving me any respect sort of contributed to it.
    A name seems such an innocent type of thing, but in the end I've never really liked such a formal name like Samuel.  I'm kind of a more simplistic kind of kid, where my dad tries to act like one of those hoity toity kinds of people who enjoys very formal types of things.  It's just we are really very different.  He likes to run in circles of the elite, where I simply prefer to be an average kind of kid hanging out with my friends and simply kicking back.  I don't like all this formal business and trying to be perfect which is something my dad always tries to ram down my throat.  Sam is simple and straight to the point and sort of fits who I am.
  11. Like
    Hunter reacted to Kyle Aarons in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
    what who was the first kid you beat up on, why, and what made that so much fun you continued to do so?
    the kid you never see
  12. Like
    Hunter reacted to A.B in HUNTER: Ask a Character - Any Story   
    Okay I guess I'll start with a couple of questions:

    To Sam: Why does it bother you so much to be called Samuel? It is your name.

    To Paavo: What is it in Sam that you...like so much?

  13. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from GayActivist in Caution   
    I agree with Ken, and if we all behave like adults and take these discussions for what they are...a place to express our views while respecting others then there shouldn't be any problems.  Besides the rule is behave or else.  I think if the rule is strictly enforced then there won't be any issues.  Anyone who doesn't like what is being said doesn't have to read or respond.  Keep the debate civilized with a civil tongue and all is well. You can be passionate about your views but you also have to respect the other person's passion who has a differing view.  Anyone who doesn't do that the solution is simple, they get booted plain and simple.
  14. Like
    Hunter reacted to Billy Martin in Caution   
    Hey y'all.
    I thought I would add here a word of caution with this forum. I've been a member of sites that still offer a political forum and some that have eliminated it from their site. It seems to me that it can and often does lead to friendship breakdowns and at times chaos for the management of the sites that hosts forum such as this.
    Personally, I'm pro gay, in that I'm against gay bashing and any actions that treats gays any differently than any other member of society. I believe in equal rights for all, not special rights for some. In just those two sentences, the probability is high that I have already said something that some of you will disagree with.
    Political discussion is important in a Democratic Republic like ours, but is a community like ours (literature site) the best place for it. The USA is a divided nation, at present, and I'm sure there are some of us found on both ends of the spectrum of political opinion. Some opinions are very strongly held and locked-in. When challeged on their beliefs can result in some very heated debates, if debates is what they are called. I don't, because usually no one is listening to what anyone else is saying and people just end up talking at others and not with others. And that is just taking in the differing opinions of those in the USA. Add the world and watch out.  
    I can live with or without this forum. Just remember, we are all brothers and sisters. When we many are one, we are strong. When we many are many, we are weaker for it.
  15. Like
    Hunter reacted to ken barber in Caution   
    I have to say that out of all the forums I have been on that have Political threads this is the most intelligent and non-personal so far. So far it seems as though when the discussion gets to heated we walk away. With that said I believe that discussion is important so we can understand each others positions. I for. one have always loved intelligent debate as long as it stays that way. Those that don't debate with intelligence I just ignore.
  16. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from A.B in THAT   
    That is something I am guilty of as well...hmmm...maybe it should be..."This is something I'm guilty of," 
  17. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from A.B in Proofreader/editor wanted.   
    Hello everyone,
    Just as a side note for AB, he's from Greece and speaks English very well but of course it isn't his native language so he needs help with the nuances of our language as well.  I know how he feels because even though I speak read and write German fairly fluently there are a lot of nuances which I struggle with along with the proper grammar, style, and punctuations.  I just wanted to point this out because it will give you an idea of what is needed.  His writing is really good but it simply requires help because of the language barrier.
  18. Like
    Hunter reacted to A.B in What the F@*K   
    aaawww why not? dress up like Link from Zelda!! ! all the green tights you could ever want!!
  19. Like
    Hunter reacted to Rilbur in What the F@*K   
  20. Like
    Hunter reacted to Juan in What the F@*K   
    i am NOT wearing tights!
  21. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from ken barber in Halloween Short Story Competition 2014   
    Ken great job on the poem and I think it should be sent out in the newsletter for everyone. You did the bulk of the work and I was happy to be a small part of it.  I'm no good at poetry but with others giving it a start I'm fairly decent at cleaning things up and helping to make things rhyme.  I am interested in reading some of these ghoulish stories.  It sounds like we've gotten several submissions already including one from one of my readers.  I recommend all authors send out an email to their reader's email list and let them know of the competition.  I know one or two would love to participate so let them know authors.  In my opinion it is part of our (author's) responsibility to our readers to keep them informed.  You are a part of this team now as an author so let's get the word out and help the forum and this site.  It is a fantastic site which offers options most sited don't to readers and authors alike so let's do the right thing and help keep things rolling by taking on a little responsibility towards both readers and this site.
  22. Like
    Hunter reacted to ken barber in Halloween Short Story Competition 2014   
    Deep beneath the Castle spire in a room filled with shadowy ire A pedestal in cobwebs delight Upon its cracked and whittled blight a tome rests in dreary light Dusty pages filled with darkest thoughts of countless authors' evil plots Hidden in a place from scrying eyes until spirits take flight through the skies

    Written by the Castle Roland PR Team 9/25/14
  23. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from ken barber in Joe Writerman live chat -ENDED-CLOSED-   
    Joe I just wanted to wish you the best of luck.  I found my live chat to be a very moving experience and enjoyed the interaction with both readers and other authors.
  24. Like
    Hunter reacted to A.B in Brave Lake Manor   
    Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy the story.   My 1st one, not just on this site anywhere. It is also published on nifty but it is my 1st one there too 
  25. Like
    Hunter got a reaction from ken barber in Some questions and answers from Hunter's live chat session   
    Castleroland’s first live chat session came off as a resounding success.  Both author and guests enjoyed themselves immensely with the normally tight lipped Hunter actually giving out some sweet rewards to the participants in this small tight knit group.  Even though he was a bit coy about some future surprises in upcoming chapters, he still provided everyone with some unique insights into what to expect.  Normally it is like pulling teeth in regards to anything in this author’s upcoming chapters and projects simply due to the nature of his writing style, but he even shared some story ideas which he already has in the works.
    While in the chat-room everyone was also allowed to view pictures of all his characters from the stories Hunter has written so far, to the delight of everyone.  The chat session lasted close to two hours, but the time simply zipped by for everyone as they asked their questions and Hunter went into great length and detail of his writing style and works.
    Some topics of discussion included:
    Where does Hunter get his story Ideas? How does he prepare for and outline stories? What is his process for Character Development & Profiles (where does he get his characters)? What is involved in the Research Process of his stories? At what point does he actually sit down to write out a story, and how does he let the story flow.  Does he do additional research along the way? How does he go about describing characters in his stories?  Does he have any particular steps or order in this process? Does he use editors and what is his philosophy on it? Why all those Cliffhangers all the time? What are his thoughts in regards to using the U.S. system of measurements, weights, and temperatures when most other countries use the metric system?  
    For each of these questions Hunter delved deeply; extensively describing his thoughts and ideas in great detail so we could better understand the methods he uses and why.  It was simply amazing to gain insights into the workings of how this particular author creates his stories from start to finish.  He was able to provide insights into his style of writing, and what works for him as an author.  It is easy to see why his stories are so detailed in nature, and why he manages to create saga’s that keep readers sitting on the edges of their seats.  He has a way of completely exhausting his readers because of the emotional ride he manages to take them on.
    Every author is different, and it will be interesting to see what some of the other authors have in store for us in their chat sessions.
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