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  • A.B

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  1. {{ OOC: LOL. I can't really see Eghas kicking you in the face.. as funny as it may sound....}} When Eghas gets over to Zem, he uses his tail to 'slap' the halfelf in the face until he wakes up. this was he can keep his hands free and eyes on the enemy.
  2. Eghas moves over to try and protect Zem, while firing at the spell caster that put him to sleep
  3. Eghas nods then whispers softly. Quelten give us 3 minutes, then you and Reld unload on the big guy. everyone else spread out. ranged weapons for the first volley. make them count. then close for combat range. Try to protect the slaves if you can. He waits to move out seeing if anyone has questions.
  4. I think with all the noise we've made since we stopped, if anyone followed us, they know exactly what out plan is. Hopefully they don't. So. Lets make it look like we broke a wheel, and are fixing it. I want a sloppy 'watch' set up to cover the people who are working on the wheel. Abram, i would like you, Vorador, Elan'fal, and myself to scout the area, and see what we can find." He points to the older of the two dwarfs with them. "Would you be willing to play the part of caravan master. We need this to look right, which means someone has to be the caravan master. It can't be me... that's for sure." Looking at the other Dwarf. "Please be the 'driver'. "Quelten, Reld, Innil, you be our 'watch' remember we want who ever is watching us to think we're a push over.... Reld, you know how to play to the crowd, so start playing. only this time i want you to play at being no where near as good as you are. Quelten i want you playing the nervous fool. you still young, so it would make sense." He then looks to Zem. "YOu too, but you are just along for the ride. i don't want you openly carrying any weapons, but make sure you stay close to where you can get them. for this deception, you are an entertainer catching a ride to another village." Finally he motions to D'Nerenth. "I would like you or the other Dragonling to be chief of security for our fine caravan master." He looks around at everyone for a moment. "Any questions?"
  5. "NO!" Eghas said as he looked around and sighed. "i propose we make camp and see if they will attack tonight. if not, we head in early, that way we are all fresh, and have the entire day to do what we need to." Eghas looks around to see what everyone else thinks.
  6. Eghas nods to everyone while making sure he is prepared. "MOUNT UP! We have a mine to attack!"
  7. Hey Zem. What have you got there?" Eghas asks as he walks up, trying to see what he can do to help
  8. Eghas has kept quiet while listening to the others talk, finally he nods his head, and holds up his head to stop further conversation. "I like what i am hearing, so we'll do this. First off, we need to have some 'guards' on the caravan, or else it won't look right. so some of you will be on horses. the rest. well who says that the wagons are small, or there not enough room for someone to sit in the back without being seen. yes we'll need to have some goods to make it look right but, we don't need to have people out of armor if we don't want them to be." He looks over to Reld and grins. "Meanwhile, while you guys are doing that, Reld, myself, Vorador and possible either Abram or D'naranth will sneak up behind and cut off escape and reinforcements. This is of course, assuming they attack us, if not,t hen we'll have to go past, and then come in another way, but. since we will have people with us who know mines, Car'sel is giving us a couple people to go with, we'll figure things out then. Now, i really think we need to take some time to rest, because tomorrow is gonna be a long day i think. Anyone have any questions?"
  9. Eghas just nods his head. "If that is how you wish things to be, then so be it." He hands the amulet back over to him. "Do with his as you wish. I no longer care."
  10. "Need i remind everyone what happened the last time one of us 'played with unknown magic'. If i recall correctly, and i do, it was not the most pleasant of experiences. one does not experiment with magic they do not know anything about. it's not only, not wise, but frankly, if this were to do something harmful to ANY one of us, that would be one less person that we have in our group. While i may agree that we need every edge that we can get. simply taking some found magical item and going 'hey lets see what this does', is not exactly wise. Yes, the creature that wore it did not seemed harmed by it, but is it not likely that it could have been made specially for it, and anyone else that puts it on may get hurt or even killed? That's just one of the pitfalls, and i am sure there are MANY others that i do not know about." He lowers his voice and speaks directly to Quelten. "And Excuse me for actually worrying about what happens or could happen to a friend."
  11. Eghas looks at Quelten like he's lost his mind. "Quelten. one has to wonder if you have had too many strikes to the head lately." He walks over to Quelten and takes the amulet from him. "Until he know what this thing does, NO ONE wears it." ((Waits to see what he, or anyone else does.))
  12. "Agreed, lets get some rest, and head out in the morning."
  13. "mainly because they can not spare the man power. The hand full of guards they have here are needed, here. unless the creatures at the mine attack the village itself, they don't have the manpower to take it out. Also, i think this would be a great time for the youngsters that have decided to not stay here, to get some experience, that way they can be a better help to us when we go hunting your criminal. As far as your trail going cold.... i don't really think that is an issue." Eghas smiles
  14. Eghas gathers the group together, and begins to speak to them. "I have found out some information about the mine we found. First off, it has been hampering the trade caravans coming to this village, as we know. It is also attacking other. Most of the kids in the orphanage came form those caravans. Now, the guards on those caravans were mostly untrained 'swords' that were not guilded. And perhaps one or two guilded people. Car'Sel has offered us two warriors to go with us if we decide to attack the mine. Now understand, the caster we faced was supposed to be one of the more powerful ones, and he was not much. I really think that we should take out this threat. Not only would it help this village that was kind enough to help us, but we may also find some other things down there that may help us figure out how to get home. I don't know. All I know is there is a threat there that I really think we have the ability to take care of." He takes a moment to look them all over, then says, "What say you all?"
  15. Eghas has been concentrating on getting information. he goes to the source he knows best, the orphans. Since there are no real street people in this village, that is the best he can do. it did turn out to be a wealth of knowledge. once he was done with that, he starts to look around at the shops, speaking with those that he can speak with. at one point he meets up with Vorador, and sees if the he needs any help with anything. The main thing he is keeping his eyes out for is the people. Eghas knows people, and how they act. he wants to see what type of people they have in this town. people are people no matter what race they are. He is also searching for higher quality equipment. Armor, and bow are his highest priority, but he would also like a nice sword if he can find it, and afford it.
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