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Kyle Aarons

Royal Ministers
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    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Zergrinch in Kandric world discussion   
    charts didn't come over quite right, but you can see that experience it takes to gain echelons and steps is different by race.
    this chart also has the difference for Sands of Time Era and Kandric Era.
    in simple terms it takes more experience to advance for the higher races and less for the lower races. Magic Defiance is also different. So while the attack and counter are the same for a secondary Echelon step one Human and a Secondary step one Alphar, the Alphar will have more force to cast with and a higher magic defiance. It also takes him a lot more XP to get to that point.
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    Kyle Aarons reacted to Rwinn in O'Connell's Grenadiers   
    when I read the passage with the zip ball message I could imagine the face of the officer when the computer detected the id code like "oh shit hell just broke loose... why me ? why me ? oh god why on my watch ?"
  3. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Shayn059 in Event Polling   
    I think it would be nice to see non-writing contests for those who don't write. Maybe an artist contest? (there would be something I can assure you I would stay out of, cause I could make a stick figure look bad) I think there is other creativity available so lets get creative on finding ways for board members to express their abilities.
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    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from boozel11 in Adventure Quest   
    Keep in mind I have done 50,000 word chapters in my past.... I like detail and want to put out works that I enjoy writing. The nice thing about not having some publisher beating on me about word counts is I can express things the way I like to. Still I would love to have a published novel at some point...
    As a side note: A few of my stories I keep to reasonable sizes, (AQ, Day of N, Re-E) but beware if you want to read some of my other stuff. It may take a bit longer than you expect
    thanks for the kind words and I am working on the next chapter of AQ along with a couple of other chapters of other stories.
  5. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in Halloween Short Story Contest Discussion   
    congrats Driver. Well done.
    Thanks to all who voted.
    To be honest, I am both surprised and honored to be in the top three. This was a fun story for me to write, so the storyline wasn't a whole hearted Halloween story as I could have done.
    Anyone who want to give me some harsh/critical feedback, please feel free to do so.
  6. Like
    Kyle Aarons reacted to Al Norris in Halloween Short Story Contest Discussion   
    So, like Zergrinch, I took notes as I finished reading. Not going to try and say which I think is best, that's what the voting is for. Here's how I've tallied the stories:
    Story #1 - Having followed this story, since it was introduced last Halloween, and continues as a current story, it was a nice addition to the ongoing saga.
    Story #2 - The story did not appear to contain an outright "Halloween" theme, until you got towards the end. Then it lept out and smacked you. This is another Halloween story that needs to be continued, either now or next year.
    Story #3 - This was another story that did not seem to embody the Halloween theme as well as some others. Regardless, the story drew me in. The ending of this story almost demanded a second installment. It is easily among my favorites.
    Story #4 - The Halloween theme on this one was spotty. Regardless, it kept my interest because I really wanted to know what was up with the mother and the new family. It wasn't until towards the end, that I had it figured out. Gomez and Morticia have nothing on these folks!
    Story #5 - At the risk of having the author dislike me... the Halloween theme was only a sidetrack to the overall theme of the story. Not that I dislike stories with a moral imperative, mind you. I think I just wasn't expecting this one.
    Story #6 - All Hallows Eve, right from the gate and down to the end. Another favorite from this years crop.
    Story #7 - Halloween themes can encompass many different things. This one was just not my cup of tea. A really overworked theme, lately.
    Story #8 - Another story that grabbed the theme and ran with it. The diversion scenes, rather than being titillating were quite humorous, which only added to the overall tension. Well done!
    Story #9 - This was another story that started off strong and finished strong. Pure Halloween, in my opinion. I liked this story very much, and I had a hard time with not putting it in the class of my favorites this year.
    Story #10 - I think, if we are honest, everybody likes a well written murder mystery. Halloween themed all the way through, which made it even more thrilling. Among my favorites.
    Story #11 - This is one I want to see a next part. It begs the question which was asked at the start and possibly hinted at the answer in the end. Heartache and/or heartbreak. Have a box of tissues handy.
    Story #12 - Another shot for All Hallows Eve, from start to finish. Good overall story, but I just couldn't connect well with the characters.
  7. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Steve T. in Day of N   
    bad people in my stories... Come on! Never !!!! 
  8. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Wyatt in Geek Squad   
    Open your mind a little and let go of the stereotypes you see and hear in the media.
    This is a world where the United States too a slightly different path. In some cases common sense took over and in other spots the opposite happened.
    As for smart people of only European decent Glenn's dad's name is Jose Olivarez. Somehow, I don't see Glenn Olivarez as having only European decent. 
    One of my Fighter Pilots is Lt. Morales
    Levi is Israeli
    The UAE ambassador is Imir Assadir (and while a bad guy, certainly not stupid)
    Commerce Secretary is Duane Brinks (African American)
    HUD Secretary is Polly Higuchi (African American)
    Education Secretary is Jillian Barrientos (African American)
    Attorney General is Rafael Latz (Hispanic)
    I also have a group of kids now working with Officer Cole Rail in Kentucky:
    I have a pretty eclectic group there and while not book smart they sure as hell aren't stupid
  9. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Jack Schaeffer in Adventure Quest   
    AQ is one of those stories that when the inspiration hits I can churn out 3 or 4 chapters then in fades away. There are still a couple more unposted chapters out there...
  10. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Steve T. in Day of N   
    Part of what I am trying to do with day of n is to show what any surviving person might have to consider in a mass disaster situation. Decisions about who to save and why to not save are among the worst things someone would have to face. I am going glad you liked the balance I struck with the surgery. I need to show what would be used and to make it a difficult choice to do so. I also wanted to show that without a real doctor others may well need to step up to the plate.
  11. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in And the Winners are...   
    I want to thank all of the other authors who took time to write their stories. I found this to be especially challenging and seeing the work the other authors put into this, I get the feeling they did as well. The fact all of my fellow authors rose to this challenge is a mark of their greatness. Thanks to all.
  12. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in Cynus. New and ready to meet you.   
    Always nice to have another author aboard! Welcome and enjoy
  13. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Mark C. in And the Winners are...   
    As a side note on my story: most people will never bother to dig, but if you are at all interested... I think doing some digging could prove to be quite interesting. The ships, dates and battles fought are all real as are the named captains for the proper ships. I made 'For Love or Country'  as close to historical fiction as I could given the time I had to do the research.
    At some point I want to continue this story to it's conclusion since I had it worked out all the way to 1793 but simply ran out of words by the time I got to the capture of the Vestale. 30,000 words just happened way too fast!
    I would be curious to see how many would want to see the second chapter of 'For Love Over Country'.
  14. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Mark C. in And the Winners are...   
    I want to thank all of the other authors who took time to write their stories. I found this to be especially challenging and seeing the work the other authors put into this, I get the feeling they did as well. The fact all of my fellow authors rose to this challenge is a mark of their greatness. Thanks to all.
  15. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in And the Winners are...   
    As a side note on my story: most people will never bother to dig, but if you are at all interested... I think doing some digging could prove to be quite interesting. The ships, dates and battles fought are all real as are the named captains for the proper ships. I made 'For Love or Country'  as close to historical fiction as I could given the time I had to do the research.
    At some point I want to continue this story to it's conclusion since I had it worked out all the way to 1793 but simply ran out of words by the time I got to the capture of the Vestale. 30,000 words just happened way too fast!
    I would be curious to see how many would want to see the second chapter of 'For Love Over Country'.
  16. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Cynus in And the Winners are...   
    As a side note on my story: most people will never bother to dig, but if you are at all interested... I think doing some digging could prove to be quite interesting. The ships, dates and battles fought are all real as are the named captains for the proper ships. I made 'For Love or Country'  as close to historical fiction as I could given the time I had to do the research.
    At some point I want to continue this story to it's conclusion since I had it worked out all the way to 1793 but simply ran out of words by the time I got to the capture of the Vestale. 30,000 words just happened way too fast!
    I would be curious to see how many would want to see the second chapter of 'For Love Over Country'.
  17. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Cynus in And the Winners are...   
    I want to thank all of the other authors who took time to write their stories. I found this to be especially challenging and seeing the work the other authors put into this, I get the feeling they did as well. The fact all of my fellow authors rose to this challenge is a mark of their greatness. Thanks to all.
  18. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Jeikor in And the Winners are...   
    I want to thank all of the other authors who took time to write their stories. I found this to be especially challenging and seeing the work the other authors put into this, I get the feeling they did as well. The fact all of my fellow authors rose to this challenge is a mark of their greatness. Thanks to all.
  19. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Jeikor in And the Winners are...   
    As a side note on my story: most people will never bother to dig, but if you are at all interested... I think doing some digging could prove to be quite interesting. The ships, dates and battles fought are all real as are the named captains for the proper ships. I made 'For Love or Country'  as close to historical fiction as I could given the time I had to do the research.
    At some point I want to continue this story to it's conclusion since I had it worked out all the way to 1793 but simply ran out of words by the time I got to the capture of the Vestale. 30,000 words just happened way too fast!
    I would be curious to see how many would want to see the second chapter of 'For Love Over Country'.
  20. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in PLEASE READ FIRST. Age of Enlightenment story contest. PLEASE READ FIRST.   
    I would like those who read the stories to add some comment after each to really get a feel on what they are thinking. I am refraining from doing so since I wrote one, but if others want to hear more detailed reviews from me I would be happy to do so.
  21. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from ken barber in PLEASE READ FIRST. Age of Enlightenment story contest. PLEASE READ FIRST.   
    well, I must say there has been quite an effort put into this by all. I spent a huge portion of my afternoon reading the other stories and must say I am impressed. This is a huge well done to the rest of the authors and a thanks for making my Friday afternoon enjoyable.
  22. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Al Norris in PLEASE READ FIRST. Age of Enlightenment story contest. PLEASE READ FIRST.   
    well, I must say there has been quite an effort put into this by all. I spent a huge portion of my afternoon reading the other stories and must say I am impressed. This is a huge well done to the rest of the authors and a thanks for making my Friday afternoon enjoyable.
  23. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Cynus in Cynus. New and ready to meet you.   
    Always nice to have another author aboard! Welcome and enjoy
  24. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Al Norris in Cynus. New and ready to meet you.   
    Always nice to have another author aboard! Welcome and enjoy
  25. Like
    Kyle Aarons got a reaction from Steve T. in Brile   
    keep in mind, if you read Brile you should also read O'Connell, they are in the same universe after all...
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