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  1. Thanks
    Maxieplus got a reaction from JohnnyC in Never Give Up   
    Yes John, they do make an appearence in all my stories. This one was the first one I wrote so I decide to give them a cameo in all my others. Thank you once again, Yr mate Maxie
  2. Like
    Maxieplus got a reaction from JohnnyC in Ayden's Eyes   
    Thank you Johnny, he is a sweetie and so is Birdy. I want to adopt them both, of course with my husbands Den and Evan. lolol Its a crazy story coming from a crazy imagination and there plenty more to come. If you look up Golden beach Victoria you will see the area I'm writing about. Although it exists I see nothing but a ghost town, is that how it really looks to us mere humans? lololol
    Thank you again
    Your mate Mr Plus.
  3. Like
    Maxieplus got a reaction from JohnnyC in Ayden's Eyes   
    That would be something special Johnny, book two is nearly written, just doing the rewrite now. Got to find a good ending though lololol It wont be months away. Thank you again. 
  4. Like
    Maxieplus got a reaction from JohnnyC in Ayden's Eyes   
    Thank you JC
  5. Haha
    Maxieplus got a reaction from JohnnyC in Ayden's Eyes   
    I was just having a good chuckle to myself, are you the only one reading this story on Castle Roland ???? lolololol Thank you god bless JC 
  6. Like
    Maxieplus got a reaction from Al Norris in Ayden's Eyes   
    Thank you JC, I have loved writing this story, it gets madder lololol
  7. Haha
    Maxieplus got a reaction from JohnnyC in Ayden's Eyes   
    Thank you JC, I have loved writing this story, it gets madder lololol
  8. Thanks
    Maxieplus got a reaction from JCa in Never Give Up - Maxwell Dowling   
    While travelling around Australia I didn't have internet and I missed reading my online stories. I thought I would have a go at writing one myself, it just flowed and its my first attempt at writing. I had no idea I had written so much, but I did write about subjects I loved to read. I hope to come back to it after I finish my current write. Thank you for hosting it Roland
  9. Like
    Maxieplus reacted to JohnnyC in Ayden's Eyes   
    Hello Maxi ! 
    So glad to hear that you enjoyed your holiday , Thank you too for sending word with Jack S. Too. I truly enjoy all the writing that you share with us , I always see this story running through my sleep at night like a mini- series lol,
    .     Cheers ,
    .            JohnnyC 
  10. Like
    Maxieplus got a reaction from Al Norris in Ayden's Eyes   
    Thank you Johnny, yeah that porch sounds fine to me. My laziness is showing and I wouldn't mind being waited on all day. Lets hope Mike improves as he story unfolds.
    Thank you. 
  11. Thanks
    Maxieplus reacted to JohnnyC in Ayden's Eyes   
    Hello Maxi !
    Wow the last 3 chapters were quite the roller coaster ride of emotions here . I feel as though I'm sitting on the porch with the boys most days enjoying their company and Rita's fine food ,
    .       Thanks so much for sharing this story with us ,
    .                    Johnny C 
  12. Like
    Maxieplus reacted in Seeking Content Editors   
    if you want it backwards for lysdexics I can help "_ hehehe  sorry I have a very warped sense of humour  
  13. Like
    Maxieplus got a reaction from JohnnyC in Ayden's Eyes   
    New Pic but not THE painting
  14. Like
    Maxieplus reacted to JohnnyC in Ayden's Eyes   
    Hello Maxi ,
     What a beautiful chapter !, Cannot wait to see what Den & Evan are up to next lol,
    .      Cheers,
    .           Johnny C 
  15. Like
    Maxieplus got a reaction from Al Norris in Ayden's Eyes   
    Thanks Johnny, unfortunately the painting is only in my mind. But I do wish I owned it lolol.
  16. Like
    Maxieplus got a reaction from JohnnyC in Ayden's Eyes   
    Thanks Johnny, unfortunately the painting is only in my mind. But I do wish I owned it lolol.
  17. Like
    Maxieplus reacted to JohnnyC in Ayden's Eyes   
    Hello Max ,
    .     Thank you for the latest chapter of this love story , I wish I could see Den's painting of his Son . Look forward to your next chapter ,
    .       Cheers,
    .           Johnny C 
  18. Like
    Maxieplus reacted to JohnnyC in Ayden's Eyes   
    Hello Maxi ,
    .  I just wanted to say thank you for sharing this heartfelt story with us , I hope to see these men fall in deep love with each other too. Look forward to future chapters with baited breath,
    .          Cheers,
    .                Johnny C 
  19. Like
    Maxieplus reacted to Al Norris in Ask Me Book III   
    Received an email late last night from Maxieplus. Somehow he had mistakenly included chapters 14 and 15 in the file that was sent.
    The story actually ends at chapter 13. The story site has been reworked to that end.
  20. Like
    Maxieplus got a reaction from ken barber in Broad Stripes and Bright Stars - Dawn's Early Light Book 2   
    I am enjoying the ride, and yes a few tears. Oh sh**  more than a few. Well done Ken.
  21. Like
    Maxieplus reacted to Jack Schaeffer in Halloween Short Story Contest Discussion   
    Thanks for the great feedback. I totally get what you're saying. Thanks, too, for the high marks. I get what you are saying about the varied perceptions, but honestly, you'd have to be totally blind to not see Halloween in my story, so I think something else was a foot with a couple of readers. Oh well, this writing thing is so subjective, and nobody HAS to like what we do, right?
  22. Like
    Maxieplus reacted to Rilbur in What I Do   
    I am a programmer.  I develop software for a living.  It's one of the reasons I often don't write as much as I'd like, or as much as I used to.  I tend to either be gainfully employed, with a deadline to meet and limited time to spend, or out of a job, depressed as I watch the money trickle out of my bank account faster than I can fill it back up with odds and ends of work.
    But sometimes, something fun pops up.
    I develop out of a building run by a company called Bitwise, 'the mothership of technological innovation'.  They recently had the grand-opening celebration of their new building, and this video was unveiled there.  And I wanted to share it with everyone.  Because it is awesome.
    Enjoy.  The mothership has landed.
  23. Like
    Maxieplus reacted to Al Norris in Halloween Short Story Contest Discussion   
    So, like Zergrinch, I took notes as I finished reading. Not going to try and say which I think is best, that's what the voting is for. Here's how I've tallied the stories:
    Story #1 - Having followed this story, since it was introduced last Halloween, and continues as a current story, it was a nice addition to the ongoing saga.
    Story #2 - The story did not appear to contain an outright "Halloween" theme, until you got towards the end. Then it lept out and smacked you. This is another Halloween story that needs to be continued, either now or next year.
    Story #3 - This was another story that did not seem to embody the Halloween theme as well as some others. Regardless, the story drew me in. The ending of this story almost demanded a second installment. It is easily among my favorites.
    Story #4 - The Halloween theme on this one was spotty. Regardless, it kept my interest because I really wanted to know what was up with the mother and the new family. It wasn't until towards the end, that I had it figured out. Gomez and Morticia have nothing on these folks!
    Story #5 - At the risk of having the author dislike me... the Halloween theme was only a sidetrack to the overall theme of the story. Not that I dislike stories with a moral imperative, mind you. I think I just wasn't expecting this one.
    Story #6 - All Hallows Eve, right from the gate and down to the end. Another favorite from this years crop.
    Story #7 - Halloween themes can encompass many different things. This one was just not my cup of tea. A really overworked theme, lately.
    Story #8 - Another story that grabbed the theme and ran with it. The diversion scenes, rather than being titillating were quite humorous, which only added to the overall tension. Well done!
    Story #9 - This was another story that started off strong and finished strong. Pure Halloween, in my opinion. I liked this story very much, and I had a hard time with not putting it in the class of my favorites this year.
    Story #10 - I think, if we are honest, everybody likes a well written murder mystery. Halloween themed all the way through, which made it even more thrilling. Among my favorites.
    Story #11 - This is one I want to see a next part. It begs the question which was asked at the start and possibly hinted at the answer in the end. Heartache and/or heartbreak. Have a box of tissues handy.
    Story #12 - Another shot for All Hallows Eve, from start to finish. Good overall story, but I just couldn't connect well with the characters.
  24. Like
    Maxieplus reacted to Jack Schaeffer in Castle Roland's 2nd Annual Halloween Short Story Contest   
    I read this and did a double take - I literally thought you were talking about YOU not making it - not your story! Glad to know you are still with us. Take care.
  25. Like
    Maxieplus reacted to Shayn059 in Castle Roland's 2nd Annual Halloween Short Story Contest   
    oh no, I'm not that sick. At least I hope not. But when you guys read my story, your going to be a bit surprised.
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