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Zach Caldwell

Noble Bards
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Zach Caldwell last won the day on June 3 2019

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About Zach Caldwell

  • Birthday 03/17/1975

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  • Interests
    reading, writing, playing STO, hiking, being with family and friends.

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Prince (11/13)



  1. Hello, many may have noticed that my story Star Trek Excalibur has been removed from Castle Roland. This has been at the request of myself and at the advisement of my staff. I am not in a position to explain why it was necessary to remove the story. But I wanted to give you some heads up so that anger or what not isn't directed at the Castle Roland staff. The removal is at my request. Will it return? That depends on how things develops going forward. Life can get in the way at times. The story, book two especially, crawled to a stall when my Mom passed away and that basically wiped any drive to write. About when i was ready to pick it up again, other developments occurred that necessitated the removal of the story from Castle Roland. I loved the story and the characters and very much had a plan for them. I hope to bring it back, but if not, maybe I can bring the characters back via a new story. Only time will tell. At least this way you the reader's aren't left hanging more than you already were. I want to thank those who have reached out to me about STE, your comments and perspectives and love of the story and characters touched me and I very much appreciated the support and feedback. May you all Live Long and Prosper. Zach Caldwell
  2. It was not immediately clear, but the stats you are providing is for the story website, not for the forums, facebook or twitter, correct?
  3. The only issue I would mention is that the color scheme needs to be the same across the forum. Right now I see a blue and white scheme. If I were to start a new thread or post, I get a grey and white scheme. The grey and white is not easy on the eyes and one has to strain to see what the text is. There are members who are visually impaired. Also, I have noted a few spots where the text in blue boxes are a color other than white and thus kind of get lost in the blue background. Only issues I have seen thus far. Will keep an eye out.
  4. Cynus "Clouded Purity" Chapter 3
  5. Chowhound "Three Finger Cove, Book 4: The Twins" Chapter 25
  6. Bill W "Feeling Comfortable In My Own Skin" Chapter 6
  7. Andrew Foote "Another Life" Chapter 17
  8. Ken Barber "Shadow Warriors" A New Revolutions Side Story Chapter 1
  9. The Castle: Update Thursday May 10th, 2018 Presenting New Stories by Resident Authors David Lee "A Day in June" Chapter 1 Ken Barber "Shadow Warriors" A New Revolutions Side Story Chapter 1 Continuing Stories by Resident Authors Andrew Foote "Another Life" Chapter 17 Bill W "Feeling Comfortable In My Own Skin" Chapter 6 Chowhound "Three Finger Cove, Book 4: The Twins" Chapter 25 Cynus "Clouded Purity" Chapter 3
  10. David Lee "A Day in June" Chapter 1
  11. Gary Conder "At The Turning" Chapter 31
  12. Bill W "Butterflies Fly Free" Chapter 10
  13. Andrew Foote "Another Life" Chapter 16
  14. Authur "The Thread" Chapter 1
  15. The Castle: Update Monday May 7th, 2018 Proud to Present a New Story By Resident Author Authur "The Thread" Chapter 1 Continuing Stories by Resident Authors Andrew Foote "Another Life" Chapter 16 Bill W "Butterflies Fly Free" Chapter 10 Gary Conder "At The Turning" Chapter 31
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