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Rilbur last won the day on October 31 2015

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  1. I've sent it off for approval I think twice now. Kyle's really, really, really busy. Thank you for the reminder, it probably fell in between the cracks of his desk again, and I need to go fish it out.
  2. So... it's taken over three years. Which is quite unforgivable of me, though I hope everyone will anyway. Still... Assuming nothing in the editorial or approvals process requires a change (I'm currently playing in Kyle's backyard, after all, and he can ix-nay things), I think Chapter 14 is done. And all that's left from here is an epilogue; guess what I'm working on now?
  3. Another awesome chapter. Thankfully, I think Paul is completely on safe footing -- his defensive spell may be a bit aggressive, but if you deconstruct it a bit, it's specifically saying "Return threefold whatever they send my way, and the only mercy they receive is I don't kill them." Just... couched a little less pleasantly than that. Frankly, it's almost a perfect choice for the environment he's in. Poor Karla. I think her idiocy is about to lead her to a dark, dark fate.
  4. So just noticed this wonderful story, and -- as is too often the case -- all I can say is "Please sir, may I have some more?" in my best orphan-child-puppy voice.
  5. I did in fact have plans to continue, but they got overtaken by reality. As mentioned in other places, my writing came to a stand-still a few years back when I entered a new phase of my life. It turns out that financial stress kills my ability to write, and I was living in a feast-or-famine work cycle, either too busy to write, or too broke to concentrate on writing. With luck, there will either be a Family Values 2, or some of the characters will get folded into Resistance. I already know full well the twins have a place waiting for them, and a half-brother who knows nothing of their existence (and will be very prepared to deck his father over the situation). As for connections with other stories... we shall see. I'm not sure that will happen.
  6. Rilbur


    I'm poking at it. As I've stated in another thread (and will probably again), I moved into a new phase in my life a few years ago, and started running into genuine financial stress. Unfortunately, that kills my ability to write. I've been living with a feast-or-famine workload for a while, and that's interfered with my ability to write. I'm either too busy to write, or too poor to concentrate. Of late, I've started to make progress in finding a better balance, and a better stream of income-producing jobs, so I'm starting to get back into writing. We'll see if this continues and actually produces anything.
  7. I need to apologize. Somewhere along the line, I stopped getting notifications from the forums when I got messages or posts in my threads, so I never saw this. As I said above, part of the issue is that I've moved onto a new phase of my life, and ran into genuine financial stressors. I can't write when broke (my mind won't get away from 'oh **** I'm broke what am I gonna do how do I earn money I need money...'), and my lifestyle had gone into a feast-or-famine mode. I either had enough work to keep me too busy to write (especially since I took up D&D), or not enough work and was busy panicking over hte financial issues I was facing. I'm currently working on Chapter 14. I'm not entirely happy with it, but I'm not sure I can really fix it -- especially with details I've already 'locked in' via released chapters. I'm trying to remember where I was planning to take some of this, but I think chapter 14 or 15 will be the last of this story. It could be made to stretch longer, but I'm not sure I have the skill to do that justice.
  8. I really need to start posting more often, but I love this story. Chapter 15 was a little slow to start for me for some reason, but it picked up steam after the first few scenes. And I still love the overall story. Maybe it's just the serial nature that gave me difficulty.
  9. They may have been wrong on what happened to the elder wand, but I felt the final battle in general was well handled.
  10. Haven't had a chance to comment on this yet. An interesting story, to say the least. Not sure I agree with some of what you've done -- a big one is Hermione not knowing the answer 'just because it wasn't in the reading assignment'; that's a complete mangling of the character, who would A ) have read the entire book, and B ) would have made the some connection Cherub did -- but it's definitely an interesting, well written story.
  11. I'm sorry, but Faramir was something that was well within the 'limitations of the screen'. The fact that he was a better man than his brother -- that he rejected the siren's call of the ring from the get go, was a major point of his character in the books. He didn't start out dragging it home then change his mind halfway there. (Mind you, that's a limited enough complaint, but... it's a major one)
  12. Because you weren't sarcastic. You post read as an outright attack, whatever your intent. Even knowing you meant it as sarcasm, I can't see the effort to be witty. I can see the components you used to try and be witty, I think, but when I look at them I just see a knock-down, drag-out attack.
  13. Figures. I'd be too busy to pay attention, and it looks like you finish two great stories... well, nearly finish one of them, anyway... while I'm busy working.
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