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CSU, Revolutions and Aaron Carter (may he rest in peace)


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wow, I haven't been here in years. I recently started reading CSU again. The last time I posted anything here was in 2015.

I was shocked to learn that our favourite airhead passed away this year in RL and I recently saw a documentary about him on Disney+. I was very saddened that he had such a difficult life and wished he'd had the kind of support his character in CSU did.

I was wondering if Revolutions was still going? Is there a chapter-by-chapter chronology of it?

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You are right about Aaron Carter unfortunately it happens to many Disney kids to turn out not so well after Disney is done with them.

As for revolution Universe it died in 2015 I believe, I haven't seen anything about that universe since then and at this point I no longer expect anything will be added to that universe.

Arthur also hasn't posted regularly in a long time which I would enjoy seeing more stories from.  

P.s.  I enjoyed how you posted your location.

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