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Castle Roland's 2nd Annual Halloween Short Story Contest

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Jack, I don't like haunted houses, or scary movies. I love the season and the concept but not so much today's version of it. I don't like vampire or werewolf stories. My celebration of halloween is just the pumpkin carving. So it doesn't have to be scary just involve one of the many halloween traditions which one of which is the house of with the light off. Lol. 

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LOL! I guess I've been part of a Halloween "tradition" and didn't know it....grin. Candy and goblins aside, I'm seriously thinking about entering this contest. I've got an idea, but it's so different from what I've done thus far, it will be a challenge for sure. Hopefully I'll be able to find the time to do it. Thanks for the encouragement. It helps.


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. I've got an idea, but it's so different from what I've done thus far, it will be a challenge for sure.

one of the points of these things is to challenge ourselves to go outside the box. Good Luck with it.
Cant wait to read all these. This is turning out to be bigger than last year. 

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I'm doing this! I'm 18,000 words in, and I'm loving it! Thank you all for putting together these contests. I love the challenge and the thrill of creating something new and different. Long way to go still, but I'm getting really excited to see if I can pull this off. If I finish I might even buy a real pumpkin to celebrate. Have a great weekend everyone!

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I'm going to be right down to the wire on getting mine in on time, at least with a solid edit behind it, but I'm going to make it. I'm 11,000 words in, and I think I can finish it by pulling an all-nighter tonight, in which case my editors will have a few days to look it over and get it back to me, and then I'll probably submit it on the last day, or if there's some sort of miracle in store for me, the day before. 

I'm feeling really good about this one, though. Probably my favorite story I've written this year, and I'm excited to submit it.

On the note of Halloween stories being scary . . . I've written two Halloween stories in the past, and though both included magic, neither of them were what I'd consider scary. Halloween(and its historical roots) has a lot to work with which has nothing to do with horror or monsters or magic, and hell, there's surely a story in there somewhere about the guy who hates Halloween. :)

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I just submitted my story for the Halloween Contest. Really, really had fun with this one. Very different from my other work, but it still had some elements of my style, probably. Can't wait to read all the other entries. This might be the first year I'm actually looking forward to Halloween....grin.

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Man if my brain wasn't so wrapped up in what i am writing now i would try, 11 chapters 3 ready   :bash: and no :smiley-signs140: yet! LOL

I'll be reading them all good luck to everyone who enters.

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