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Castle Herald

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I have sourced many of my characters from different stories and universes. I even have characters that have crossed over from other people's stories. When I included existing characters in my RU stories I tried to make it so that the readers wouldn't have to be familiar with the backstories of the characters to understand who they are.

For example, when you encounter Danny (the elder) MacAlistair in Metamorphosis, it shouldn't matter if you've read about his issues with Brian in high school and how they eventually became best friends. It's an added bonus if you've read Princess, but it's not required reading.

As to including all the origin stories in the Revolutions Universe, the stories themselves don't contribute anything but characters to the universe narrative.

If you'd like to read the origins of some of the characters: One Door Closes (Bug, Twins), A New Door Opens (The Teeters), Camp Little Eagle (Mal, Arlan), Spider (JD, Jody), Holiday Handoff (Jorry, Nick), Princess (Ben, Danny), A Halloween Happening (Marlon, Kara), Frontier (Darrin).


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thx for giving the stories ur chars are based on. that gives some background knowledge then to understand them even a bit more.
spider i have read and was very touched by that. so i really wondered to find them in the RU again, and a bit of their past shines through there.

when i finished the time quake story ill read the mentioned above ones.

hope your unfinished stories will continue too soon :) incl. spider, the other, shadow of a soul ... .

thx for writing for us! u, kyle, joe writer man and roland are the best authors for me at the moment (besides some others i also read some stories)

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  • 3 months later...

Hello MultiMapper,

     Thank you so much for this latest chapter , Ben & Cliff are so blessed with their new sons and the collection of Kind & Caring friends that make up their Family now . Cannot wait to here the kids squealing with delight on all the presents that Santa brings them

.       Cheers,

.              John C 

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  • 1 month later...

I was re-reading Spider and Holiday Handoff in preparation for the holiday season, and once again am in awe at how you can populate the Stone family Christmas party with some 30 characters, all of whom have distinct personalities (except, perhaps, Eric and Erica :D). What amazing writing! Given that December is approaching, would this be a good time to ask Santa for another chapter of Spider, and perhaps bring the Grant/Stones to the Christmas party?



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