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Treat, treat, treat!!! 

Oh yeah. It was a treat!  

Spider grabbed my heart the first time I read chapter 1, and unfortunately with MultiMapper's library of 'In Progress' work, it doesn't get enough updates.  Like Holiday Handoff, the Hurt series, the Shadow of a Soul, and all the iterations of Vincent (we know him as Bug here) in Frontier, UA7 and now Metamorphosis

Thank you sir for your dedication to this advocation. 


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Thank you, Multimapper!  I know I've been bugging you for months to get back to this one, so I can only say that I'm glad it worked.  :P

I couldn't believe how Cliff and Ben strung poor JD along before they starting eating dinner.  One thing I never really "got" though.  In most places it's understood that Junior was just visiting for the weekend.  In others, it seems like he could be staying longer than that.  I know he wasn't in the Christmas scene in "Holiday Handoff."  Is Cliff "welcoming him to the family" just an honorary thing, or are they seriously considering adopting him, even though he's about to age out of the system?  I think JD and Jody will be crushed if/when Junior has to go back to the home.

Thanks again.  I'm still hooked on this story!

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Is Cliff "welcoming him to the family" just an honorary thing, or are they seriously considering adopting him, even though he's about to age out of the system?  I think JD and Jody will be crushed if/when Junior has to go back to the home.

Cliff and Ben have only known Junior for a few days, at this point. Due to the boys' insistence, Junior has been made an honorary member of the family, but it's too soon for him to become more.

Currently, Junior has a safe place to live and a plan for the future (to finish high school). So there's no need for them to take immediate action. The longer Ben and Cliff have to get to know Junior, the more likely it is that they'll do anything in their power to help Junior, if his circumstances should change.

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Thanks for the clarification, Multimapper.  That is how I saw it going.  I was just a little confused.  It seems no matter what happens legally, Ben and, especially Cliff, will be involved in what happens to Junior.  He'll have a couple of strong allies when he does age out of the system and not end up like the others that Junior was telling Cliff about in the car on the ride from the home.

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Has anyone lately told you how wonderful this story is...???

Well let me tell you that this is one of the most heart warming stories EVER... and this new chapter shows that in spades...

Thank You for letting us here at Castle Roland read this new chapter first...

And like everyone else that reads and loves your works/art I hope that you will shortly grace us with more.... hint... hint...

But know that we may not tell you enough with each new chapter you release [And we ALL should] ... BUT I for one LOVE everything that you write!!!

And Thank Nature that you do write and share what you do...


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Thank you MultiMapper for another chapter in what has become one of my favorite stories of all time. I love all of your stories that I have read but this one is at the top of my list.

I'm really glad that you're enjoying the story.

Feedback isn't just ego stroking. It lets me know which stories that people are enjoying, so that I can focus more time and thought on what people want to read.

OK. Acutally, maybe it is just ego stroking. But, hey, whatever works. I'm going to hurry and write another chapter so I can get some more!

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I'm glad you're enjoying the stories. Even though Holiday Handoff has ended, the characters might still show up in Spider in future chapters.

I don't know if you're following the Revolutions Universe stories or not, but older versions of some of the Holiday Handoff and Spider characters appear in Metamorphosis, Soon Is Now and APOC.

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yeah, cuz spider isnt complete yet, far from completion.

but wonder what happend with wil and zeb, if they might come together. cuz wil appeared alone with ben and clif at the main stories christmas family party.

what i wonder is if a 7yo boy really has the abilities to be almost adultlike educated in cooking, reading and writing. if with 7 u cud have the cognitive ability for such maturity. most adults havent even.

so spider must be really IQ gifted cuz he doesnt seem autistic, although he looked like before he found his speech again. many autists have a special skill and a high intelligence capsuled inside their own world and mind.

so please go on asap. thx!

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hey multimapper,

could it be your stories holidays handout and spider are actually part of the revolution universe?
i just finished reading metamorphosis book 1 and book 2 (which isnt too long yet unfortunately) and there are all the people there again, some time older than in holidays and spider.
maybe you shall add these 2 stories to the universe that nobody misses the description of cliff, ben, jd and jody and all the others around.


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