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You Folks are in Such Trouble!

David McLeod

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I hope that got your attention. Don't know, really, where to post this. Recently sent the Tsar (Roland, Himself) a message asking about links between CSU and Revolutions Universe (RU). (If you don't know what I'm talking about, you're on the wrong site. Try googling Robert Lewis Stevenson "Child's Garden of Verses." Or, maybe, "Nanny Boo Boo.")


I've read CSU avidly. I've read RU, also avidly. Some very talented authors with wonderful imaginations (and who have a much greater ability to maintain continuity and to connect details than I; see below) have contributed to both. I recently sent the Tsar (Roland, Himself) a message impolitely challenging the apparent lack of linkage between CSU and RU. My question wasn't phrased well enough for him to respond*, but I've sort of figured it out. And applaud. RU, IMHO, is a "rework" and major expansion of a limited subset of the themes of CSU. I see a lot of similarities, including concern for the welfare of children and youngsters in positions of responsibility and authority, for example. It should be obvious to the untrained observer that the rework required some rule changes. And some personality changes. And some changes in the universe (reality) in which the events take place. Fine. It's legitimate, and it's double-plus-good.


OTOH, I now read that three of the RU stories I'm struggling to follow (and I say that in a good way) are to merged into some sort of gestalt that I'm supposed to understand?


The shining light at the end of the tunnel is not a train headed for us. At least, I hope not.


Looking forward to seeing where this adventure takes us. I would enjoy comparing impressions with other readers, by the way.


Respectfully (and rather hopefully),


David McLeod


*For those who don't know, I have a neurological disorder that affects not only muscle control, but also memory. It's a really convenient excuse, especially when I piss off someone.




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Hey David!


I did respond to you, wondering if you were talking about, when i think you were talking about, and form the sounds of this thread, you were.  LOL


Trust me... that shinning light at the end of the tunnel.  Well there's some big twists and turns, but it is there.  and while you may feel like you've been run over by the end of the 9 chapters, it's just the way it will feel.


I do hope that you will let us know how we did after you have read it all, and perhaps, join the author chat on Feb. 1st, when we get together and chat about how we made this.


Anyways, let us know what you think please

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Hrm... with Roland having already answered, do I dare put my two cents in?  Stupid question, of course I dare.  Its why everyone hates me so much.


The RU spun off from the RU for a lot of reasons, some of which I won't go into in public.  But in additional to the background reasons that aren't public, there are certain trends that can be seen in released chapters that are worth addressing.  The biggest problem of the CSU wasn't the interstory connections, those actually strengthened it.  It wasn't the slow posting schedule, which while painful wasn't really threatening.  Their weaknesses lay in little details that you can see everywhere.  They constantly added new stories, and failed to enforce any kind of unity or order on the result.  The RU, on the other hand, has strictly enforced limits.  Certain technologies, yes.  Certain psionic powers, yes.  But you can't go outside those.  And that also helps support a stylistic improvement: real, honest-to-god tension.  The CSU was great for it's comedic moments, but in the end most of the stories suffered from a lack of tension.  When Corey (or was it Sean?) can order up and entire fleet in an instant just to go adopt some orphans...  When Mickyvis tend to undo all the harm done...  In the end, the reading becomes boring.  The only harm that befalls the characters is what the authors chose to allow.

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That is your opinion, and you are entitled to it.  However, there are a lot of people that love the CSU, and i personally loved the timed i spent writing in the CSU.  It is a different Genre, and a different style of writing, but that does not make RU any better or worse then the CSU. 


That is something that we all need to keep in mind, just because we do not like something, does not make it better or worse then what we do. 

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I also have enjoyed and continue to enjoy reading CSU stories.  I know some people have issues with  CSU, but that's okay.  There are some people that aren't enamoured with my stories.  We can't please everyone, we can only try to put out good stories and hope people like them. 


In fact it was the CSU story, Memories, that inspired me to write.

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Find it a little hard to believe I’m actually talking to you. I know Roland is the King, but having read your stories for years, I must acknowledge you as . . . Oh, I don’t want to anger Roland. Consider yourself as Warwick to Richard III.


Thank you for your explanation of the creation of RU. It wasn’t easy to read between the lines, but as a (somewhat) student of human interactions, I think I have a picture. A little foggy, but a picture.


You brought up a point that I think is critical to fantasy writers: while you may create marvelous things, your universe must be consistent! (And, as I’m struggling with in Global Explorer II) you cannot rely on a deus ex machina. Your observations about CSU match my own. The stories are fascinating, rewarding, and make me feel good. [Don’t go there . . . you’d be wrong!] OTOH, there are times when it seems “too easy.”


You said the magic word. It’s not “please,” but “tension.” There are scores of books at my local library on “how to write.” Some are written by famous authors; people who have been successful, have published with royalty publishers, who have made money. They all tell you “their way” of being successful.


As far as I am concerned, there is only one rule that applies universally to someone who wants to write. That rule is, “Write something.”


I must agree with the Emperor, however, that the CSU (1) has a following and (2) that it is no better or worse than RU. Anyone who has read my oeuvre knows that I’m not a fan of the religion that stemmed from the goat-herders who wrote the Jewish Bible, nor their successors (Christians, Islamists). However, their books do contain some interesting poetry, including,  “For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face . . .”


I think I see that in the “gap” between CSU and RU. It’s a process of maturation and growth that does not in any way denigrate the earlier stories.


For Wolfhiglander and anyone who I might have offended: Please accept my apology. I did not intend to offend anyone. For Roland: Thank you for allowing this dialogue.


By the way, who, if anyone, has a complete file of the CSU stories? I’m finding broken links, incomplete stories (at least that’s what I think I’m seeing), and no correlation among stories. I’d very much like to create a complete compilation, with index. Anyone interested?



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I was not in any way offended.  I apologize if I gave that impression.  I am a fan of your writing, from the time I first found it on the GA site.  I read through everything that was there at the time.  I look forward to reading more and was very happy to see you join us on CR.  So don't worry that you have caused me any offense

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Hey David!


I did respond to you, wondering if you were talking about, when i think you were talking about, and form the sounds of this thread, you were.  LOL


Trust me... that shinning light at the end of the tunnel.  Well there's some big twists and turns, but it is there.  and while you may feel like you've been run over by the end of the 9 chapters, it's just the way it will feel.


I do hope that you will let us know how we did after you have read it all, and perhaps, join the author chat on Feb. 1st, when we get together and chat about how we made this.


Anyways, let us know what you think please

I'm never quite sure how to respond...but I hope this works.


Yes, the Emperor did respond directly...which caused my network to shut down for several days until I could convince it that the message was real. :) I am looking forward to seeing where RU is going.


Gather that my somewhat disjointed replies to The Emperor made some sense to Himself. More than to me, apparently.


Truly, I'm fascinated by the RU universe. So many themes that I would like to pursue, including the dystrophic universe in which I live. May or may not be the same one in which you live, by the way.

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I was not in any way offended.  I apologize if I gave that impression.  I am a fan of your writing, from the time I first found it on the GA site.  I read through everything that was there at the time.  I look forward to reading more and was very happy to see you join us on CR.  So don't worry that you have caused me any offense

Once again I find myself in awe that I'm actually speaking to one of my favorite authors. Thank you so much for your very kind thoughts. I'm very happy not to have caused offense. OTOH, I'm again on pain pills but the computer doesn't seem to recognize this! Oh well, a little free-flow-thought probably can't hurt!

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Once again I find myself in awe that I'm actually speaking to one of my favorite authors. Thank you so much for your very kind thoughts. I'm very happy not to have caused offense. OTOH, I'm again on pain pills but the computer doesn't seem to recognize this! Oh well, a little free-flow-thought probably can't hurt!


Thank you for you kind words as well.

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