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2014 Castle Roland Christmas Get Together

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Hey all!


I was speaking with someone a while ago, and he told me about how lonely Christmas day was for him. We got to talking, and we realized that for many of us, Christmas is a rather lonely time. It may be that we are thousands of miles away from our family, like I am, or perhaps we do not have a family to call on, and spend the holiday with.


I have said it more then once, that, Castle Roland is a family. With that in mind, I came up with the idea of, somehow, spending time with our family here. So here is what we came up with.


On Christmas day, starting at noon EST, there will be a special community room opened up for the Castle Roland Family. The link for the room will be released as soon as we have it ready. It will only be opened starting at noon, but it will go until there is no one around. I don't plan on doing anything special, other than allowing anyone that wants to, to come in and chat with whoever else shows up. You can do both text chat, and voice chat.


I would like to know what people think of this idea, and if anyone is interested in stopping by on Christmas day.

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It's a great Idea, but I have to speak for Jamie since Xmas means something bad to him.  It's not a holiday for him at all anymore we have been dealing with the ghosts of Xmas past for the last few days. Especially yesterday, some things came to light that have been buried deep and the cork was pulled from that bottle. If you notice him missing for the next while know he is thinking about you all and he just needs to get past things. And work out some issues that still haunt him every day.  Thanks Jay (Jamie's better half)  (spoiler alert) ;)  :)  

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Now for an update!


On Christmas day anyone who would like to, starting from noon EST, can follow this link to enter the Castle Roland Events Room.  Please be advised that the room will not be accessible until noon.  Also, i need to ask everyone to enter with some type of name, does not have to be your real name, but please place (CR) after your name, so that we know you are a part of the Castle Roland family.


If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at roland.stories@gmail.com.


I hope to see some familiar faces there, and perhaps meet some new people!

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