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Play by post Role Playing

ken barber

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Yes, I could help set it up, but I woukd recommend that we put a time limit on posting right out the gate. If a "character" does not post an action, the game master should be allowed to take a reasonable yet safe action for the missing posters after a given amount of time (48 or 72 hours) to keep the game flowing smoothly. Also, to do this right, I wouId recommend using the PM features of the board to keep others out of the loop on things they would not know about.

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yeah sounds reasonable, I would go for 72 hrs, also if we have a skype group for the RP (Or for each RP?) someone could say "I give permission to <username> to RP my char(s) from <date> to <date> as I'll be out of town for a week for vacations (example) or maybe PM that to the gamemaster(s) could have the same use.

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Ok so 72 hours sounds good to me but say we prefer 48 that way the game pace is faster. After 73 the GM/DM does what he/she thinks is best for the game


I will work with the moderation team to set up a special forum just for this. The questions is how do we create character, who wants to me Game master, what is the scenerio and rules.

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Also I think we need to set up the rules for sexual interaction between characters...what is allowed etc, there's bound to be members who create minors and members who create adult chars. are sexual interactions (if both chars (or more than two) consent)) allowed between minors and adults or only adults or will this be set by gamemaster/member who runs each of the RPs? Will there be global rules and/or only RP specific rules?

Sexual interaction between minor and adults is strickly forbidden on Castle Roland Forums. As least as far as I understand it. On a personal note I wont enjoy a game that involves that type of sexual interaction and I think Sexual content should be frowned on as its distracting from the game.

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Sexual interaction between minor and adults is strickly forbidden on Castle Roland Forums. As least as far as I understand it. On a personal note I wont enjoy a game that involves that type of sexual interaction and I think Sexual content should be frowned on as its distracting from the game.



That's why i put it here as a question so that it is made clear from the get go...

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Ok so 72 hours sounds good to me but say we prefer 48 that way the game pace is faster. After 73 the GM/DM does what he/she thinks is best for the game


I will work with the moderation team to set up a special forum just for this. The questions is how do we create character, who wants to me Game master, what is the scenerio and rules.



Can't we leave it more fluid? sort of I go create an RP set the rules, the explanation of it (era, historical? fantasy? sci-fi? star wars? etc etc) any detail I think the players should know about the RP before it starts, eg base plot, location(s), maybe a map of what I think will be key locations, maybe so that others can orient themselves in the game when I'll be saying "now we go to that location". I create my char(s). and then others can create theirs...if there's enough interest in it, it starts, if not it is abandoned....

 Others can create their own as well and I can go and create a char there as well as mine...

If at any point I Feel I have overextended myself I can decide which RP(s) to keep and which ones to have my char die or let someone else use him/her perm.

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I think we should start with just one game and go from their maybe something super basic to get our feet wet like a D&D style setting



yeah sounds good, I can be co-gamemaster if there's no objections, I have a couple of software that I can create maps in (not photoshop alone map making specific software) so I can help there.

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if we're doing it like D&D we'll we have to "throw dice" or just as a general concept? 


so for example:


"I attack the goblin with fire magic."


Do I need to describe what my magic did? Or will the gamemaster describe that?



"I attack the goblin with fire magic."

and game master then writes:
"The fireball breaks its armour but doesn't hurt it"

"I attack the goblin with fire magic. The fireball breaks its armour but doesn't hurt it"

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also what happens if two player controlled characters fight? Can one character kill another or will the gamemaster step in and stop it when/if it goes too far with something like:


"break it off you two!" (not to the players but to the chars.?

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All forum rules will be in effect for said games. Some leeway will be granted with regards to the use of language, in so long as the language is not excessively vulgar and or suggestive.


Yes I agree, but there's bound to be sex between chars. (minors all) like there's in most if not all stories. Some graphic descriptions of that will be required no?


I mean if two chars....say two boys both 13 start kissing in game then the ppl RPying them decide to take it further....do they do that...or "they closed the doors behind them, what happened in that room during the night was clear to all from the moans of bliss" but not more than that...then maybe if another char asks one can say something like "Oh...you know...we kissed...sucked...don't want to talk about it..." 



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Sex involving minors has to be handled in a delicate manner and being descriptive or graphic will not be allowed on the forums. The point can be made with being descriptive or graphic. Sex between adults and minors will not be permitted on the forums at all.


Oh I agree with minors+adults no argument there. But one could argue that if it is allowed in the stories and members irrelevant of age can access them from the forums why would it not be allowed in the forums?


I'm just trying to set the general guidelines/framework so that it can flow better afterwards.

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I Think its important to establish a game all will be comfortable with. I am not comfortable with sexual contact between children real or fiction. Or sexual contact between Adults and Children real or fiction. I am just old fashion like that.


Fair enough, but sex between teenagers (12+) is very real even in real life no matter what the parents think lol :P and being fictional here it can be made into something that everyone can be comfortable with. 


But just because two other chars can or may get involved in that doesn't mean you have to...if another char was to try to yours could according to his/her personality reply that he or she doesn't want to do anything like that.

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If that is an aspect of the game I will graciously bow out. In my opinion gaming is about the game not the sex. I have played roll playing games for years and sex is usually treated as an aside and is left very vague. I also think we need to consider the age of characters. Typically that age of Adult hood is considered to be over 16 in most game concepts. 


I don't read stories that involve sex between people under the age of 16 at the youngest and even then do so with trepidation. It does not matter if its reality or not its a touchy subject and causes anxiety in many. My very conservative upbringing still has some hold on me. 

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as to what I'm comfortable with...what I write. if anyone reads or has read my story then you know exactly up to what I like. And it obviously does NOT involve adults and minors in that way.

AS to what I am comfortable with is what I write and sex is only between consenting adults.

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If that is an aspect of the game I will graciously bow out. In my opinion gaming is about the game not the sex. I have played roll playing games for years and sex is usually treated as an aside and is left very vague. I also think we need to consider the age of characters. Typically that age of Adult hood is considered to be over 16 in most game concepts. 


I don't read stories that involve sex between people under the age of 16 at the youngest and even then do so with trepidation. It does not matter if its reality or not its a touchy subject and causes anxiety in many. My very conservative upbringing still has some hold on me. 



As I said it is "an" aspect of it...and it can be handled in-game as vague as we want from full graphic description to "they closed the doors behind them." and not go further, but all involved in the game will know what has happened and take it into consideration in after interactions.


But that is also where the gamemaster can establish those rules in the before-the-game-info. "1. something. 2. something. 3. sex between chars. below <age> accepted/not accepted in this RP. 4. something etc" 

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I am currently researching Play by Post gaming. What I know thus far is this. The Gamemaster, will establish the setting and the overarching story line or scenario. Each player will be able to create his or her character and present it to the gamemaster for approval and to determine suitability to the given over all story or scenario.


The Gamemaster, has the choice in how he/she allows the game to progress. For example the GM could give a general overview of the setting, enough to get the players started and allow the players to further develop the setting/environment. Or the GM could define the setting and or environment  and the players have to work within that framework.


In the absence of dice and or a randomizer software, fights between players and or players and NPC's will have to be planned out by the players or between the player and the GM. If the outcome of a fight cannot be agreed to by players, the GM will make the final call as to outcome.


The GM must establish the rules that all, including the GM must follow. For example players cannot be killed off, unless the player agrees that his character can be killed off. However, the GM can remove any player, if he becomes disruptive or is no longer participating in the game after said period of time, in such situation the GM will, if possible have the character somehow disappear or somehow leave the scene with the possibility to return at a later time. Extreme situations, may require the character to be killed off, if the player is disruptive or is not longer participating in said game.


These are but somethings to keep in mind in setting up a PbP game.

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Ok you all figure out your rules and settings and If its something I am comfortable with I will join.



Or you can also help create them so that everyone is comfortable with it? I don't absolutely want there to be sex...I don't mind if there's none. I'm just trying to think of stuff that will come up during play sooner or later here in the brainstorm section rather than have to think of what we all want after.

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