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Jack Schaeffer

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I'm Jack Schaeffer (Schaeffman) and I'm new to CastleRoland and only recently started writing. My one and only story, "Forever", is being prepped to join Castle Roland soon. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it.


As a guy who is still in his 40s (barely...grin) I never thought of writing as something I would be good at or like to do. Frankly, it just seemed like a lot of thankless work. Man, was I ever wrong. After reading great M/M romances on various sites across the internet for years, I decide about 4 months ago to give it a try. I had a great love story in my head, and with a little planning and plot development, I thought I had enough to start. It was my dream to convey a realistic transformation of the main character over time and a romance between two men that would withstand any challenge - one that would last "Forever". When I sat down to type the first pages, I remember actually trembling, shaking at the keyboard. What if I couldn't get the story out of my head? Was I crazy to even attempt this? What came out of my head and through my fingers and onto the screen was so much more than I ever expected. And the process of writing - it brings me so much joy! I feel what my characters feel. I laugh with them, I cry with them, I love with them. I "see" the scene and then it appears on the screen as I type. The feedback I've gotten so far has been for the most part positive and nothing beats the praises of a happy reader! 


I was intrigued by Castle Roland because this seems like a great place to read great stories, but also to become a better writer - with feedback from fellow authors as well as readers. I welcome any and all "constructive" input, as I really want my efforts to be top notch.


I am only familiar with a few authors on this site so far, but their stories I count as some of my favorites, so I am not surprised to see them here. Maxwell Dowling, my mate from Down Under, is a terrific writer with a gift for characters with heart and grit. Can't get enough of his stuff. David Spowart - extremely talented, makes me care deeply for the characters, and has fantastic plot lines and twists. And Michael Kyle-Ducharme - my heart sings with "Feel, Don't Think". I'm looking forward to exploring all of the stories here on Castle Roland - even the sci-fi ones! (Not usually a fan, but I'm anxious to see what you all have come up with...)



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I was intrigued by Castle Roland because this seems like a great place to read great stories, but also to become a better writer - with feedback from fellow authors as well as readers. I welcome any and all "constructive" input, as I really want my efforts to be top notch.


Oooh!  Does that mean I won't be in trouble if I grab my Giant Red Pen ?

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Oooh!  Does that mean I won't be in trouble if I grab my Giant Red Pen ™?

RIlbur go easy on the newbies please.


Jack welcome to Castle Roland. I have read most of "Forever" and is a fantastic story. Its amazing how the characters become part of our lives. The beginning of "Forever" reminds me a little of my story "Cyclone" Dale and Jack would have a lot in common. Anyway we hope you enjoy being here and thank you for an amazing story. Can't wait to see the response to it.

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Ken / Rilbur:


I'm not afraid of a pen - the bigger and redder the better. But be gentle at first and go slow, please. I'll adjust quickly to a more forceful interjection - of criticism.  (Sorry, it was just laying there...I had to "pick it up" and say it. I hope I didn't just break a rule on my first day. Yikes!)

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