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10 Tips for Parents of Kids that come out

ken barber

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Speaking from experience, there is one more thing that I feel should be added to this list, making it 11 things a parent MUST do:


11. REMAIN CALM! Your child is already frightened, unsure about his or her feelings and what your reaction is going to be. You as the parent are the most important person in your child's life and right then, he or she values your reaction above all others. If you "freak out", chances are you will loose your son or daughter. Worse, you have increased the chance that your child will loose his or her life.



Charles Bird


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I learned that lesson very nearly the hard way and a suicide was prevented with only minutes, or perhaps, just seconds to spare. That was about 25 years ago now and I still have nightmares about the incident! It was that incident that prompted me to take the training and become a Court Appointed Intervention Counselor! I believe, as our population becomes more dense, the problem is going to become more frequent. There are not enough people willing to help with young teens in crisis now, how much worse will it get before parents wake up to the fact that their children are dying?


Charles Bird


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