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November 20th. Country Music Coming Out Day

Zach Caldwell

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Well actually everyone around here are all saying "well duh" if you knew him as a kid....not a surprise but I of course wish him the best and hope this doesn't get used against him in his career

Unless I misunderstood, in his personal video, it seemed he was saying that the mere rumors of his being gay was enough to affect his career in Nashville. I hope a label picks him up or he is able to start his own label. He has talent and a good voice. I would very much love to hear that voice in music again.

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The Rumors have made his career difficult. He still comes back every year and does a show at the Washington County Fair (The Local Fall Festival he was talking about), Everyone here knew he was gay and no one cares, but of course this is Rhode Island its a pretty you do your thing and I will do my thing kind of state. I am hoping by coming out he can get ahead of this and be successful. 

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Yes, I want him to be very successful. He has talent and I fell in love with his albums and enjoyed watching him grow up and mature. I very much hope he is able to get things on track and make the music industry like like dicks for their ignorance. I very much hope that I get the pleasure of attending a future concert. I get the feeling he is determined and will achieve whatever goals he has for himself. 

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Country music is a very niche oriented industry.  Like with most popular music, the sex appeal of the artists sells as much as the actual music.  In the modern rock scene, for example, a gifted musician such as Tom Petty would never have made it, compared to the pretty but empty performances of "made for TV and to make girl's thighs wet" boy bands.  I'm not familiar with Billy Gilman, but I hope that his coming out doesn't affect his career any.  Saying that, I live in the south, and the folk here abouts tend to shy away from anyone who's even suspected of being gay.  The appearance of a thing doesn't equal a thing, we all know that.  But in a culture of fear and image, appearing to be "other" can be a detriment in the eyes of some.  Sadly, that "some" is in the majority.


Good Luck guys!  I'm not a fan, but I am a man, and we all have it tough enough without being stigmatized and penalized for being outside the "expectations."  Stay true to yourselves, stay true to your music and be ever proud of who you are.

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