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Gays don't go to Heaven

ken barber

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Please who the hell do you think Decorated heaven. 


Seriously the dirt coming from the republican party is so ridiculous. When are the republicans going to open their eyes and realize while they are pretending to be the Beavers (From "Leave it to Beaver") the rest of the world has moved on. 



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When are the republicans going to open their eyes and realize while they are pretending to be the Beavers (From "Leave it to Beaver") the rest of the world has moved on. 

When the younger generation gets out and votes.


And no, that's not a joke.  Polls have shown a clear trend: it's the elderly population that's stuck in the past, and the republican statesmen are supporting them because - shockingly! - it's those old fogies who actually bother to vote.


Those politicians are going to be out of a job in the next 20-30 years, as the older generation dies off and only the younger generation -- which is decidedly pro-gay -- comes into power.

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Let us not be too "liberal" with labels. I am "pro gay", an "old" fogy and a Republican. It is too easy to put a label on someone and think that label defines that person. There is no such thing as a "one size fits all" label. Each and every one of us is a separate and distinct individual and no grand overall label fits any of us! AND, if you think I vote the "party ticket", I am sure I can rustle up some plane tickets for you to take a vacation in Liberia!


Charles Bird


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My comment was aimed at those who stereotype gay people. I raised a gay Foster Son and he and his partner have a gay Foster Son. I am very close them and, Steven, my Foster Son, suffered terribly in High School. I and my oldest son had to crack a few heads before we got Steven graduated and NOT ALL of those heads were on the shoulders of his fellow students!



As you might guess, I feel very strongly about the subject and, while I am not gay myself, I take every opportunity to remind others that Gay People are People Too!



In my later years, I have become a Court Appointed Intervention Counselor (similar to CASA) and many of the cases I have handled have involved young gay people, primarily boys. The cruelty that been displayed toawrds these children is beyond belief and the worst offenders are the adults, even the parents!



So, to answer any question that I have been offended or that I am a gay basher, most assuredly not - I have NOT been offended  and I am very sorry that anyone thought they might have done so. It is that I take every opportunity to remind people that the gay people among us, and principally the gay children among us, are deserving of our care and protection too!

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yeah I could never been able to understand why anyone wants to "label" love and affection just because it is different than what he/she likes, doesn't make anyone less of a person because they like the same sex instead of the opposite sex. And it has been happening ever since Rome fell...society was so much different back then lol. 

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Let us not be too "liberal" with labels. I am "pro gay", an "old" fogy and a Republican. 

I was discussing statistics.  Saying that all older republicans are 'anti-gay' would be absurd; saying that the majority ( 80% or more, as I recall the last survey I saw) is far from absurd.  And politics is all about statistics -- after all, there are three types of lies!  (Lies, damned lies, and statistics :D )

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  • 2 weeks later...


Please who the hell do you think Decorated heaven.

Seriously the dirt coming from the republican party is so ridiculous. When are the republicans going to open their eyes and realize while they are pretending to be the Beavers (From "Leave it to Beaver") the rest of the world has moved on.

I know Rilber touched on this, but I am going to go deeper.

I am going throw out something here, I am a republican, hard to the right and I don't hate gays and I have a hell of a lot of friends who are hard right who don't hate gays. I also work with some hard left leaning folks who wouldn't give a gay the time of day and would prefer to run one over than give them the time of day. The company I work for has hired five blacks in the three years I have worked there. All hired by two people, me and my other token Republican manager. So in addition to being automatically labeled as a gay basher, I get hit with the racist label. Yet it sure seems to me the Democrats only want out keep blacks and immigrants down with suggestons of not teaching English as a primary language, having accepted inner city poor language, giving handouts outs and promoting iinner city stagnation... For like it or not I hear it all the time. The elite of the Democartic party dismissing other races and dealing with them like they are too stupid to work their way out of poverty many find themsleves in. The leadership of the Democratic Party seem to give enough to keep them wanting handouts and nothing more. Show me an inner city that has gone down hill over the past. Decades and I tend to see one thing: nothing but Democratic city leadership. So I need to know... Why always point the finger at Republicans for being homophobic, zenophobic, racist, Islamaphobic, sexist.... Is it because it is easier to dismiss us rather than hold a rational discussion?

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Kyle the answer is simple read the article. As long as the republicans keep spouting crap like that we will continue to point that finger at the group. Your bashing of the democrats is in the same aspect identical. I am a pretty moderate democrat in most regards and find your description of Democrats so ludicrous it would be funny except that you honestly believe it. That makes it terrifying. 

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Well it is a fact, that Republicans do get hit with the anti gay tag.  Where that comes from is because of the religious right, who I firmly believe have undue influence in the Republican party and as such, their Anti Gay, "Christian Values" BS gets out there, when the majority of those who identify as Republican, such as Kyle and myself do not believe that. 


As long as the young people who are going forward who are Pro Gay, and for the most part, they are, do get themselves into those positions of power and I see that coming, then things will get better and hopefully the Republican party will push that loud minority to the background where they can no longer harm someone just because of who they love.  It will take years, and probalby decades but that is my hope.


We are seeing the changes coming every year.  When the Boy Scouts accepted Gay Scouts, that was a big step.  When the LDS church, who is one of the biggest religious supporters of Boy Scouts officially came out and supported the change, that was a big step.  The change has farther to go, of course, next is to remove all restrictions for Gay Leaders and there are people working toward that end now.  It will probably take some years but I think it will happen, because the young people of today are much more gay friendly, unless they are taught differently. 


Children are color blind and orientation blind, they must be taught to hate.  As long as changes are made going forward and it will be in their hands, then this kind of issue concerning Gay Citizens will evaporate.

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Children are color blind and orientation blind, they must be taught to hate.

I think you need to spend more time around children.  They'll make fun of each other because of anything and everything they find different, be it the color of your skin or a freckle on your face.  They have to be taught decency, too.

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I am a Christian, usually vote Republican, and I am bisexual. We need to get to know individuals rather than stereotyping.


Some of these so called 'Christians' aren't following Jesus' example of tolerance for others.He often met with and associated with people who were looked down upon just like many people have looked down people with different skin color and gays in today's time.


Also not sure that our Bible has been accurately translated from the original languages. Nifty author David Lee refers to a book written by James Rogers that has a different take on the subject of homosexuality in the Bible.

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Rilbur, I stand by what I said, that children must be taught to hate.  You say I should spend time around children.  I have been a Scout Leader for nearly 16 years Cub Scouts through Boy Scouts, That is ages 7-18.  More than half of my weekends and at least one day a week for that time has been spent around children.  So I think I have spent a lot of time around children and I am aware of how they tease and make fun of each other.  Boys can easily fall into that, as they try to one up each other. 


But that is not hate, to hate someone like those who are completly anti gay or anti black or anti hispanic or anti indian or anti anyone, were taught to hate that way.  That is not the making fun of that you are talking about.


I agree they must be taught decency, but that is easier to do, if you are decent to others, they will see how people respond to being decent to each other and does not require the same amount of work that teaching someone to hate does, in my opinion.  It is the golden rule, which is found in so many different religions and civilizations and is one of the best rules to live by.


Confucious - Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself

Ancient Egypt -That which you hate to be done to you, do not do to another

Ancient Greece -What you do not want to happen to you, do not do it yourself either

Ancient Rome -expect from others what you did to them

Buddhism - Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful

Hindusim - One should never do that to another which one regards as injurious to one’s own self. This, in brief, is the rule of dharma. Other behavior is due to selfish desires.

Islam -As you would have people do to you, do to them; and what you dislike to be done to you, don't do to them

Judaism - That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn it

Wicca - These eight words the Rede fulfill, 'an ye harm none do as ye will.


There are plenty more of course, but you get the idea.  The golden rule is easy to follow and if those parents who teach their children to hate someone or some race, then in my opinion they are failures as parents.  There is no advantage to teaching that, except in their own small minds.

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I think you are both correct in a way (my humble opinion). What I mean is that yes children must learn from somewhere to hate something, be it skin colour, sexual preference etc, that somewhere being environment, parents/family, peers, media, a range of factors. But, children must also be taught by primarily family but also the school system to be open-minded, not to judge others for their religion, skin colour, sexual preference, etc because children on their own have an innate instinct to make fun off anything that is different and threatens their beliefs, personality, insecurities etc.

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Yes, children will make fun of each other as they play but watch what happens when someone outside their group tries the same thing. They usually will join together against the outside threat. They can tease and poke fun at their friends woe be to anyone else that tries it.


True hatred and bullying has to be learned.


This is from a father of four and former preschool teacher and middle school special ed assistant.

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Yes, children have to be taught to hate! They enter this world as a blank slate and, as soon as their eyes open, they begin collecting information. From parents, siblings, grandparents and anyone else who enters their perception. The younger they are, the more susceptable they are to loud and noisy information sources. By the time they are five or six, they begin to acquire the ability to filter out infomation that does not coinicide with what they have already stored in their memory. It takes a dedicated and persistant parent to undo the damage that has already been done to the child. That DOES NOT mean that it is impossible, but few parents are willing to invest the time and energy to guide their child towards adulthood.



The rate of anti-gay discrimination is in direct proportion to the lack of parenting skills of the preceeding generation!


Charles Bird

Sea Bird

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I am not sure about the teaching to hate concept. I grew up in a very bigoted household. My parents were a product of their environment and I don't completely fault them for it, as they were taught it, but most of my Brother and Sisters are not bigoted in any way. The Exact opposite, and we have taught our parents to be more open minded. (Didn't Hurt that they had to deal with 2 sons coming out to them). My Point is that I questioned my parents deep rerouted beliefs about racism because it just didn't seem right. Its called being human, no matter what we makes us different, Race, religion, Sexual Orientation, National Origin, Ethnicity, familial status, age, or sex we all have one thing in common and that is we are all human beings. We all have hopes, dreams, loves and fears. We all try our best to make the most of our lives the best way we know how. If everyone could just respect that one little thing then the world would be a better place. 

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