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HIV pandemic's roots traced back to 1920s Kinshasa

Zach Caldwell

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  • 1 month later...

Wow. I am surprised this has not gotten more attention here on the forum and in the main media outlets.

Absent other factors of interest, unless it leads to a cure, knowing 'where' HIV came from or 'how' it arose isn't 'sexy'.  It isn't interesting to the layman, and most people wouldn't care less.  Now, if someone had come out with 'proof' that it had come from something interesting, like a gay pedophile screwing a baboon and then giving it to a poor child, well, that would be considered newsworthy and would be trumpeted to the heavens as proof of homosexual perfidy by the 'regular' sources of that crap.  Absent such fun & games, however, no one cares.

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