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Submissions possible improvements ideas.


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I was reading the forums' "submissions" and I have some thoughts about it.
I don't know if what I am about to suggest has already been suggested before, and/or if its feasible but:
A. I think it is very generic, doesn't fully explain what is and is not accepted, for example it says " inappropriate Adult/Youth, or over sexualized stories."
But what ages does "adult/youth" encompass? Obviously inappropriate means any kind of sexual activity between but at what age and below is "youth" is it any individual below 18? 16? 12? I think as the site grows and more readers and/or authors start to visit it will be good to have more specific guidelines. Sort of:
1.No sex between an adult/individual over 18 with any individual below <insert age> 
Also I imagine you/we don't want any graphic violence in the stories? Something like this:
2. No graphic description of violence/violent event/murder/rape/suicide/etc
3. A story cannot end in a murder and/or suicide. 
B. Then besides the guidelines where like I said I think they should be more specific, there's also the final submission format that "you" require. Is it in txt, html, doc file? 
I think all of that information should be displayed clearly. It is chaotic but nifty does a good-ish job on that:
they have different sections for what they want in formatting/grammar, process, a checklist etc
Also what they have about celebrities is very important as well, and Hunter does it as well in his RAUF story, having a disclaimer about "that" celeb will be a character in "my" story, and besides his physical characteristics etc all behavior, sexual preference portrayed in the story is my fictional portrayal of him/her and not actually that celeb's sexual preference etc."
Finally I think there should be a Castle Roland castlerolandsubmissions@gmail.com email or something similar (maybe shorter). I think the "post a short version of a chapter/story here and we'll contact you" may get confusing and/or crowded if/when CR starts getting something like 40-100 submissions per day.
I understand that all this may require more staff so obviously I don't expect it to all be done "tomorrow" just thought to give out some ideas/thoughts of mine, maybe have a dialogue over it.
Carry on, 
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Thank you for your suggestion and damn near 24 hours of debate among the administrators. We carefully debated the pro's and con's of the current submission guidelines. 

And Came to this conclusion:

These are guidlines, not rules. Hence the seemingly ambiguous nature. No one element of them is more important than the others, each submission is handle on a case by case basis. We review all the facts and information we have as well as the submission itself. 


Our rules are built around describing the philosophy, and leaving the details up to the judge of the moment.


We encourage everyone to submit a story and let us review it. 


Submission can be made directly on the submissions forum. http://castleroland.invisionzone.com/index.php?/forum/71-submissions/


Or the the Castle Roland Submissions email castleroland.submission@gmail.com


Thank you for your suggestion and as always keep giving us feed back.


Ken Barber

Castle Roland
Public Relations Administrator

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  • 1 month later...

just a slight suggestion I notice every chapter has the synopsis, maybe save a bit of HD space by eliminating it from every chapter, after the first one.  also it makes it easier to get to the story with less scrolling, and will save some space.  Once the synopsis is read after the first chapter we pretty much get into the story.  I also notice some are way to long giving to much detail on the story itself. maybe make them more brief, so we can let out imaginations as readers work. (note I am not critisizing just suggesting) 

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Thanks for the suggestions. We are working on removing the Synopses from each chapter and I will let one of the tech guys answer that in more detail. As far as the length, most of the synopses are written by the authors so we post exactly what they send us. The ones that the PR team creates we try to keep to 3 or 4 lines. 

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'Working to remove'?  You make it sound like it's a lot of work, rather than our programmers being horrendously busy with real life stuff.




We don't hand-code each page, we simply set up a data structure that the site's software inserts into a single template.  This is a significant time and space saver, but as a result, a change in one place can have unanticipated side effects in other places. In this case, adding summaries to the author listings also added them to the chapters, which wasn't too bad while we were in development because all our tests used, to quote the definition of synopsis, 'a brief summary' of the story (emphasis mine).  Obviously, some authors have a very different idea of what 'brief' means.


Anyway, I just went ahead and coded something that should work.  It's not the best of code structures, IMO, but it does the job.  (Good code structure is important, but that's a lecture for another day).  Once it passes code review, it'll probably make the light of day with the next update.

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Thanks for the suggestions. We are working on removing the Synopses from each chapter and I will let one of the tech guys answer that in more detail. As far as the length, most of the synopses are written by the authors so we post exactly what they send us. The ones that the PR team creates we try to keep to 3 or 4 lines. 

like i said just a thought i didn't realize he authors did that themselves  :) just an ovservation mostly. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this is a suggestion or a comment, but i guess it could be both. I was wondering i know the stories are broke down by authour universe and title, but what confuses me ok maybe this is a library thing, is there a way to maybe by universe make a notation of is it (I know these are all fantasy) but like a quote saying sci-fi, sci-fi-fan (sci fi fantasy) to make it a bit easier to find  and like post apocoliptic just even 2 letter or 3 like SFF or SF or PA, I love science fiction fantasy stuff :) just a thought maybe I am missing it but some stories dont have a synopsys so it's tough to tell if they fall under specific catigories.  Course I love any good story.  it was just a thought, even add to like the stories by title a mark that would say s for sexual, n for none sexual type thing  Geee I love making you work LOL  sorry I'll go back to my army now ….. Me Salutes and clicks heels together while being dismissed. :) 

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actually in the library under titles is where it's needed just a simple SF SFF  along those lines since the synopsis is not there just the titles.  and Like i said some of the stories have none, so it would make it easier for others to find like their favourite  types of reading like I'm huge in SCI-fi fantasy, and SCI-fi,  but sometmes  stories like brave lake manor are my speed too and it's in a catagory all it's own. it's kinda like using the library. you goto fiction for fiction etc.   I hope this makes sense. I'm not the expert I just think cause I am a ravounus reader and know the library so well  its be esier for readers to find catagories they like almost like the way Nifty does it but a bit simpler cause then you wouldn't need to dedicate specieal sections for it.  Sorry I am horribly dyslexic when it comes to writing. but reading and anything outdoors and fantasy I'm great at.  Hopefully this makes sense to you. it's not like changing the whole thing it's more like after the title of the story adding 2 or 3 letters not changing the whole format type of idea like breaking everything into catigories.  but simple SF SFF AC (actio) AD (adventure)  PA  (post apocoliptic) etc. then a simple guide at the top explaing what the (SF) (SFF) means  and a whole lot less programing :) 


While the synopsis is supposed to cover that, I'll see about adding genre data to the new version of the site currently in development.

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Currently, when you click on Library, you are opened onto the "Stories by Author" page. There is also a "Stories By Universe" and "Stories by Title" clickable page, right underneath the authors list.

We have long thought of including a "Stories by Genre" list ... but ... not everyone on the staff, nor the authors themselves have read everything on the site. I know I haven't. Nor have I reasonably good ideas for possible genres other than the ones you listed, Jamie. I'm sure there are more, but what would we call them?


And then there is the idea of actually reading everything... So....


Who wants to help?


1. Define the genre types

2. Assign each and every story a type




The coding is relatively easy in the current rendition of the story site.

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actually in the library under titles is where it's needed just a simple SF SFF  along those lines since the synopsis is not there just the titles.  and Like i said some of the stories have none, so it would make it easier for others to find like their favourite  types of reading like I'm huge in SCI-fi fantasy, and SCI-fi,  but sometmes  stories like brave lake manor are my speed too and it's in a catagory all it's own. it's kinda like using the library. you goto fiction for fiction etc.   I hope this makes sense. I'm not the expert I just think cause I am a ravounus reader and know the library so well  its be esier for readers to find catagories they like almost like the way Nifty does it but a bit simpler cause then you wouldn't need to dedicate specieal sections for it.  Sorry I am horribly dyslexic when it comes to writing. but reading and anything outdoors and fantasy I'm great at.  Hopefully this makes sense to you. it's not like changing the whole thing it's more like after the title of the story adding 2 or 3 letters not changing the whole format type of idea like breaking everything into catigories.  but simple SF SFF AC (actio) AD (adventure)  PA  (post apocoliptic) etc. then a simple guide at the top explaing what the (SF) (SFF) means  and a whole lot less programing :)

Yes in the past I've asked about having some way of denoting genres as well because my stories are very similar to nature as Brave Lake Manor and is most definitely not in league of what a big group of readers out there would want to venture into.  The problem with the way I write if a new reader pops on more often than not my stories don't venture into the hot and heavy part of things until further along in the story which could sort of catch some new readers by surprise.  Having some sort of way to clue potential readers as the the genre will help them peruse through the library narrowing things down.  Now as we get more and more authors on here the list of stories is getting larger and larger becoming a tangled mess for new people to make heads or tails over.  If separating stories into categories isn't possible then at least maybe a way to signify the genre as people click through authors or titles of stories can help speed things along.  In my case with my stories if people know the category of my stories they can either just pass it by or if it is a genre they like they can then pop in.  I know many of my readers have complained because they like my style of stories and want to read more on here if there are other authors writing that genre but they have a hard time finding those types of stories and it is so time consuming that many have said they've stopped looking and pop back over to nifty or one of the other places because at least they can narrow things down.  Mostly I think it is the time factor now with there being many more authors and stories on here.

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Since most everything is fiction (some base on reality but still fiction, it's more a matter of SCI-fi, SCI-Fi Fantasy, Action, Adventure  Rescue, Coming of Age, Post apocalyptic  Other worlds i.e. universes, Apocalyptic   Pre civilization, Post civilization (though that could be apocalyptic as well).  Zombie nation, Exploration, Coming out, Some might just need a big XXX  :P for lots of sex.  But I think this would cover most and you have the proof readers who read through  And added a few thing to the last chapter of can you spare a quarter mostly hyphens between names like gr-aham) And Most the authors know what they have written let them submit f they have 5 second an email with any of the the genre's I have mention I really think that covers most, anything odd ball, leave unmarked till someone can say oh this is blah blah blah. etc.  


I was nice I spell checked everything. I haven't come across any stories yet with like SM and bondage, or anything real kinky.  so I don't think you've been posting those unless I missed them. Course due to my past nature I'd have skipped over them being tided up at age 10 and forced to anyway enough of that.  hope this helps but I think it covers 99% of the stories.  then it's just a matter of making the (SF), (SFF), (AC), (ADV), and then the reader guide at the top of the library. if you could get the writers to just mail a one liner about each story you'd be all set. and then as new come in the proof readers would be able to say this is x, this is y,  and so on.  I did miss a couple  (NS) non sexual, and (FD) First discoveries.   But that would pretty much cover it, unless anyone can come up with something I didn't cover? 

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Since most everything is fiction (some base on reality but still fiction, it's more a matter of SCI-fi, SCI-Fi Fantasy, Action, Adventure  Rescue, Coming of Age, Post apocalyptic  Other worlds i.e. universes, Apocalyptic   Pre civilization, Post civilization (though that could be apocalyptic as well).  Zombie nation, Exploration, Coming out, Some might just need a big XXX  :P for lots of sex.  But I think this would cover most and you have the proof readers who read through  And added a few thing to the last chapter of can you spare a quarter mostly hyphens between names like gr-aham) And Most the authors know what they have written let them submit f they have 5 second an email with any of the the genre's I have mention I really think that covers most, anything odd ball, leave unmarked till someone can say oh this is blah blah blah. etc.  


I was nice I spell checked everything. I haven't come across any stories yet with like SM and bondage, or anything real kinky.  so I don't think you've been posting those unless I missed them. Course due to my past nature I'd have skipped over them being tided up at age 10 and forced to anyway enough of that.  hope this helps but I think it covers 99% of the stories.  then it's just a matter of making the (SF), (SFF), (AC), (ADV), and then the reader guide at the top of the library. if you could get the writers to just mail a one liner about each story you'd be all set. and then as new come in the proof readers would be able to say this is x, this is y,  and so on.  I did miss a couple  (NS) non sexual, and (FD) First discoveries.   But that would pretty much cover it, unless anyone can come up with something I didn't cover? 

Well I think the first step would be to set up an index with the appropriate abbreviations associated with the acronym.  Then like you said authors can submit their stories and simply list the appropriate acronyms that apply if they so choose.  It can be an optional thing I suppose so an author's choice if they want to list it on their story title to make it convenient for readers.  It will all have to depend if the administration even wants to get into trying to set something like this up or if they have a completely different idea of what could work or if it is something they even want to venture into.  So far it really hasn't been a big issue but I can see as time goes on and there are more and more authors along with a ton more stories then it becomes too daunting of a task for potential readers to sift through stories unless they have an idea of what the story contains.  Many readers are looking for something specific.  So yes it is most definitely something for the staff to contemplate at this time because more and more stories are piling up all the time.


Like I've said I've brought it up in the past but I think at the time it really wasn't such a big issue.  I can only speak for my readers since I get them asking me all the time who I would recommend for other stories similar to mine.  I know of a couple of authors on here and recommend them to my readers, but I'm like them without knowing the genres and stuff I am not going to sift through all the stories to find out either.  Way too time consuming.  So my readers usually end up popping on to the site to read one of my stories when I email them and then they go back off to a different site without sticking around and searching since they can't narrow the field down.

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Well I think the first step would be to set up an index with the appropriate abbreviations associated with the acronym.  Then like you said authors can submit their stories and simply list the appropriate acronyms that apply if they so choose.  It can be an optional thing I suppose so an author's choice if they want to list it on their story title to make it convenient for readers.  It will all have to depend if the administration even wants to get into trying to set something like this up or if they have a completely different idea of what could work or if it is something they even want to venture into.  So far it really hasn't been a big issue but I can see as time goes on and there are more and more authors along with a ton more stories then it becomes too daunting of a task for potential readers to sift through stories unless they have an idea of what the story contains.  Many readers are looking for something specific.  So yes it is most definitely something for the staff to contemplate at this time because more and more stories are piling up all the time.


Like I've said I've brought it up in the past but I think at the time it really wasn't such a big issue.  I can only speak for my readers since I get them asking me all the time who I would recommend for other stories similar to mine.  I know of a couple of authors on here and recommend them to my readers, but I'm like them without knowing the genres and stuff I am not going to sift through all the stories to find out either.  Way too time consuming.  So my readers usually end up popping on to the site to read one of my stories when I email them and then they go back off to a different site without sticking around and searching since they can't narrow the field down.

I think that's why I suggested it and in that format since sometimes it's easier to click titles then each author and see what they have and i know some don't have the synopsis with the story so that can make it tougher. but it's just an idea a thought I figure let those in charge make the choice.  :) 

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I think that's why I suggested it and in that format since sometimes it's easier to click titles then each author and see what they have and i know some don't have the synopsis with the story so that can make it tougher. but it's just an idea a thought I figure let those in charge make the choice.   :) 

Like I said that is something I brought up a while ago and that's the decision they came up with.  Now though it might have more traction because another person has expressed the same concerns and also because now with the site growing in both authorship and stories it sort of make sense because readers are getting frustrated with not knowing how to search for story types they prefer.

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Like I said that is something I brought up a while ago and that's the decision they came up with.  Now though it might have more traction because another person has expressed the same concerns and also because now with the site growing in both authorship and stories it sort of make sense because readers are getting frustrated with not knowing how to search for story types they prefer.

Yeah and I noticed a few people are liking my idea and a couple others commented as well so maybe but it's upto the hosts to decide :) please please please LOL :)

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