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Day of N

Zach Caldwell

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Just had a scan through this then went back to begin reading it properly. A bit of a sucker for post-apocalyptic stories, especially ones with a bit of a different slant. Couple of thoughts: i can't see the train loco or most of the vehicles working as emp would have fried the engine management systems unless they were hardened, certainly if they were as close as implied to the ground zeros. The idea mentioned early on about detonating bombs in water to create rain to wash out fallout and dust out of the air would probably not work as unless in very deep water mud from the sea/lake bed would be drawn through the fireball and result in very high levels of radiation in the area. Besides, as soon as a ground or low air burst weapon explodes the fallout particles would be carried high into the atmosphere above the rain clouds. I also think fallout levels would have remained higher for a bit longer than suggested, but would depend on how many bombs were ground as opposed to air burst.

Anyway, a bit of artistic license! Who cares :) Lets see what happens next.

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I love this story. Keep up the good work. I do have a bit of an FYI for you, coming from a old paramedic. In the days before inhalers we would treat asthma with strong coffee. The caffeine and xanthine in coffee helps to open airways. Epinephrine   will also work and can be made from animals by any decent chemist. Cow and pig pancreas can be minced to produce insulin for sherif Will, but the process is very involved and it needs to be refrigerated

Thank you for writing




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i think its also good to see what happens when the boys are tired as hell and not really themselves anymore. that one word or action can lead to an explosion they never wud have done if they had been awake.
how thin the balance is there.

hope to read more soon.
i also just looked up the area on google maps. and yeah, it is there everything in this area. oberlin, dresden, colby, hoxie, jennings, hill city, the camp ground and everything. thats cool. i know dresden as the capital of saxony in germany, a quite big city there. seems some dresden people have migrated to kansas times ago and founded the new town named after their origin.
wonder how oberlin is founded, if its a name after the city of berlin, the german capital.

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Considering how busy you have been recently, I'm not that surprised if it takes a little while to get things posted.  I'm just happy that you are continuing with everything.  Hope all of them get updates whenever you can make them.  AQ, Re-emergence, and the rest are a tad delayed. . hehehe.  Hope you will consider the next chapter/episode of Defenders also.  While I may not say it, I enjoyed the first volume immensely and was kind of sad that it ended without closure.  Whatever you can do, whenever you can do it, will always be appreciated. 

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Just read the latest chapter here, and all I can say is: Oh My God!!!!  You have got to be kidding me!!!!!  Like getting nuked because you live near a Wal Mart wasn't bad enough, you have to add that to it????  You are evil!!!!!   I LOVE it!!!

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  • 2 months later...

A bit of irony "exploded" today.

Volcanologists in California have announced that they expect any one of eight volcanoes to erupt... well, they are giving it a 16% chance of erupting within the next decade. As luck would have it, the Long Valley Caldera (a super volcano, larger than Yellowstone) was listed among the six as having moderate to very high risk.


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