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ken barber

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The recent influx of children across the border from Central and South America has started yet another round of blame game in DC. Why is this political and not humanitarian. These are children for Christ sake.  Many are fleeing violence poverty and persecution.  I figured above all else they way American Cherish our children we would all stop and say what can we do to help.  Throughout history  The United States has been the promised land the land of opportunity.  This country was founded by Immigrants, the industrial revolution was built on the backs of Immigrants, out railroads and Highways where built by immigrants.

Does this ring a bell,

Give me your tired, your poor

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The Wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these the homeless tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door.


So we are fat and happy and don't want to share so we use politics to turn those that need our shelter away from our shores.


I know the counter argument. If they came legally that would be fine.

Two points to make there.

1. They do not have a system to apply for legal entry. They are freaking children

2. Immigration reform started in 1996 with the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility act 1996.  Two hundred years after the country was founded by immigrants.


For Conservatives is this backwards to you Ideology.  Immigration is tradition and what the country is built on.  Immigration Reform is dare I say it Progressive.

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For Conservatives is this backwards to you Ideology.  Immigration is tradition and what the country is built on.  Immigration Reform is dare I say it Progressive.


See i disagree with you.  traditional immigration was, for the most part legal, controlled, not overwhelming, and they integrated into the American way of life.  Immigration reform, is, as you say, progressive, where they want to strip away all the controls that were put into place to make immigration into this country a sane process. 


I agree we need to help these people, but at what cost?  The US is deeply in debt, not even able to take care of our own people, let alone thousands of extra PER WEEK that are coming in.  IF we had a feasible way of taking care of them, then i would say, bring them on.  but dammit not at the cost of our own children, and their children.  These children, and some adults, are being sent into this country, with no idea what will happen to them when they get here.  Meaning they are, at first, going to be living off of your and my tax dollars.  Problem number one.


problem number 2.  they are bringing in communicable diseases which they are not being screened for before they get here.  not a good thing for our country,. 


number 3.  what the heck are we supposed to do with them all?  right now they are being help in detention centers, herded like cattle, and kept in conditions worse then what i saw when i was in NC helping after Hurricane Sandy!


They want to come here to get away from violence, and gangs, GREAT!!!!  But dammit we need to make sure it is done in a way that does not destroy US while doing it.  The problem, in my opinion, with most progressive ideas is this.  the people that come up with them, come up with feel good, instant answers, but have no real plan on how to actually deal with things, and see whats gonna happen in the future.  How long until this country is so over crowded and broke that we slip into a position much like what the people that are coming here are fleeing? 

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Sit down because I actually agree with some of your points. The issue I have is no one will sit down and work out a way reform Immigration in a viable way. On one side it open the doors and welcome anyone on the other is build a wall. Where is the middle ground where is the discussion and debate where is the compromise. 


Compromise in politics has become a dirty word and Politicians are threatened by PACs if they even consider compromise on both sides of the Aisle.


This is just one more hot button issue that displays how corrupt and polarized our elected officials are.

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Yes, the migrating children DO present an almost insolvable problem to us. The first question that comes to my mind (I live in the area where these children are flocking to) is, "Why is this taking place right now and who is orchestrating it?" Young children are not very adventuresome at that age and it IS a very dangerous, physically challenging trip for them to get here. It has been the aim of Mexican activist groups for many years to have the United States return the American South West to them. I won't argue the rights or the wrongs of our possession of the Southwestern States, however, it was NEVER a possession of Mexico. The Spanish did pass through briefly and the state of California was briefly  a Mexican Territory. It was Americans who settled the entire area and "refurbished" it to meet their needs.



We have many people here who are of Mexican heritage and the most of them came here legally. More recently, huge numbers of Mexican People have sneaked across the border illegally, carrying huge loads of illegal narcotics in the middle of the night. There is a movement among the Hispanic Community called "La Rava" that calls for us to return the border states to Mexico. They are loud, strident and obnoxious in their demands and the movement has many adherents, particularly at the University. Now, mixing the problem of migrating children into the soup is what I believe to be a purposeful political ploy on the part of the Mexicans. I find it difficult to believe that Mexican children are traveling the length of Mexico, on their own, to cross the border into the United States. That is a long and dangerous trip, even for an adult. Take a good look at a map of Mexico, that path is filled with deadly deserts with absolutely NO WATER or food. How are they finding their way? What are they eating and drinking? As I said at first, there is more to this than just the arrival of children crossing the border. The children are pawns in a struggle on the part of Mexican groups to wrest the American Southwest away from the United States.



Should these groups be successful, what will happen? There are many areas of Mexico that have the same terrain and water supplies as on our side of the border, but they have destroyed what they have and now they want ours. Mexico has the ability to be as fruitful and prosperous as the lands they so desire here in America. However, they have convinced themselves that we have stolen their "birthright". I guess THAT is easier that working to return their own lands to productivity.



Mexico is, for the most part, a failed state. The gangsters rule Mexico with an iron fist and the government seems powerless to stop them.  They have to potential to be a healthy, vibrant country, but their culture remains feudal and archaic. Personally, I like the Mexican People, I have visited their country many times and have always enjoyed myself while there. I have never felt threatened while I was there, however, I was never foolish and went to places that would have been dangerous, even in our own country.



In view of the above, I believe this migration of children, while tragic for the children, is politically motivated by adults, most likely those who are engaged in illegal activities like narcotics and worse. I have heard rumors among the folk of Mexican heritage, who live around me, of slavery, prostitution and other illegal activities and they are terrified that these criminals will soon be living among us.



Charles Bird


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I would agree that the criminal element crossing the border illegally is something that needs to be addressed asap. Again the problem comes down to Two different Political Parties trying to use the argument to gain leverage in their campaigning. It has nothing to do with actually trying to solve the problems.  The Political Parties a Democrats and Republicans only care about their cushy jobs.  Both Parties have  come up with some good proposals but because it was from the other party  one party wont support it. Its the same with every issue in the country. The very fabric of this nation is being torn apart while the Politicians argue about trivial matters. Best if luck to all of you living in areas affected by the immigration issue. and that's not sarcasm. No one on the Federal Government is going to help you republican or democrat.

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What makes this whole thing even worse, is that the Federal Courts have told AZ that they cannot enforce the current immigration laws. That only the feds can (The State has no authority to enforce federal statutes).


By inference, since this was a 9th Circuit decision (and not just a district court), is that the other Circuits Courts of Appeal will probably fall right in line, thus protecting federal power at the expense of the States being virtually raped.

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The problem of illegal immigration affects the entire country, not just those of us who live in the "border states" True, we are getting hit harder than other areas, but the problem exists in 49 of the 50 states. Only Hawaii remains relatively unaffected as yet. Most of the states along the Eastern Seaboard have rapidly rising crime rates, especially among the illegal immigrants that have been "granted" sleeping rights by the Federal Government.  The wave illegal immigrants sweeping across Texas is flooding cities and communities as far north as the Canada Border The larger cities of the Southwest are no longer safe for American Citizens to be out and about after dark. Much of California is totally given over to immigrants, most of whom are here illegally and the problem extends into Oregon and Washington.



In the areas that have been abandoned to these illegal immigrants, the crime rate is astronomical and law enforcement is simply no longer possible. Not only are they overwhelmed, they are hamstrung by our own government. Most of the smaller law enforcement agencies in outlaying areas will tell you frankly, that they can do NOTHING to protect you.



I do not mean to accuse them of failure, it is simply the magnitude of the problem is beyond their ability to cope. Nor do I feel we are in danger of losing our country to these immigrants, altho, down the road that is a possibility, but, unless we start demanding of our national leaders that something MUST be done, we are in for a world of hurtin' and hard times. This is a time of severe budget constraint and the easiest departments to cut back is the Police and Sheriff departments. In my small community, the local sheriff deputies on duty have been cut from three to one and this is a widespread problem all across the country.



Charles Bird


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In the areas that have been abandoned to these illegal immigrants, the crime rate is astronomical and law enforcement is simply no longer possible. Not only are they overwhelmed, they are hamstrung by our own government. Most of the smaller law enforcement agencies in outlaying areas will tell you frankly, that they can do NOTHING to protect you.


And therein you have the seeds of the only argument worth making against free immigration.  (Sorry, modern health standards have removed disease control as a reasonable one guys!)


Our society is one in which the police are able to do their job not by force of arms, but because the majority of the people believe in following the laws.  We choose, as a whole, to be law abiding, and thusly allow the government to continue ticking on.  Most of South America (Africa, the middle east, and so on) have societies and cultures that are fucked up.  I'm being deliberately blunt here, but 'fucked up' sums up the various issues pretty well.  Crime runs rampant not just because the central government can't or won't try to enforce it, but because the people don't enforce it.


You can see the same thing happening in the US, and not just in immigration areas.  When is the last time you followed the posted speed limit on the freeway?  You know, the one that says you can't go over 55?  Nobody actually follows those anymore, to the point where it's actually hazardous to try and do so.

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Most of what you say, Rilbur, is correct, however, I would like to add that there is yet another element involved in this problem. It is not only the "self-leveling" that is natural to people, that is, it is natural that people at least try to conform to the laws and demands of their society. In this problem, however, there is a third party that is involved. That third party is, of course, the criminal element that is orchestrating the whole affair. That criminal element is so violent, so evil that there is no outrageous behavior they will not perform. The criminal gangs that rule Mexico and much of Latin America are more akin to a pack of rabid wolves than they are to any group of humanity. There is NO atrocity beyond them in their path to control their own environment and THAT is what is driving good people AND their children northward, into our country. If it were just the innocents who are pouring across the border, the problem would be much more simple. The rub comes as those criminals, sent by their war-lord masters, mingle with the refugees as they enter our land. Their objective is to take over our land in the name of their masters and turn The United States into the same Hell-Hole that exists in their home countries.



Charles Bird


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  • 1 month later...

What makes this whole thing even worse, is that the Federal Courts have told AZ that they cannot enforce the current immigration laws. That only the feds can (The State has no authority to enforce federal statutes).


By inference, since this was a 9th Circuit decision (and not just a district court), is that the other Circuits Courts of Appeal will probably fall right in line, thus protecting federal power at the expense of the States being virtually raped.

My suggestion then is that AZ pass a law that's exactly the same as the Federal Government.  States cannot exceed the laws of the Federal Government, but if the pass the same law as a state law then they can go and do what the Federal Government is failing to do.  The Governor of AZ should take a line from Obama, I've got a pen and a phone so I'll enact my own laws so sue me.  Let it go all the way up to the United States Supreme Court, in the meantime just take care of business.  What are the going to do after the fact, lol.  By the time it get's to the United Supreme Court a lot can have been accomplished.  When it comes to state law versus federal law, federal law trumps in regards to states not exceeding the law and making it more extreme.  Adopt the same law and get busy.  Let the Fed's take you to court in the meantime take care of business.


As a whole it is both the republicans and democrats fault because things have become so contentious between the two parties and neither one is willing to compromise.  Every country in the world has immigration laws that are enforced yet for some reason it is soooo politically incorrect for us to have the same.  You have to protect our borders, that's the bottom line.  If you don't we will be inundated with three quarters of the population of the world.  We can't afford or pay for this.


I feel awful for the children and they are simply pawns in this whole mess with them paying the ultimate price.  How many kids die along the way.  How many are murdered, beaten, raped, and sold as sex slaves.  Yes, when they arrive take care of their needs but send them back.  It is the only way we can stem the tide somewhat.


The other major issue we have with the influx of "illegal immigrants," and people let's call it what it really is..."illegal immigrants," is that once they are here many are finding ways to continue of creating more issues regarding voting illegally all the way up to commiting horrible crimes.  Once these kids arrive we are responsible for their every needs unitl they are eighteen years old.  Guess what people, where do you think the money is coming from, that's right the government reaching into your hard earned money by way of higher taxes.  Everyone is already complaining about being taxed left and right, well, here is just one more thing to add to the pile along with everything else.


Let's face it you can change the laws to accept legally a hundred million people into the country and guess what, there will still be a line of a hundred million if not more crying foul for us not letting them into our country.  Right now the democrats are working hard to simply open up the borders because for them they see votes.  They know that for them this constitutes votes in their pockets at the expense of every U.S. citizen.


We have to treat everyone humanely when they arrive in our country, but we are not responsible for them beyond that.  We need to have boundaries and protect them.  You give someone an inch they will take the whole one hundred yards and then some.  I feel bad for those kids, but if we allow this to continue how many kids will die along the way, how many raped or tortured?  We have no idea how many kids are being abused and killed along the way, but I dare say a stagering number to say the least.  This to me is unnacceptable and it is why we have to make it clear we will not accept this influx of illegal immegration into our country.  Secure the border send a clear message there is a process in place and they must get in line.  Every country around the world has a process in place whereby people have to go through the proper channels.  We cannot allow everyone to enter our country and open up the borders.  If we did that our entire country would collapse in a heartbeat.


Again, I feel for those kids, but we also have an obligation to our own kids in our own country.  Guess what folks come the start of the school year we are going to have an influx of these kids starting school.  We have parents always making a big deal when a kid enrolls who isn't fully immunized putting their own kids in harms way with diseases.  Well, what do you think is going to happen when these illegal immigrants start going to school.  They aren't even being vaccinated or anything, and heaven forbid we should ask them because all of a sudden the courts come back and say this is a privacy issue, yet they don't afford our own kids, those who are U.S. citizens the same privacy rights with schools making it a requirement kids be vaccinated.  Double standard and a bunch of BS when illegal immigrants have more rights than our own U.S. citizens.  Like I said it is all about politics anymore and not about what is right for our own country and our own people.  We are quick to jump to the defense of everyone else except for when it comes to our own people.


There are laws in place currently that our government needs to follow until such time as it is changed.  You cannot simply ignore it now because there is an administration in office now that does not agree with it.  If you don't agree with the laws change them through the correct process, but don't come back and outright say you are going to circumvent them because one political party doesn't want to do it the same way as you.  There is a reason why our system is set up the way it is, so that everyone's interests can be heard and respected at some level.  Compromise is a difficult thing, but until our congress is able to get their act together and make compromises the law stands as it is.  After all when those laws were drawn up congress members before them had to come together in some sort of consensus to make that law.  Just because one person comes into office and doesn't agree with it doesn't give a person the right to simply ignore it.  If you or I went out and simply ignored a law because we didn't like it there'd be consequences to our actions.  Let's face it murderers don't feel that is a good law, so if they break it and get caught there are consequences.  We follow the law until it is changed and adapted to current times.  You work within the framework of the law and the intent our forefathers had set up for us.


The federal government is failing to fullfil their duties and obligation, in some aspects they are acting treasonous because they are failing to fullfil their obligations according to the law and putting our country in jeopardy.  We welcome and open up our arms to all legal immigrants, not to those who are usurping our laws which we as U.S. citizens try to abide by on a daily basis.  We have our own children we have to think about and protect as well.  Both the republicans and democrats have to stop laying blame and do the hard work.  Neither side will get everything they want, but this is our system which has served our country well over the years.  It is tried and true to the intent our founding fathers have laid out for us.  Let the democrats and the republicans duke it out.  It may take a while, but something at some point will come of it eventually.  When it does there will still be grumblings because we can't satisfy everyone.

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On your point I do follow the speed limit.I Pride myself on being a law abiding citizen, I strive to set the example. You are right though most people do not.


Immigration is a problem but it comes back to why hasn't the Republican Controlled congress passed an Immigration reform Bill. Our Immigration system is in shambles and The Republicans in the house decide to sue the president for trying to do something. He wouldn't have to act on his own of they got off their overpaid fat asses and got to work. Its ridiculous that the right screams they want smaller government and less federal influence until there is a crisis then its "Why isn't President Obama and the Federal Government handling this." And this is Crisis, A crisis the Federal Government is not prepared, equipped or financed to handle and again it is Congress's Job to ensure they have the funds which by the equipment and pay the people and its Congress's job to ensure the laws the Federal Government enforces are clear and enforceable. 

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Sigh, here we go again. The mainstream media pointing out it is the republican's fault. Let's not forget that the democrats had their time when they were in control to do something as well during Obama's term. The Republicans did come up with something remaining in session to do so, but as soon as they came out with something Obama immediately kicked them to the curb saying I've got to go it alone. He once again set the two sides against one another. We all knew that what the republicans propose is not going to sit well with the democrats. Instead Obama should have simply stated it is commendable that you all stayed to hammer something out but we do not agree with what you propose so let's see what we can come up with, and then both of us can sit down to try to come up with something we both can agree with.

The republicans don't want to give Obama a blank check without knowing where the money is actually going to. Obama says to process everyone and also to help secure our borders, but I'm wondering just how much is going to go towards securing our border. I have a feeling most of it will be going towards processing the illegal immigrants so they can be released into our society. Just a hunch of course, but I think we all know how Obama feels about it so it is a safe bet.

Again, don't blame the republicans when the democrats need to shoulder an equal share of blame. As for sueing Obama he has left the republicans no choice if he is going to continuously circumvent their authority because they don't agree with his agenda. Believe me I'm sure both sides want to resolve this illegal immigration issue, but the bottom line is both sides have their varying viewpoints on how to actually go about it. If Obama doesn't like something he simply is going to shuck it off to the side and go it alone to get his own way. If congress doesn't sue him he will have set a precedence for all future presidents to simply come in and act as a dictator when one side or the other doesn't agree with him/her.

Currently the Republicans holds control of the house, but that wasn't always the case so again it isn't one side or the other but both sides failing to get it done. We do have laws in place currently, but they federal government is failing to carry those laws out so failing in their assigned duties because right now it doesn't fit with their ideology. So not only are we having illegal immigrants to deal with breaking our current laws, but also the federal government breaking the law by not fullfilling their duties in regards to deportation.

Right now immigration is a big mess and it is the fault of our elected representatives all the way around no matter what party affiliation.

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Yes, and if you note I was against him going in there in the first place, but it doesn't mean handing out money because we've done it in the past makes it right this time. Both parties, democrats and republicans, agreed to give out that money or else it wouldn't have been given. As we've discovered from experience giving out a blank check ends up money not being accounted for where it goes. This time around one party doesn't want to give out a blank check without knowing how it is going to be spent. Next time there might be something coming up where the democrats want to make sure how the money is spent. In my opinion no money should be simply handed over for any reason but rather an accounting being given so we all know where the money goes. Where did the figure 3.7 billion come from. I mean the bean counters had to have some idea of what is going to go where and how much is going to be spent in one area or the other. So why not simply state, we need "X" amount for judges, we need "X" amount for housing, and we need "X" amount to secure the border. I think we can all read between the lines of what's what here.

Again, this is a different administration so they need to stop continually going to the previous administrations. By this time of their Presidency most in the past have made it their own for good or for worse and not do the blame game for their predecessor. He expounded transparancy, so I'd say this is a good opportunity for him to be transparent with exactly how he wants to spend the money.

I think the way our politicians, both the democrats and the republicans, have been spending our money we should be asking this of them for everything. Let there be an account of how they plan on it being spent. No more general funds, spell it out and draw up the contract so there is no misunderstanding of how the "American" people's money is being spent.

If we continually go back and say well we did this with Bush, or we did this with Clinton, then it will always be status quou, business as usuall. Bush needs to own up to his administration and what they did, and Obama needs to do the same. This is Obama's watch so he needs to take the responsibility for it, and Bush needs to take the responsibility for everything that transpired on his watch.

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Of course, the problem is that they (the Congress and whatever Administration is in power) won't.


That begs the question, Why won't they?


The answer is rather simple: The American People, as a whole, Do Not Care! As long as this political apathy holds, nothing will change and it certainly will not get better.

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I'm not so sure that the American People, as a whole, do not care, I simply think the issue is that the American People view it differently on how to solve the problem. That doesn't indicate a lack of caring, it simply shows how we are all divided on the issue. It's why the problem in Congress is having difficulty getting any traction one way or the other. Both parties are unwilling to find a compromise having dug in their heels because it has become so contentious between the two parties. This is a very difficult issue for both sides to give on, and this would be a great opportunity for Obama to try to mend some fences. No one is going to get everything they want on this issue, but there has to be some common ground which can be gained for both sides. There has to be a way where both sides can sit down and compromise on certain aspects of what they want to see happen. The republicans at this point don't trust Obama, but he needs to put a good faith effort behind trying to mediate the two differing parties. Everyone knows Obama's view and what he wants to happen, but he needs to set that aside and come to terms with allowing the democrats and the republicans to come up with some sort of compromise and accept whatever those two parties decide on and leave it at that instead of pressing for his own agenda. If he leaves aside his own agenda and help Congress come to the table by remaining unbiased himself, then perhaps something can still come of this. Many Presidents in the past have had to do just that, allow the two sides to compromise and then accept the decision. He is not going to get his way on this issue unless he bullies his way and goes it alone. That's not leadership, that's the easy out, but actually setting aside his agenda and try mediating a way for the two parties to sit down and hash something out is the most difficult road for him to take yet actually perhaps the best thing he could do for the best interest of the American People. It most definately is going to take time to get something done, but that is the system we have. Currently there are laws in place and he needs to direct the federal government to actually follow the law until such time things are changed by congress. If he reaches out to the American people to put pressure on Congress to sit down and hammer out a compromise I'm sure the American People for the most part would support him on this. For the most part the American People wants Congress to sit down together and work something out. Now believe me after it gets done there are going to be plenty of people on both sides screaming and hollering spitting mad at one thing or the other, but in the end and in the long run it will be something the American People can live with as Congress tweeks things here and there along the way. This is one issue that is going to be contentious no matter what is agreed on, but compromising is much better than the alternatives.

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  • 2 months later...

I am sure most have noticed that this issue has not been as vocal as it was a few months ago. It almost seems as though this issue is a one side or the other proposition. There are children coming into this country because they are fleeing something worst, rape, being forced into gangs, or being killed for any number of reasons. Under those conditions should the US not open its arms and take them in? Is it morally right to send children back into an environment that may well see them dead soon after their return? If, in those cases, we agree something needs to be done, then does it not stand to reason to allocate money for that purpose, rather than gut the budget of Border and Customs Enforcement? Just a few things to help further this discussion.  

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Is it morally right to send children back into an environment that may well see them dead soon after their return? If, in those cases, we agree something needs to be done, then does it not stand to reason to allocate money for that purpose, rather than gut the budget of Border and Customs Enforcement? Just a few things to help further this discussion.  


Saying 'it's for the children!!!!' has been a vastly overused political tactic for years (mostly because it works). It doesn't address the fundamental issues that actually need to be discussed here.


It's sad that these kids are trying to escape horrible, unacceptable things.  But the single strongest argument -- the only argument -- for controlling immigration rates comes into play even with children.  Our culture can only take in and integrate so many people so fast.  You try to integrate too many, too quickly, and their culture is going to start leaking through.  And not the charming, interesting bits that most people think of when they think 'culture'.  Those can be integrated, incorporated, and accepted.  The issue is the bad bits that come along with it, like a complete disregard for law and order, for 'the rules'.

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My whole issue with many things is fairness.  It is not fair for those who break immigration laws to be given so much.  Unfortunately, I live in a huge blue state.  I have seen this Democrat controlled government, bend over backwards to help illegal immigrants with everything.  They have helped make it attractive to come here, because no one wants to follow the  Federal Immigration laws.  It seems to me that their reasoning is that if they give them everything, then when amnesty comes, and the Dems in this state push for it constantly, the formerly illegals will vote for them and keep them in power.


If a Republican says that the borders must be enforced before they will work on enacting immigration reform, then they are obviously racist against brown people.  This is patently ridiculous, but it is used all the time to paint Republicans that way.  The laws on the books must be enforced before there is any reform that gives them any chance to live here legally.  It is not fair to those who followed the laws, from whatever country they came from, while those who have come here illegally are given things they have not earned.


Yes all those kids being pushed into this country I feel for them.  It is very unfortunate what has been going on with some of those kids, being practically thrown over the fence to be here.  I know their country sucks, because of the narcotrafficantis and the corrupt government, but it is not our responsibility to take care of them.  All those illegals (20,000,000+) that are in the country need to go back there and fix their own bloody country, not come here and make us be a Mexican, or Honduran or Guatemalan, etc. country.  This whole Reconquista thing about retaking the border states is BS.


In the past when people came here, they assimilated.  They knew they needed to learn the langauge to succeed in this country.  We should not make it so easy to live here illegally.  Being told by the Federal and State Government not to enforce the Immigration Laws is completly wrong and the Administration should not be doing it. 


Those politicos, 90+% of the time are Democrats, keep saying that "We can't deport all of these people.", are wrong.  I don't think it is wrong to tell them to get in their cars and drive south.  If they don't have a car we'll help them go south. 


This days when a high school kid could get a summer or part time job, like in a grocery or fast food place are gone, at least here in California.  Now, people are working in fast food placesas a career.  That is not what those jobs are designed for.  They are the first job you do when your young.  Now we hearing how they need to have a minimum pay of $15/ hour.  These people need to realize that working at McDonalds is not a career job it is a job you do while your young or going to school, until you start working in your chosen career.  When that time comes you move on and let another young person step in and do the job.  And I don't care if you are black, white, red, green, whatever.  Those jobs should be for American Citizens, not those who have stolen or purchased from someone who has stolen it, someone's SSN number so that they can work. 


Part of that should be huge penalties for employers who knowingly hire illegals aliens.  All of this is already in the Federal immigration laws, the State and Federal Administrations merely need to enforce them. 


Yes, Ken's point of "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."  Is well taken,   We are a nation of immigrants and always will be.  The first immigrants in my family came here by way of the Bering Strait and last immigrants to this country were in the 1840s.  But these immigrants need to come here prepared to  be part of the country, not trying to set up their own version of their country, inside our country and forcing us to make allowances for them, totally ignoring what our laws say.  An example are militant muslims saying that we must embrace Sharia law.  Which of course includes honor killings.  They say that is their religious right.  No that isn't, that is murder in this country.  My answer to them is, NOT JUST NO, BUT HELL NO!.  If they want Sharia Law, go where it is practiced.


We had eradicated certain diseases in this country, but because of illegal immigration.  Because they come into this country with no health check, they have reintroduced diseases such as whooping cough, measles, TB, small pox, and even polio.  There is of course a contributing factor with idiot celebrities like Jenny McCarthy saying immunization causes autism, which has been proven by scientists to be false.  So without the illegal, non medically screened immigrants entering this country, bringing in their diseases, those children who have idiot parents, who think that because you are a celebrity, you know things, have now put their children at risk for catching these diseases.  Again it isn't fair to us, that we have to subject our citizens to previously eradictated diseases.


It is not fair for us to be forced to just roll over and make it easy on them.  I will repeat what others have said, because I believe it.  If you come here legally, I will stand by your side and fight for your right to live here and take part of what it is to be a United States Citizen, but if you don't want to follow all of our laws, not just the ones that suit you, then go home.  We don't need you, as all you are is a drain on us, with no benefits.

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It is not fair to those who followed the laws, from whatever country they came from, while those who have come here illegally are given things they have not earned.

It's also insanely stupid that those who are here, have a good job, and are overall a plus to our economy and society are unable to legalize themselves.  Yes, they entered illegally and shouldn't be given preferential treatment, but requiring them to accept deportation to begin the legalization process is just plain stupid.  I'm talking specifically about some illegals currently employed by the same construction / plumbing company my uncle works for.  Good people, who deserve to be naturalized, but can't be.  Give them a 'slow track' legalization process that takes twice as long, but give them something.

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I have carefully reviewed ALL the comments, including my own on this subject and it seems to me that it all boils down to finger pointing - who is responsible, who is to blame for the illegal  migrant problem, including the children. Those who are responsible ultimately is us, Americans.



First of all, we, as a people, have an insatiable appetite for narcotics. The causes an incredible flow of wealth from our country to other countries, in this case, mostly to Mexico. That wealth exceeds the budgets of all but a few nations on the planet. Until we can stop that flow of money, we will not be able to control our borders in any logical manner.


The children are part of the warfare between our government and those who produce and supply these drugs, as are the adult illegal immigrants. They form a defensive screen behind which the criminal moguls hide their activities.  These criminals have their hands in all our pockets, whether we are drug users or not. Until we can break their hold on our own borders, the immigration problem will only get larger and more violent. Do not think for a moment that they would hesitate to cross our borders with "guns blazing" to protect their interests.


Those of us who live in the Border States, have a pretty good idea of what our future holds and, to quote that "old sailor man", it ain't purty!


Charles Bird

Sea Bird 

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