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Reactions heat up after Michael Sam kisses boyfriend on TV

Zach Caldwell

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If Michael Sam kissed is girlfriend it would not be an issue, so why is he kissing is boyfriend an issue?
Like i said on some outer post, to me almost all the homophobes are people whit some kind of self issues regarding there sexuality.
Preconceives drill in to us from years and years of religious dogmas, from people whit desires of control on what we think and do, and whit some lack of self confidence and sexual frustrations.
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I only think its an issue because of the historic outlook. I mean this is the First openly gay NFL player. I think the media is going to make a big deal about his life through out his career. I can only hope him and his boyfriend can survive the the loss of their privacy.

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Rilbur, it seems to me that for most it is no big deal. No more or less than a newly drafted player kissing his girlfriend or wife. The problem and uproar, is coming from the usual sources, who think being gay is a sin, perverse, a mental disease, against god, unnatural and so forth.


The claim is that it is being shoved down their throats. The irony is that, if that is their argument, then heterosexuals are constantly shoving their sexuality down everyone throat all the time. Music, TV, Movies, magazines, commercials etc etc.


Those who suffer the icky factor, seem to only be focused on the sex and cannot seem to think outside of that context. Love is love. If people could just get that point, none of this would be an issue.

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