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Zach Caldwell

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  • 1 year later...

Hello Multimapper,

.    Wow ! What a Kick-Ass Story , I've been reading all 41 chapters over the last 3 days - I see a great TV miniseries here. I so look forward to the next book,

.       Cheers,

.                Johnny C 

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I'm glad you enjoyed it.

When I was asked about writing a story within the Revolutions Universe, I wanted to approach it from a different point of view. Rather than have a story that played out on the battlefield, I thought it would be interesting to see how a group of good and talented people would react to the horrors of war.

I'll admit that the story ended up taking off in directions that I hadn't originally intended, but I'm nonetheless happy with the result.


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  • 1 month later...

Hey Multimapper,

I just began reading the Clan Short Universe from cornercafe.
There i stumbled across some odds.

Theres a story about Kenny who meets Kevin after his dad died. And Kevin lives in a drug scene in Chicago, where also Jack lives.
After some reading it suddenly hit me I know who they both are, Kev and Ken from your KettleFalls story, who flee from the chicago mission and meet Bug and become his boyfriends.
There they lived all the time in the bad neighborhood and mission in Chicago and got to meet Allan, their pop, not earlier than being in Kettle Falls.

But in CornerCafe they meet Allan quite after Kennys arrival in Chicago where they are rescued from by the Clan Short. And are moved back to Orlando, Florida.

Is this an unvoluntary inconsistency between these stories? Or is it simply a different development from the Clan Short and to be seen independent?
Of course i did not finish the story yet, so I dont know any further development if they somehow are divided again to be reunited later.

Darian Fey

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Good question!

The Revolutions Universe is an alternate timeline (at least in regard to my characters). The RU characters that you meet are eight years older than the CSU versions when you first met them and the events of their lives occurred without any Clan Short intervention, since the Revolutions Universe didn't have a version of 'the Clan'.

Ken and Kev met the same way in both stories, but in the CSU they were rescued by the Clan, in the RU story they weren't. Their lives turned out differently because of it.

While there are one or two instances where I took some liberties to make things work (ie, Zane vs Xain), for the most part, this is the basis of all the characters that were brought over. They are the native RU versions of the same people.


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  • 1 year later...

Thank you for the latest chapter in Metamorphosis Book 2 ! It was a good read after my own turkey dinner tonight.    I was so happy for JD to see his Mom’s old ex & Cooking Mentor too , 

        Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

                              Johnny C                               

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