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The Castle Site Statistics

ken barber

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Hey everyone those of you that like to see statistics (and I know there are a few crazy people other than me that love statistics) here is a sample of the data The Castle Admins use to track site activity and to make decisions.

Unique Visits: The site tracks IP address and ignores repeat IP’s for this stat.

Jan 2018 8,720
Feb 2018 7,611
Mar 2018 8,031
Apr 2018 8,137

January is typically a very high traffic month and is a gauge of how the rest of the year is going to go. February is typically a very low month this is attributed predominantly to it being a short month with less updates.

Total number of visits: This is the number of times the site was opened regardless of repeat visits.

Jan 2018 37,740
Feb 2018 32,364
Mar 2018 34,118
Apr 2018 32,836

The single busiest day of the  each month

Monday Jan 22,  2018 Visits: 1,435

Stories  updated:
AB “The Chronicles of Valana Book 3: Open Doom”
Andrew Foote “Thilo”
Arthur “Drummer Boy 3 - Mir Pacifica”
Bill W “A Tragic Love”
David Lee “Tommy and Tanner”
Gary Conder “At the Turning”
MultiMapper “Shadeside”
William King “Neon”

Monday Feb 05,  2018 Visits: 1,342

Stories Updated:
AB “The Chronicles of Valana Book 3: Open Doom”
Andrew Foote “Thilo”
Arthur “Drummer Boy 3 - Mir Pacifica”
Bill W “A Tragic Love”
Cynus “Shadow Honor”
Gary Conder “At the Turning”
William King “Neon”

Monday  Mar 05, 2018 Visits: 1,331

Stories Updated:
AB “The Chronicles of Valana Book 3: Open Doom”
Adam “The Cornfield Conspiracy”
Arthur “Drummer Boy 3: Mir Pacifica”
Bill W “Butterflies Fly Free”
Cynus “Shadow Honor”
David Lee “Metamorphosis”
Driver Tales “From the Quarry”
Gary Conder “At the Turning”
William King “Neon”

Monday Apr 16, 2018 Visits:1,385

Stories Updated:
Andrew Foote “Another Life”
Adam “The Cornfield Conspiracy”
Arthur “Drummer Boy 3: Mir Pacifica”
Bill W “Butterflies Fly Free”
Cynus “Shadow Honor”
David Lee “Metamorphosis”
Driver “Tales From the Quarry”
Gary Conder “At the Turning”

As you can see the biggest thing in common is the the site is most visited on Mondays.

Here is a fun stat

Visits by Nation April 2018

Top 5
United States 109,823
Germany 48,168
Great Britain 18,395
Canada 14,712
Australia 11,297

Bottom 5
Estonia 1
Pakistan 1

Curacao 1
Panama 1
Peru 1

As you can see the site is very active and still growing and has world wide readership. 
If there is a specific stat you would like to see let me know and I will see if its available.

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I suppose I am surprised that Germany has 33.00 per cent as many visitors to the site as does the US, making it proportionately to its population, a bigger patron to Castle Roland than Canada and the United States combined. I know many remote servers use German links as diversion ISPs, but this can hardly account for this huge number of German visits. Do you have an explanation? Why not France or Mexico or larger places like India?



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I unfortunately do not have an explanation for visits from Germany. Currently I am not aware of any of our Authors being from Germany but I could be wrong there. As the admin team is all U.S based we do have a tendency to focus our attention on the US. That’s why I love that particular statistic.  It is fascinating to me to see how world wide we have become. 


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Do any of you understand what a VPN is? Google it, if you do not know what that service does. Too lengthy to explain here. Just understand that by using a VPN, your actual IP address can not be tracked further than the VPN server.

Germany has the most VPN servers outside of the USA. Many people who use a VPN service often choose Germany as the hosting VPN because it IP addresses have the least restrictions worldwide.

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