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Castle Herald

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The boys had their birthday dinner. Quit an occasion it was old elegance. Now the boys had their meeting at 10 Downing Street with the PM. As they trurn over the information will it be over? We will just have to come back and see.

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A very interesting chapter. The boys are now back in the UK just days from opening school. The information on Thilo laptop has helped a lot. There are still a problem with a few that is out of their hands. Will they be able to fix this or are they anything to worry about? We will see next time we return.

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I can not see what Stephen had done so wrong. It must be a British thing. In America it would have been much worse. When the Home office receives the report what will their reaction be? I am sure it will be favorable. The military is a different life where violence is the currency. I look so forward to the next installment of this ongoing story.

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