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Castle Roland's 4th Annual Halloween Story Contest

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Castle Roland is excited to announce our 4th Annual
Halloween Short Story Contest

"Something Wicked This Way Comes"

Contest Rules

  • Submissions Deadline: 10/23/17 11:59 pm Central Time.
  • Stories should be edited and polished. Regardless, they will be posted exactly as you send them.
  • Stories must contain a Halloween theme that broadly relates to the above announced theme.
  • There are no word limits. Write as little or as much as you want.
  • Author's names (how you want your name to appear) and story titles must be on the story. They will be removed when posted here, to ensure blind judging.
  • Submission must be emailed to castlerolandpr@gmail.com. Please include the following subject line: 2017 Halloween Contest
  • Submission sent to any other email address will be disqualified.
  • Submissions are open to anyone who is a member of our forum. The general public will not be able to read or vote on the entries.
  • This also means that voting will be closed to the public and only forum members may vote.
  • All submitted stories can be read and voted by members of the forum on from 10/24/16 and will conclude on 10/30/16.

Members will be asked to judge the stories based on the following questions:

  1. Theme: Does the story embrace the selected Halloween theme?
  2. Content: Was the story gripping and enjoyable?
  3. Character Development: Were you able to connect with the main characters?
  4. Plot: Did the author develop a strong plot?
  5. How likely would you recommend this story to others?

Each question may be answered on a scale from 0 to 5, with 0 (zero) being the lowest and 5 being the highest score for that question. At the end of the voting period, scores will be totaled and then averaged by the numbers of voters for each story. The top 3 stories will be hosted on our Story Site with a special October 31st update.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had one concept, but what I stared writing went in a different direction.  I may have to start something new.  I definitely don't want to put my guys from last year up again.  Too predictable, and besides, that idea has more Christmas leanings. 

A month to go... I'll take another stab at it, but I don't know if there's enough time.

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