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Part of the Revolutions Universe

Chapter 1

Edited by Zach Caldwell
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wow. what was that?
a story with no end at "the end".
is there a 2nd book of paradise in planning? do we ever get to know who are the captors? and why all these young people were captured and also partly tortured?
do we get to know if they manage to break free? where they land at? and also when?
do we get to know who rescued them and how? is the UNIT the rescuers?

so many questions left at the end of this story. and so few answers.
i never read such a story yet with such an open end.

please please go on telling us, multimapper!

thx for your wonderful writings.

Yours Darian Fey

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I had written 'Paradise' intending for another author with a group of established characters to go on an adventure to perform a rescue. (I didn't have any particular author in mind, I left everything open for whomever decided to take up the challenge)

So far, that hasn't happened.

I have something cooking on the back burner. Whether it ever sees the light of day remains to be seen. Just know that the story hasn't been abandoned, they're just sitting there and waiting for their metaphorical white knight to come charging in at the last possible moment and save them all.

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