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Star Wars The Force Awakens

Zach Caldwell

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Star Wars The Force Awakens finally premiered yesterday to a lot of fan fare. Did you catch the red carpet event? If not, do not fear for the recap can be found at http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/herocomplex/la-et-hc-star-wars-force-awakens-premiere-live-updates-htmlstory.html

As I am sure most know, I am a star trek fan and I know the history and lore of the Federation/Trek like the back of my hand. Not so much for Star Wars. With that said, I can say that I have seen every Star Wars movie once they went to video or tv. I will certainly watch this new movie sometime in the future.

Have you seen the movie yet? What did you think? If you have not, what do you hope the movie does or does not do?

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I was 12 yrs old when the first Star Wars movie came to theatres - I believe in 1977. What you have to realize (and most people today don't) is that there was no cable TV, VCRs, DVDs, etc. So the ONLY place to see such entertainment was the theatre. Once the movie "closed" you'd never see it again, unless it was screened on TV ten years later. I think the ticket price was in the neighborhood of $1.00 for a kid, $2.00 for adults. I saw it seven times in the theatre. My friends and I went crazy for the story, the characters, everything about it. [Star Trek was old hat (TV show anyway) and the movies hadn't started yet, I don't think.] There had never been ANYTHING like the media coverage and mass appeal for a movie such that it put people in the seats again and again. Everybody was talking about Star Wars. In those days movies stayed in theatres for months. I first saw Raiders of the Lost Ark a full 14 months AFTER it debuted, and it was still at the theatre in my small town. It was a different world then.

One other thing of note. John Williams' original music and the recorded sound track became a number one selling album after the release of the movie, which was not common for symphony music. Everybody I knew had a copy of the album (before there were CDs) because it was the only way to relive the movie. We'd listen to it and challenge each other to remember what scenes were happening in the movie when the different music played. 

Those were good days.

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I was speaking of the newer Star War movies. I never watched any of the Star War movies at the theater. Did not watch them until they came to TV and later when VHS came about. Star Trek was different, every movie I always watched the premiere at the theater. The Star Wars movies never captured my interest. I am sure there are those who are like me, but on the other side, and Star Trek never captured their interest. Regardless of where anyone falls on the spectrum, I am happy that Star War fans have a new movie. Just as I will be happy with the upcoming Star Trek: Beyond. 

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An number of movie critics have spoken about the release of the latest Star Wars movie. The article can be found at http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/16/entertainment/force-awakens-critics-reviews-roundup/?iid=ob_homepage_deskrecommended_pool&iref=obnetwork

Have you seen the movie yet? If so, let's hear your review. The Force wants to know.

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My wife and I plan to see it next week for a date night. We are both Trekkies and Star Wars fans.

You are correct Jack it was 1977 when the first (now dubbed the fourth) Star Wars movie came out. I was 16. If memory serves the first Star Trek movie came out that same year; I think they were pitted against each other for Best Special Effects Oscar.

My daughter saw it on Thursday with her boyfriend. Now she is watching our dvd's to find out why people kept clapping when certain characters showed on screen. LOL

Can't wait to see it! Then the new Trek movie, too!

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Jeikor, the first Star Trek movie was released in 1979. The plan was to release around the same time but the script could not be pulled together and Paramount cancelled the project. It was the success of Star Wars that prompted Paramount to dust off the project and the movie was finally released in 1979. 

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Zach, the placement of the word messed up what I was asking.

I was trying to remember a re-release after the original release. I looked it up and found that the original Star Wars movie was released again in theaters in 1979 as well as; 78, 81, 82 and 97. I didn't remember all of those. 

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Saw the new movie last night. I won't share any spoilers. All I will say is that it was a great, great movie. Two big thumbs up! J.J. Abrams stays true to the original in nearly every way, and it is visually stunning. The characters we've loved for decades are back, and the new ones are fascinating. Plus it's a great story line, and the setup for the next movie is perfect. Don't miss this one. I saw it on an Ultra Screen (HUGE screen with amazing sound system) and can't imagine ever capturing the same sensory experience from my HDTv. Zach, you should see it in the theatre if you can.

Back to Star Wars vs Star Trek. I remember the first Star Trek movie and most people in my circle of friends thought it was cool but way too long and difficult to follow. I liked it, and I was NOT a Star Trek fan really. Sci Fi has never been my thing. For me it has to be about the characters and the relationships to capture my attention. Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan did it for me. I will never, ever forget the scene with the slugs crawling into the ears of the two crew members. I had nightmares from that. I still look away when I watch it again from time to time. In my opinion the Star Trek movies hit their mark with Number 2 and were solid winners after that. (Number 4 being my favorite). And I LOVE the newer ones with the younger generations. I'm looking forward to the next release.


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Not sure that I can handle an ultra screen. The regular size screens, I have to sit in the very back in order to see what is happening on the screen. This is a result of my vision. I only have about 4 degrees field of vision. With the exception of Star Trek movies, I do not generally to to theaters anymore.

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Okay.... Mary, Kyle Aarons, and myself just came back from seeing it. 


As with everyone else, i won't spoil it, but... just like the first set of movies, which, BTW, i wasn't even born when the first one came out... The droids were my favorite.  LOL, I was just looking up how much it would be to have a BB8 of my very own. 

Anyways, highly recommended to anyone on the fence about watching it.


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