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Approaching a dormant subject.


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Good question  Benji.  I have a story or two sitting around that I had started and because of the writing I've been doing in the RU for the last year, they've been sort of sitting on the side at the moment.


I just looked at one of them to see about getting going on it.  I pulled out the pages of notes and maps and reread the story so that I can get back into the storyline to write.  However, due to work and other things, including more RU stuff, I haven't been able to do anything more than adding to what I've already written.  Just sort of cleaning it up, getting ready to get back into writing that story.  I still know where I want to go, I just have to get going.


But that is the way I get back to something that was set aside for some reason or other.  I go back and reread what I have written, look through the notes and all that and then when I've got a good feel for it again, start working on it.

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Same thing here. I reread everything I have. Try to get back into the Characters heads and if I can I pick up where I left off. Some stories I have set aside I can't ever seem to get going again. But it doesnt hurt to try every so often. I have about 6 really good starts that I come back to and look at and try to write but most I only get a paragraph or two out at a time.

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Great tip, guys. I have decided currently I am going to write out a document with as much information about that characters personality as I can recall since I neglected to write down that information earlier.


Then I will go back and read through the other notes on where I want the story to go which sometimes seem woefully vague. And read back through what I have of the story so far.


Anyone else have any input?

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